How do we convert India?

How do we convert India and rid the entire continent from idols?

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Well, there is a "ongoing" Orthodox mission in India, but it is really hard to convert Hindus, since they are protected by the State (If I'm not mistaken, in some states of India converting Hindus is a crime, and it is heavily discussed the prohibition of Missionary Work), if you guys want to know more about missionary work in India under an orthodox perspective, check this journal:
It is a heavy read, it will take a lot time to read the journal, which has 3 parts.

Yeah, your polytheism is so good and peaceful, isn't it?

Go back to reddit, second warning.

Do I need to be a neopagan to be so dishonest? Or did I bite on some shitty bait?

Don't you just love the weekends when the kids have nothing better to do than to try and troll a Christian board?

Step 1: colonize

Don’t you mean “poo-luted”?

Didn't we already kinda do that?

I think he means with a more competent nation that actually cares about converting the nation, not just using it to make money.

pshhtspain and portugal

What is Hindu 'theology' of idols, do they just venerate them like cathodox? Which makes me think wtf is actually idolatry?

They think the statue actually hear and see.

Without leaving this time. Churchill's predictions were correct.

India is huge and full of disparate cultures. It actually already has 20 million Catholics and over 2 million (Oriental) Orthodox. This is reason to rejoice (of course, the more the merrier). It'd probably be more if the British had actually cared about spreading the faith (instead of just spreading Anglo-ism and tea plantations).

Don’t worry the Muslims are on it. U.K. created Pakistan the world’s first and only Islamic republic for that cause.

Isn't Iran an Islamic Republic?

Bwahaha. You can get rid of our idols or destroy our temples, like several Islamic invaders did. But you'll never convert us bitch.
You worry about your own Abrahamic cult first, since your coming generations are all gonna be brown pislam followers.


Weird fun fact: Nagaland, India is the most Baptist state by percentage, with 75% of the population being Baptist. By contrast, Mississippi is only 55% Baptist. Nagaland is also home to Sumi Baptist Church, the largest church in all of India

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You know that he’s not wrong…while I do not care too much about skin colour, it is indeed quite true that many Europeans are tired of how weak Christianity has turned in Western, Southern and Northern Europe l and many will convert out of fear or due to “social brownies points”. To spread the message of the Gospel is an amazing call, but least we forget how most of what we call “the West” is turning into a chess pool of all that is anathema. And blame whoever you want, be it true or a scapegoat: we gobbled down this degenerate way of living, so we cannot act like we are innocent in any way or shape, no matter who’s pulling the strings.

Great read, thanks for sharing

Muslim here. I have long yearned for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to work together to spread knowledge of the Abrahamic prophets in China and India. We have a foothold in both of these spiritually ignorant lands. Join us. Let us work together.

Hello friend. Your religion is a fake statist caste cult. Save yourself with a real Abrahamic faith. 100% of Abrahamics agree on 99% of the prophets. Your weak game of trying to play semitic religions against eachother is growing tiring. Wake up dalit of Modi.

Sorry friend, but that is not how it works. We christians do not work togheter with muslims and even less jews. For we believe the only true abrahamic faith is christianity

They will kill you if you try, and possibly even kill your new converts. Try to convert Indians in the Western world if you want, but be careful when trying to go to countries that won't protect your rights.

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Nagalanders were animists, not hindus.
Animists are usually easy-picking for monotheistic faiths, be they cathortodox, evangelical missionaries, or Islam(Buddhists are also easier to convert).
When you start competing with a religion that was actually there for a long time and has a developed canon, and/or one of the above mentioned monotheists, it gets tense, and it grows very slowly, unless a miracle happens, or you go full "Convert or die, infidel!", which isn't exactly the best strategy from a spiritual or PR point-of-view.

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Hi sisters and brothers
there's just simply too much info and i need to study something useful so i can find a job.
who cares if indians worship cows

love you sisters/brothers


if they stop living on curry alone it would make me very happy
