This is not a shitpost, please hear me out

this is not a shitpost, please hear me out.

okay, so i can't stop masturbating. i read somewhere that aquinas or someone else once said it was less of a sin to rape a woman than to masturbate or have gay sex because in that case, you're mostly sinning against the woman that you're raping instead of God Himself. when you masturbate or have gay sex. you're completely winnie the pooh up the meaning of sex that God intended, so you're directly sinning against Him. so what i'm wondering is would it be less sinful to find an old lady who isn't gonna get pregnant who i can nut inside raw and basically use as my cumdump than it is to continue fapping? yeah, its not procreative, but its still raw sex and less perverted i would say. i feel like i'm impure already anyway too. i haven't put my dick in a pussy yet, but i've still ruined myself spiritually mentally and physically and will probably never be able to pair bond properly
already tried that it didn't work. think of this as like smoking a shitload of strong weed to try and ween yourself off heroine.

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Did you consider chopping your hands off?

ts not my hands that are the problem, its my dick and i ain't chopping that off

You stopped long enough to make this thread, so clearly you can stop. Make longer and longer posts each time until you're not fapping at all. It will become habit to not fap.

i usually make it 2 weeks. if i pass that mark, i can go a month. i made it 140 days once, so i'm thinking that i'll tell myself that i'm going to save up a huge nut to blow in some old ladies puss, but hopefully by the time i get to that point maybe i'll not have the urges anymore. the 140 day streak was before i was catholic and i only did it so the nut would be better and it was fugging amazing

Cancel your internet subscription, and smash your screens OP. you can't be subjected to the evils of pornography if you literally can't watch it. failure to do this means that you love your sin more than you love God.

drastic times call for drastic measures

Well, you now know you can go 140 days! Do it again. Try for 160. We all fail in our endeavors to avoid sin, but you can't just give up. Take 1 step toward Christ and he'll take 3 towards you.

prayer ALWAYS works to eliminate urges. You just have to remind yourself and develop an habit of praying when temptation of any sort comes at you.

I mean for one sin, Satan will turn on the oven at 999999999999999x10^99ºC, but if instead you commit the other mortal sin Satan will be nice and will only turn on the oven at 999999999999998x10^99ºC.

I wasn't aware there was a prohibition on having sex with infertile women. Care to explain?

I doubt that. Every sin is a sin against God. Raping a woman is a terrible sin, sodomy much much worse.
Considering that Sodomy is essentially masturbatory, as is non-marital sterile sex I really do not see why you play with the words to justify immoral behavior because you cannot stop stroking your dick.
I am sure God will be pleased by your looking for "less sinful" options to stir your lust.(sarcasm btw)
Figure out a way not to fap and do it that way.
Btw did you know Miles Davis succeeded in quitting heoin addiction on his own by locking himself up from the world?
Wow you definitely exhausted all options by claiming "it didnt work".

Instead of creating dumb threads go to purity threads, repent and start over. You can do this. But you have to do it the right way, not the "cumdump" way

If she isn't your wife, it is a sin.

Well, supposedly, Origen took Matthew 5:30 literally and did that.

This is a common trick of the devil; "Let me perform this lesser sin so that I may be free of this sin"
You made it 140 days before, humble yourself and admit that you are the one who failed and ask Christ for help
Well it seems to work for everyone else, stop counting the days, its not a game, you wont need to know how long you've avoided masturbation because you wont be doing it again
Also, you are supposed to take 5:30 literally. Chopping off parts of your body just isn't meant to be the first immediate solution you go for like an idiot.

No it wouldn't be less sinful, it would be more sinful. Is using a woman like that any different than using a sex toy? You're really still masturbating, except now it's also fornication.

Wrong. You can. Stop masturbating.

you're just rationalizing your sin. stop being a child and get serious.

