What do you think these women are thinking when they do this?
What is the psychology behind doing this?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're not thinking, just reflexively carrying out their programming from ZOG. Dressing up satanic evil and hatred for life with cutesy hearts and shit is a short description of the modern world.
Jokes aside, they're being brainwashed by the media.
Did you just make this thread so you could do a pic dump?
No. I am interested in why multiple women would do this. Why they all have the smirk on their face.
I blame the jews
It's called "posing". It's what people do for cameras. As for why they would do it, you'd probably have to ask them.
To hide the shame
Jews, media, same heathens different name.
Women are more susceptible to (((demonic influence))) than men. Hence why God gave men the responsibility to watch over them and care for them. When society embraced (((feminism))) it inverted the natural order God intended for Humanity. Coupled with the (((tolerance))) of sodomites and their deathstyle it should be of no real surprise that women decided to abandoned God and man.
On a spiritual warfare level one could say that these "women" have fully subjugated themselves to the demons that run this world for the Devil. Pray for these girls and rebuke them of their errors whenever you can. Remember we need strong and pious men so they could lead women unto righteousness.
we really need to get rid of these damn kikes from running our countries
There is this one picture floating around, I don't have it. Basically is says that even if you are a physically ugly person, but you have a kind soul the inner beauty will shine through, but if you are a wicked person the uglyness will distort your handsome features into something grotesque.
I think this is what's going on, they are trying to be "strong and independent womyn", but their wickedness is eating them up from the inside. The smirk is a fake smile, it's when you want to smile, but you have no real happiness inside you, so the smile comes out all corrupted and distorted.
Sounds a bit like en.wikipedia.org
No fear of the Lord. No wisdom.
(30) "For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it.
(31) And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart.
(32) Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter: for they shall bury in Tophet, till there be no place.
(33) And the carcases of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth; and none shall fray them away.
(34) Then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah, and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride: for the land shall be desolate."
There a reason why one of the few things i like like about Islamic culture is how Muslim put women in their place.
Yeah, selective adult female circumcision, and forced sterilization for Marxists would go a long way toward fixing our abortion problems.
Sounds like pic related. Never really looked into it too much, but it kind of looks like it could apply to these women.
When did Zig Forums become /mgtow/?
Stop whiteknighting, nobody said that.
Literally everyone said that.
And so on and so on. This MGToW crap needs to stop. Our Christian sisters need our support, not our "le womenz weaker" bullshit.
OP here and I never said this was all women. I’m saying it’s more than one. There’s a movement called ShoutYourAbortion.
Someday. In the future. I hope capes become cool again.
Im not saying women are more susceptible as a way to put them down but as a reality of our situation as humans. Eve was tricked by a demon, who is to say our women today aren't being tricked by the same demon?
The point of my post was to invigorate men into becoming men and not become the lazy MGTOW faggots alot of robots on the chans push. FFS even St. Paul agrees.
You're trying to stir up hatred, which isn't christian
Are you are same guy who cries when someone point out white Woman always been the left biggest voting block not Jews, Muslims or blacks?
Taboo factor, shock value, discrediting society's decisions, etc.
Leftists did it in the 60's cultural revolutions, the alt-right is doing it now.
Nothing new.
b-but that was written in the 1 century! It was the norm back then!
Despite some women being faithful and virtuous Christians, when you show them this verse, they get all uppity and defensive. How do we quell this?
The time for arguments is over
We have to be a mirror of truth and show these girls the fruits of their disobedience. Than we have to raise the next generation correctly no public school/indoctrination camps, no [((Hollywood))] bs, spirit of the Lord fill their souls, etc
The only upside to these leftists pushung abortion is that it is the leftists that use it and won't end up reproducing.
Links related: the media on the topic of leftists not reproducing enough gee I wonder why
Yes, that's the one (>>764951), thank you. Saved it, I really need to start building up a folder of reaction pics.
When all is said and done…
Is Christianity nothing more than a Jewish religion?
Lol it's not. Christians have been persecuting satanic jews since forever. Don't believe everything you see on the Zig Forumss.
Jesus was Jewish
It's not really confusing once you realize that 'mother's nurture' instinct is a cultural lie to describe forceful, societal pressure upon women to care her offspring.
