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The OP who makes terrible threads

Yup that's me

Is that me? I just like icons. Nothing wrong with accompanying your words with some holiness.

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Lmao, good timing

Oy vey, that's me! Slight correction though: I'm not a Catholic (yet). I used to be a shitposting Baptist only a few months ago, but the Cats on here converted me.

I'm not sure how to even respond to this image, how can you follow what God whats you to do without hearing what he said?
I hope one of the KJV cults that say the Bible is God haven't spawned more heretics


No censorship at >>>/christianity/

t. Pastor Jim

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The op who spams his thread

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Yeah screw that guy

That guy is the best

S'wounds you got me by St George

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Maybe I'm only one of 2


You think that's one guy? Spotted the newfag jk fren

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That guy is a next-level shitposter

U must be a Mod

Which one? There have been 3 major exoduses. The GG exodus from 4chan was the last one.



The exodus from egypt

Sure Pastor Jim

Now THIS is ascended.

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>the if God, why bad thing happun redditor that funposts here, vainly trying to convince us God doesn't exist.

I thought that was just a part of being protestant. Learning numbers and words without exploring the meaning behind them.
… joking. But it do be like that sometimes.
I wonder how habitually others, of any denom pray for legit discernment.

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I think he was being quite serious, the problem is that he just quotes it incredibly out-of-context because his sense of the scripture is a either complete literal or completely subjective

pure proof text, i've actually been at a baptist bible education before, it's their M.O.



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"I wonder how habitually others pray (for discernment)"

Baptists seminaries, like all seminaries, teach hermeneutics my guy. We do not teach proof texting.


There’s this guy I notice who posts every time when people complain about the mods

The Orthodox guy from France who posts a lot of quotes with sources and word files

seems like a win-win to me, people who don't like it don't have to stay

get behind me, satan



No, thats me, I think.

True that. Takes balls of steel to post here as an Anglican tbh. Solid dude.

I halfway suspect that guy is a bot or something.

That's me. Most likely.


That's me lel

except this aint no roleplay son.

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Blown to and fro with every wind of doctrine


Yeah that's not a single person that's an archetype.


the flustered larper who refuses to face reality

Being Delta Israel doesn't make you the centre of the world.

The larp accusation is in reference to papists and easterners who are in it for the reactionary traditionalism, even when the stats evidence their denominations are full of backsliders. Not connecting anything to American exceptionalism (which is correct by the way)

The OP that keeps posting sensational, ckickbait, and often fake news articles. He always uses the same format so I know it's him. Annoys the winnie out of me.
Otherwise, I rather like this board. I just wish it would move faster. No reason for 20 pages of threads when each thread is alive for months.
Also, the mods should allow shitposting in non-serious threads.

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Burger exceptionalism, haha

What reality? That protestantism isn't weak and cucked?

>I get my panties in a twist over traditionalism I'm gay
>It's in bad shape so you should just give up on Christ's Church I'm gay

How about stop posting forever faglord, burgerland won't last 30 more years.

Burger exceptionalism is best exceptionalism

t. Burger American
fugg :DDD

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>The unrepentant metalhead in denial ("guys, how is Piss on Christ an evil band?")
I think some of these are common archetypes rather than singular posters.

I physically uncontrollably laughed at that. Everytime I see a thread about catholicism or protesantism I always except that guy to be first.


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Never mind lol the dick eating mods perma'd me
Get raped by a tigger tutor

no censorship at >>>/christianity/

At least you aren't gay.

Pretty similar to me lol
Let me give you some advice: try to pray the rosary several times of day, so you can avoid being tempted


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Yes, it's almost as if they think the problem of evil has never been touched by any ancient philosophers or theologians until their enlightened minds brought it up.

huhuh stewpiddd christkuks,,, god does bad thinks how u gonna handle tha?




Anime is for queers

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Why aren't you watching it then?

Did your mother drop you as a baby? What a cranky faggot.

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Ladies, ladies you are both beautiful, okay? Let's all calm down and forgive each other like Jesus commands us to.


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Robert, is that you?

That one friend who attaches every post with a blade runner 2049 picture

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The guy who thinks anyone who disagrees with Catholicism is Seventh Day-Adventist or influenced by them. lol


I personally use pastor Leroy instead of pastor Jim.

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The absolute state of Protestantism.


Ante-nicene (i.e.THE First Christians) church fathers record it.
They also record that Peter was never pope lol.

Where and who? Any firsthand?

Second hand, several decades after the fact. Eusebius comes to mind, though he writes around 300 Ad. He is taking his info from much earlier writers that have been lost to time.
There are earlier accounts you can find but they slip my mind.
Summary: Peter and Paul both were in Rome around 65 Ad, ministering to the church there, and were executed by Nero. Neither of them were bishop, but Linus was the first bishop.
First advocate for Peter being bishop of Rome was Damasus in the mid 300s AD, who was, coincidentally, bishop of Rome.

There are also ante-nicene figures such as Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, who vehemently opposed Roman primacy during the time people started using the church at Rome as an intermediary to settle inter-church disputes.