What you heard about Aquinas is a common falsehood. He never said masturbation is worse than rape, he said that there are different categories of sin, and within a category one lesser sin may be greater than another sin. Here’s his words
Effectively, within the category of sexual sins, simple fornication without meaning to procreate is the “best” or “least sinful” type. He never outright mentions rape or homosexuality, but people extrapolate from his words to determine that basically, forced sex with a lady is better than consensual sex with a man or masturbating alone. All he says is
Right? Now here’s the problem with the mainstream interpretation
Rape is a sexual sin, that much is so. However, it’s also a violent sin and a sin against charity. It’s not just sex
Aquinas is talking of single categories of sin and how they compare to one another with that category. Basically, rape might possibly be a lesser sin within the category of sexual sins, but it is possibly one of the worst within the category of violent sins (masturbation wouldn’t even make that list). Let me put it another way using an analogy: ice cream is a great dessert but a poor dinner. Steak is a great dinner but a poor dessert. Within the category of “desserts,” ice cream is the better food, but that doesn’t mean we should constantly eat ice cream and eschew other (healthier) foods, as that would be disregarding the categories these foods fall in. In the same way, we can’t look at sin-rankings by categories and then disregard these categories altogether. You’re looking at the category “sexual sins,” but not looking at the category of “violent sins” or “sins against charity,” as those categories would contradict your views
Christianity is the truth, therefore atheists are liars. That doesn’t mean they are always in a constant state of lying about everything, but it does mean they have to lie about religion in order to appear to have the moral high-ground. This idea that Saint Thomas Aquinas (and/or the Christian faith) believes rape worse than masturbation comes from atheists seeking to discredit Christianity. Always look into what they say about religion, you’ll find the lie eventually

Get married

There’s a fourth issue I just realized
He doesn’t give a list of sins and rank them worst to best, he merely says that certain sins are worse than others, and the “least bad” sexual sin is consensual fornication. He says that sex with injury to another (rape) is bad, but doesn’t say where it lands on any scale. If the nature of sex is
Then rape is unnatural (along with sodomy and masturbation). The idea that masturbation is worse than rape isn’t even hinted at, and even if it was it still wouldn’t justify rape (as that’s not merely a sexual sin)

That's the same advice I got from /islam/! Neat!

That's good to hear, they're right

Broken clock, twice a day, etc.

so consensual, vaginal sex with no birth control is less sinful than masturbation? then you just do it with an old lady so you don't wind up with a kid. so if i'm horny and gonna masturbate, i could instead go find an old lady and nut in her and it would be a little bit less bad

Choose one.

This is where we get into “the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life”
Yes! Masturbation is a worse sin than fornication! But you know what’s a graver sin than both? Pharisaically toying With Gods law in order to determine the minimum “sin input” you can do in order to skirt around some of the laws you find too tiresome. I believe if you showed this thread to Mr. Aquinas, he would have never written that passage and instead replaced it with “FLEE! FLEE FROM ALL SEXUAL IMMORALITY IN ALL WAYS AT ALL COSTS!”
Sorry mate, but philosophy can sometimes be the worst evil of all. You understand that consensual sex is not as sinful as masturbation, your duty is to do neither.

Unrelated to Aquinas or philosophy though, your plan to find an old woman and repeatedly have sex with her has to be the most soul-damaging thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

Thats because it is Molochian in nature. Taking what is good and innocent and perverting it for your own pleasure. It is demonic obsession that OP faces.

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you make it sound like i want to rape an old lady.

I have never heard something so foul in my entire life.

May God have mercy on your soul.

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really? the concept of a milf fuk buddy is the worst thing you've EVER heard of? really?

The fact that you feel so spiritually and physically ruined by fapping (lmao) that you want to go fully down the rabbit hole of perversity until you literally are reenacting GMILF porn is one of the most Kafkaesque defilements of the human experience I have heard of.

Sex isn't that good you little zoomer faggot. Fapping isn't that good. You are weak, and you disgust me.

Repent, zoomer.

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Thats because you are, in a spiritual sense. Repent, sinner. Know that you are trying to jew your way into keeping your lustful sins. It will only end badly for you.

Repent or else the demons that torment you will only entrench themselves deeper into your soul.

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This isn't being posted in good faith as evidenced by your callous vulgarity. I hope you do have a conversion, user, hell is hot and you'll be tortured for eternity.

Don't be so legalistic, this is Pharisaical reasoning. All sins are sins against God in the first place. And having sex with a woman before marriage even if it's rape is just as much a sin against God as masturbation is.

It didn't work because you quit, it will work eventually.

Remember that when you justify your fall then you justify Satan.

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Its not your wife so it's a sin.
Flee from fornication as St. Paul warn us.

The gay sex part is correct but you're hallucinating the masturbation part.

Yeah don’t rape anyone- it’s a horrible sin and you’d be a horrible example of a Christian. I personally would rather you fap than rape someone

Fast. Cut one or two meals out of the day. That's how I stopped.

I'm on a month long streak and the urges are more powerful than ever.

Of nofap that is.

Stop using the internet so much.

this is definitely a shitpost