Should I even bother with church women anymore? It seems that the church women that arent married young would even turn down Jesus himself for a date.
Should i just convert a secular woman?
I'm not going to be unmarried at 28.
Should I even bother with church women anymore? It seems that the church women that arent married young would even turn down Jesus himself for a date.
Should i just convert a secular woman?
I'm not going to be unmarried at 28.
Shameful selfbump
Secular women aren't all bad. If anything them approaching you is a sign that they can be open to conversion.
Thanks user
Do not be unequally yoked
Remember, God puts them in your path for a reason. I believe in you.
Should I just never be yoked then? Seems worse than hell.
I kinda feel ya. I'm in a Protestant church and simultaneously in AIT in another state. Boy lemmie tell you what. These girls are sluts. Tatted up and dtf and down to vote queers onto office to prove they're a softer Christian or some dumb passing shit of the day. Sucks man. Sucks worse because the Gen x and boomer goers don't winnie the pooh see this shit. Not like they've got the constitution moral character and conviction to stand fast against it…
I'm all but convinced a good woman doesn't exist and if she does then she's certainly already married. It's frustrating that few of my friends feel my pessimism on the subject as strongly as I do.
Woah my phone winnie the poohed that up.
Not sure how to even salvage that besides saying where it reads "Winnie the Pooh" it should read as "___" instead.
For the love of all that is holy, would you please STOP basing your identity on this?
Yes women, find rich men attractive, but you should NEVER allow that to shape your own perception about yourself. Never.
Also your self-description has nothing about who YOU are, it's all about what you DO.
You see yourself as a do-er, and not as a human being, maybe that is somewhat of a problem.
It's not just about how women see you it's also about what you see yourself as.
This introduction about you was incredibly dry and unappealing, please read some books and develop your personality, for your own sake.
If you treat yourself as a tool, everyone else will do the same.
winnie the pooh no. never.
unfortunately we live in a society, so the only option is to wait for a unicorn or to just never get a wife or have sexy times. don't proliferate the degeneracy just because you're horny and lonely
You can convert a secular woman. If you can't, it's very likely that you're bad with women. Not trying to be harsh or anything, but its true.
Why would a church girl let a random man take her out if he's not been a member of his church for even a half a year? You might seem like a predator.
Maybe you're also not as charming as you think
Thank Christ for saving those women from you. Take some time and readjust your attitude.
I'm not rich. I'm just saying I'm financially capable of providing for a family. Also I'm saying I'm a normal dude. Not a 600 pound guy that never showers. Relax guys
Save up for a few years and retire early in the Philippines
why the hostility? christian girls are well known for whoring around, why defend that?
no such thing, women are not true believers. They just pretend in order to fit in with the herd.
Begone Satan! Spread your faggotry somewhere else.
God will make a way. Don't stress about your future, just focus on the Lord. If you do get a wife one day, great. if you never end up with a wife, you'll be just fine. Prepare yourself to be the bride of Christ, amd one day you might pick up a bride yourself along the way. If ive learned anything in my life, its that I only find love when I'm not looking for it. A good woman Is hard to find, worth more than diamonds. Don't be discouraged.
i wouldn't go that far, there are definitely unicorns, but the odds of finding one are dismally low
you are living in lala land if you think 99% of women aren't horrible.
I don't understand why OP bases his six experiences with "church women who aren't married young" to then conclude that millions of women who attend church are worthless creatures.
Isn't it more likely that
a) you come off as autistic and the six you met were normies and thus scared of you
b) "young" women i.e. the 18-24 age range you are exclusively asking are the most brainwashed, most neurally undeveloped, shaltered and have never thought for themselves
c) Women who've had time to live apart from liberal influences would be happy to give you a chance but anyone 25-35 is beneath your notice, despite still being young enough to give you the 1-3 children you probably want?
I want to have 5 to 10 kids
And you are being fooled by (((satan))) if you really think that. I'll pray for you, incel.
when was the last time you even went to church?
God didn't make me a "do nothing sit around wait for something to maybe happen lol" person. Not at all.
