It seems like Zig Forums is the last refuge there is What other boards/websites do you visit? I go to 8/pol/ but the place is….what it is. Last time I was on 4chan I got dragged into seeing sexually explicit images, borderline pornography. I like /pdfs/ to get books but other than that this is like the only place I visit regularly…
Oh, sure. Literally millions of places to go. The internet is nearly infinite. A google search for "christian message board" gives 208,000,000 results. Most people find one or two they like and stick with it until they get banned or bored.
Wyatt Kelly
I like /fit/ /diy/ and /out/ on cuckchan. Zig Forums is better for entertainment but all the boards are so slow
Justin Wood
Remember that piracy is a sin, anons.
Charles Price
You say I should get in trouble for buying politically incorrect books? What about the books that are difficult to get?
Xavier Barnes
Just don’t read books if you don’t own them. It’s not like you have an inalienable right to read whatever you want.
Isaac Rivera
Dominic Hernandez
70 years after death of author the book is accesible to public free As for others I will not order the edgy books to end up having problems for reading stuff that the system does not want us to read. One day I intend to complete my library with most of those books I have read. When the situation is that you can actually order them on your name and nobody will mind.
Brandon Lewis
I'm not sure this is a refuge either. I've been banned on multiple IPs for calling out Zionism. I've been banned from mainstream Christian websites for saying the same thing. And I'm not even from Zig Forums or anything like that (I'm mixed race actually, so Zig Forums would probably execute me).
James Lopez
If you meet a 1488 irl, you'd be suprised how desperate they are to have literally anyone agree with them.
Noah Stewart
I see the lessons from the Protestant Reformation still haven't quite sunk in yet. Maybe in another 500 years.
Nathaniel Thomas
Are you the annoying catholic with "MODS APOLOGIZE"? In that case, you were banned for constantly being a disruptive ass.
Parker Ward
prove it
Jackson Long
My super duper sekrit club under ten layers of deepwebs, no normalgays allowed!
Oliver Ward
Have you actually met quite a few 1488 Zig Forumsacks irl? I have not so I would not pass such a judgement. I do not intend to be mean but the same could be said about any board whatsoever.
Charles Rivera
4chan Zig Forums is a nice place sometimes
Joshua Harris
I have, depends on the person of course, it’s better if you meet guys who have other likeminded friends, they are usually good guys. I used to be more 1488, now I’m just 14, my old friends who are still Pagang or 100% NS are increasingly in the minority as more guys are getting breadpilled. I left the larger Alt-Right group I was in because I didn’t see the point anymore and don’t want to get vanned. I still talk to the more normal guys though. I’ve met a bunch of retards for sure though. There’s very little in between in Alt Right circles, guys are either retards or people you’d invite to your house. I wouldn’t suggest seeking that stuff out in 2019, just join a gun club or something.
Of course. If you hang around retards who call themselves alt right after the whole sodomite thing, no wonder you will end up meeting idiots. I know few people who seem to be close to 1488 style irl and they're fine people. I do not know if they browse Zig Forums and honestly I do not care at all. The label 1488 to describe a person is stupid and I would never use it to describe myself. Not even 14 and I do agree with 14 words. I am european nationalist, that's all to it. Pagang…bunch of larpers 100% NS makes no sense either since ns was far from perfect.
Leo Sanders
Inb4 “HuRr It’S jUsT cOpYiNg” I hate liberals so much.
People has really imagined a lot of far-fetched thing about this place. Asshole of the internet, internet hate-machine, hate-group and hive for future terrorists, etc. Hysteria-fuelled media at its work.
This place, and 4chan back when it still what it was; was just a place for people to discuss any and all topics like any other places, but people do it anonymously, lots of people were just shooting shit and mess around without a care for the world and nothing is to be taken too seriously. No more and no less.
This is why I like this place and oldchan back then, I feel like there are no places like this, not any more in this day and age.
Ethan Reyes
I merely enjoy this place while it lasts. But really, the Internet does bring any lasting joy and it's unhealthy to use as a medium by which to facilitate your social ties.
So its not stealing if I would never pay for it to begin with.
Jordan Bell
Thieves in general wouldn’t pay for anything to begin with.
James James
How do you read censored books?
Also…not all books are "theft" there are books that are already public domain…70 years after death of author. The author is dead and there is no "income" to be gained. According to law the book is free if you do not buy the printed version of course.
How do you suggest I get censored books and books that would get me into trouble if amazon/whatever jewed website knew I order on my credit card number? Or I should just order them all and ruin my life for good?
Aiden King
Do you live in Russia or China or something?
David Miller
Is adblocking theft too? If not, why?
Xavier Rivera
Doesn't affect the point.
Ayden Cooper
Discussions about sin always devolve into worst kinds of autism There's always that one scrupulous person that will be claiming breathing is a sin by the end of the thread
Nathaniel Gray
Russia and China are not the only countries that censor what people read. The whole west does that. If you suggested Germany or UK I would understand more than "Russia" And no. But reading the stuff I do is highly undesirable here. Obviously I do not want to broadcast it into world until such books become a norm.
We have no free speech and freedom of thought. You don't need to go to China for that.
Brody Hughes
this works if the author is alive. people who are long dead will not get money for their work. By getting the copy you do not steal their work because it is already public domain. You could be honest to address this.
Blake Bell
No censorship at >>>/christianity/
Thomas Parker
Isaiah Phillips
Well if they're dead, it's usually public domain anyway.
Mason Turner
David Lee
Post a thread about a saint and they will lock it up.
Christian Flores
Why do you lie? Are you just searching for something to find wrong?
Yeah it really isn't Those threads are spam, and they're specifically permitted if kept to single threads. What happens on this board? You're permabanned and the posts are deleted for expressing the wrong form of catholicism, let alone a Protestant thought.
Robert Peterson
>>>/monarchy/ Is alright, they are apolitical and meme unity and traditionalism
Benjamin Sanders
Frankly, if God is too much of a coward to step up and take responsibility for his actions and his followers are more than happy to enable his reckless behaviour under the common argument "muh free will exonerates God", why should I, or anyone, even bother following the impotent retard?
I see now why the kikes laugh at Christianity. It's a joke religion predicated entirely behind 'Heaven on a Stick,' don't mess up or you're going to suffer for eternity! This farce is unnecessary.
I spit on god.
Really just think about it. If your son murdered his brother then of course he should be punished. But wouldn't you contemplate your failures as a father?