The thing love related a female can give is something to herself. That's why men, particularly fathers, are the ones shown as examples of love & intimacy in the bible. Males are more than able to share love and lift those who are considered scum of the world to a high position of respect which walking vaginas could dream of possessing.
But you might protest by stating the cases of absent fathers, if you look at the divorce statistics the good portion of the majority whom asked for separation is by ex-wives because the latter were bored. Otherwise, the guy (mostly) always stays in the picture, which reinforces my initial point .
It's about the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
Read/Watch E. Michael Jones about this subject.
Jesus was "Jewish" ethnically but he wasn't the modern talmudic Jewish.
it's easier to call Christ "semitic" rather than "Jewish".
it's a formula EMJ came up with, since "anti semitic" usually refers to all Jews, when the correct term would be "anti Jew".
Jesus also said pic related to the jews. I guess Jesus is the biggest anti-Semite there is.
You have to realize that the biggest jewish trick the kikes played on you and the rest of the Zig Forumss is that Jesus is like (((them))) and not God. But Jesus is God and thus transcends ethnicities.
also note that the modern kikes we know of today are not the Israelites of the Bible. They are of the same spirit (disobedience, rebellion, murder, fornication, etc etc) but not the same tribe. The Ashkenazi =/= Israelites of the Bible
Repent, sinner.
So, John 8:44-45 doesn't apply to today's Jews. Excellent!
You didn't even read my entire post.
I said they are the same jews in spirit.
"haha think how people will see me"
Thats literally it, theres a reason these people are taking photos of it, its an attention grab, that and they are controlled by the demonic societal norms that are ever so present these days
There's a thread on the front page about how much you can tell from someone through only a look, who knew that you could do it with only a post?
I don't read redacted text. Using spoiler text for something that isn't a spoiler doesn't make you look edgy or unique. Using it to "break up text" makes you look uneducated, meaning nothing you have to say holds merit.
Is that you standing outside my window?
Not sharing this so one can boast, but so that one can know.
Romans 2:28-29
For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Romans 9:6
It is not as though God's word has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.
Philippians 3:3
For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
What I wouldn't give to have the Democrats of the 90's back.
"The cult guru told me it's alright, so that means its alright right?
All those soundbytes were false promises.
That's nice and all, but the thing about a bell is you can't unring it.
They're sadists.
Are you Christian?
Baby murderers and baby murder apologists are not Christians, they are CINOs Christians in name only
I wouldn’t. I want them erased from history.
What do you think these men were thinking when they did this?
Doesn't matter what they think because it wasn't real communism
When these whores are 45 and childless, miserable and lonely, I'll be there, laughing at them.
What will you do when you're 45 an childless? Seems awfully judgmental on your part. Every one of these women have the opportunity to repent.
But will they? I hope they do, but celebrating baby murder seems like something a reprobate would do.
It does not matte. They will repent. We cannot decide if they will or not. It's not up to us.
well, no. the reprobate literally do not repent, but it is not something that will be known until Christ confirms it at Judgement.
Sanderson go back to your wood shack.
Would you tell that to St. Paul as well? Or how about God? Would you call Him a bigot for giving horrible people what they deserve?
I want to save everyone as well, but there are just some people not capable of being saved hence the term reprobate. Now, scurry off back to your safe space, christians are talking here.
Your misinterpretation won't convince me.
The Occam's Razer answer to this question has horrifying implications. Either:
a) These women value fornicating without consequences so badly, that they are willing to legalize child murder in order to enable this.
b) Even if they aren't fornicating, they view women being able to fornicate on the level as men, with little to no consequences, as an important symbol of "freedom and equality" with men. And are thus willing to legalize child murder to bring this about.
or c) Some combination of the two.
Either way, these women more than likely want to legalize child murder for the sake of their slavery to lust, or for the sake of their slavery to pride and vanity; ironically for what they think is "freedom and equality." In other words, they are very sick with the disease of sin and are worthy of pity.
Says the guy that is misinterpreting the Bible. Okay swine, whatever you say.I'll pray for you
Can we filter "I'll pray for you" to "I'm a sanctimonious twat"