Telling men like this they should not marry is terrible advice, user, because it doesn't really address the issue they're struggling with. Sure, sure, sure, you can say that dedicating themselves to God 100% would solve the issue, and it would solve pretty much every possible issue in life. But again, you're just recommending that this guy fall into a wretching cycle of sin, repent, sin, repent because you're not really giving him useful advice for dealing with an existential desire for companionship, love, and a legacy. And because this exists as a void in his life, he's going to seek it in one way or another - and seeing as this is an imageboard, that's going to end up as a waifu obsession and then porn addiction. And faggotry.
When men like this plead for a love life, it is incredibly obvious they are not fit for a celibate life.
saved into the porn folder
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.
Learn to read man. What I said is exactly the same as saying God didn't make me a turtle.
The fact that you listed how much money you make as a reason for women to date you shows that there's probably a reaaon you get turned down so often
I'm not telling that degenerate user to not marry. He told me to marry, claiming MGTOW is jewish faggotry. My reply was for the benefit of other anons capable of rising above base desires and truly devoting themselves to the Lord.
I really wish Christians had taken over the dating help scene rather than the PUAs. But western Christians, as in many other things, have retreated from the manly discipline of female husbandry. At least the PUAs teach the tools for attracting women, which can be useful for a Christian man as long as he exercises careful discernment over what he wants to do with the skills PUAs teach. Don't use them for a quick lay, use them to better understand the psychology of women and how to become the kind of man that a woman wants to be with.
I know
This thread isn't going to attract men looking to live a celibate lifestyle.
If by "Christians" you mean churchian tradcucks, then nothing would be different. Men need to stop pedestalizing pussy and start pedestalizing Jesus.
Then why am I here? The title is literally "Giving up on Christian women"
Reading comprehension user. Read the entire sentence structure.
>giving up on Christian women
Two completely different meanings.
See, this is what I mean. The typical Christian non-answer is "lol just deal with it." How is that at all a helpful answer for the asker? "lol just trust in Jesus" is how you destroy people's faiths because you don't have a reasonable, useful (utilizable) answer for them.
just trust in Jesus, bro
And let me clarify - I'm not saying that you shouldn't trust in Jesus, because obviously, you should. I'm saying that men are by nature doers, and that men need firm advice that they can actively, physically put into practice. Let God guide them, but man must work with his hands. Let God guide the hands, lest men be idle and ineffective.
But that's exactly what Jesus told us to do.
If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Luke 12:28-31
He's asking the wrong question.
Again, stop pedestalizing pussy. Jesus isn't here to be your wingman. Life isn't about getting your dick wet. If someone's faith in the Lord is "destroyed" because they can't find a wife, then I'm not wasting my time trying to help them.
Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Luke 12:27
Have you ever picked up a Bible?
Jesus also told His apostles to carry swords and to go (actively depart) and evangelize the Word. He didn't say "lol just trust in Me and let Me do all the work."
Why are you telling people things they already know?
There's no reason to believe there are any good women.
If you are unable to "just trust in Jesus" and you only have fair-weather faith, you are not a Christian.
If you are not a Christian, you belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.
You only have faith in Jesus when things go your way, when you're blessed with a wife and children.
Read the Book of Job.
Jesus never had a girlfriend. It's unlikely he could really do much to help a m80.
This board is bad for Christians.
>This board [thread] is bad for Christians [churchian tradcucks who only care about muh dick and muh progeny].
might not be so bad if its "pray for muh dick intended for your only wifey once married"
>you're just not a real christian if you've ever had a problem
you're just not a real christian if you are offered eternal salvation but your "faith is destroyed" because tfw no gf
I'm not saying you sit on your ass, but don't be so caught up in finding a gf that it's all you care about. Instead, focus on loving God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "whether you eat or drink, whatever you do do for the glory of God". Do stuff you enjoy doing with God and His glory in mind, a gf will come if it's in His plan for you. And maybe it's not in His plan for you, some people are called to a chaste single life. But when you're doing the stuff you like doing for the glory of God, keep an eye out for the doors He will open for you. If you see Him opening a door, you still have to take initiative to walk through it.
Church women are a meme Christianity is a dead religion
no one's faith has been destroyed you mongoloid. he just wants a wife and kids and is a little frustrated and asking for advice, there is literally nothing wrong with this.
And I told you why your summary of yourself sucks.
Fix it, nibba.
Good. Quality of believers > quantity of believers.
I hope you people saying this are Catholics because you're making the argument that faith without works is not dead.
Having a gf/wife isn't "works"
Follow the teachings of Christ. Nothing else matters. Your genetic legacy doesn't matter. Tfw no gf doesn't matter.
I was in the same boat. For some reason, nothing materialized with Christian women, but plenty of opportunity elsewhere. Frankly, I didn't want to go to hell. And then life sort of just passed me by. I was angry about it occasionally, but came to peace with it. Maybe God is calling you to this, but only you can know. Just don't bet on "converting secular women". You can only tell them the truth. Not convince them.
telling people they can magically become saints with no effort is what kills faith.
You are not a Christian, you're a churchian tradcuck at best.
Christians do not strive to be saints, Christians only want to serve the Lord.
Getting a secular woman is entirely possible but the problem then becomes converting her and being sure that she will accept that lifestyle. Another problem is that secular woman would be attracted to you because of aspects outside of faith like looks/money/status and could open you up to a painful ordeal if they decide to leave you for those reasons. At the same time if you yourself was a convert from an atheistic life then you know that there is good wife material out there. After all even Paul was a murderous jew before he became pious. Not trying to be negative, just realistic. Courting secular women is an option as long as you are dedicated to living the Christian lifestyle.
Another note to people who just go "Just relax trust in the lord". Faith without action is dead. OP, never stop trying and be vigilant against bitterness in your heart, your ordeals are just shaping you into a better man.
Finally, a solid attempt at giving advice. Someone else gets it.
Not a Christian.
Sharing the teachings of Christ to save someone's soul is good.
Sharing the teachings of Christ so that you can have a gf is not good.
you are so off-base it's insane. sort your shit out
Those aren't different things. Christ himself instructs to pursue a holy life.
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
"Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able."
It may be where you are. If you're not in the Bible Belt, then that may be the case. Tennessee, Kentucky, etc. may have opportunities for you. Paul said that he would that every man should be like him, but that every man has his calling from God.
Churchian tradcuck = seeks high social status in the congregation, seeks to virtue signal via virtuous wife and well-adjusted kids.
High social status and virtue signalling are not "a holy life." You are not living for Christ, you are living for yourself. You are not a Christian.
seriously, gtfo of this board, it is not for you. you are not christian, you are a retard with a big head who got his hands on a bible. you need to be humbled
Jesus also cannot help you design a silicon wafer.
It applies to EVERYTHING, user. Faith without works is dead because works are the proof of faith. Works without faith is also worthless because it is aimless work.
Therefore, let faith guide action, not inaction. If you wish to find a (help)mate, have faith that God will help you in the matter, and also do the footwork and let God guide your feet. You cannot passively pray >tfw no gf and expect things to happen because you're not demonstrating the sincerity of your prayer through action. You also cannot seek a mate without God's guidance, because then you risk ending up unequally yoked.
Therefore, let faith guide action and trust in God while you go out and meet girls.
What are you talking about? I don't have a wife. And nothing I said has anything to do with "virtue signaling". I'm trying to help the OP focus on finding if celibacy is his calling.. and not to pursue secular women as some alternative.
None of this about me. And the call for holiness is to everyone of us.
>Everyone look at me! I'm not a degenerate! Look at my well-behaved kids! Recognize ME!
I'm not convinced there are any Christian women. Women are saved through childbirth.
This, /thread
Sounds like a works based salvation to me.
You said a Christian is the same as a churchian tradcuck. I defined churchian tradcuck for you, since you obviously didn't know what that term means.
the only irony here is you acting all high and mighty, saying that you are the only true christian, while simultaneously calling everyone else in this thread virtue-signalers
Just a Bible quote.
citation needed
mostly everyone tbh
I don't want anything to do with these labels. I just want to take Christ at his word (from the quotes I provide). It's hardly virtue signaling. It's frightening sometimes.
List it then, heretic.
you call everyone else a fake christian as if you are the arbiter of faith.
< heretic
The great irony of all Protestants. They inevitably end up as the thing they hate: A Pope unto themselves. Whether it's forming what creeds go in or out, or judging their brothers.
< foibles of variety of opinion supports homogeneity
I am very obviously not interested in being celibate. Leave the thread please.
>you call everyone else a fake christian as if you are the arbiter of faith.
I call most anons ITT fake Christians. I choose to be an arbiter of faith.
I'm not special, you could choose to be like me. Seems you'd rather use the Christian label to virtue signal, though.