Especially Our Lady of Famita, whose every word has come true.
How do Prots reconcile Marian Apparitions?
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Prot here. A lot of this stuff just looks like witchcraft to me. Between the prayer beads and the spooky-wooky stuff, and all the sex abuse. It's downright ridiculous.
I can't blame you for being suspicious on the rest, but beads were just a memory/educational device. Just like Calendars/feast days/and art.
The Fatima vision said Russia would be converted. I've seen none of that fulfilled. I've seen Russia properly restore the right church though and resist Roman Catholics as much as they can.
She said in the end it will be converted and her immaculate heart would triumph, that is not to say it will happen in your lifetime. The errors of Russia have spread to entire Western world in the century since her apparition. Also
She didn't ask for EO.
Those "errors" (if you mean communism) started with Marx.. and were headquartered in America and the UK originally. The West itself owns it. And many Jews as well were included in the Bolshevik circles (and killed the Russian Czar as well). I find it strange that the vision lays the blame on Russia itself, when it was the actual victim.. and infiltrated by the West and by Jews. It was already a Christian nation. Now it's trying to rebuild the Orthodox church again.
I didn't call her a liar btw. I call you Catholics liars, who abuse her name and image.
She states that the errors of Russia shall spread to the rest of the world, not that Russia was the progenitor of its errors. At that time the ideology that overtook Russia was still underground in the United States and the rest of the Western world. It would take half a century for them to reach their way into mainstream influence, thus the errors of Russia had spread.
Talk about a cope, sorry the Blessed Virgin doesn't show herself to schismatics.
Pretty much everything you wrote in this post was incorrect. Bolshevism originated amongst jews in eastern Europe, who had been there for centuries. They emigrated to America and brought their mind virus with them. in the 20th century.
Those apparitions aren't even consistent. I was just reading a book about "Our Lady of Kibeho" (before finally getting fed up and throwing it out), and that version of her suddenly pushes Vatican II syncretism, where "everybody somehow knows God" including heathens.
Like I said, Catholics abuse her name.. to push whatever trend or ideology needs an extra "oomph" at the time.
If you cut out the vain repetitions and pray from the heart, in the way of faith as instructed, you won't need pagan prayer beads.
I agree. We're only supposed to learn from formal prayers.. much like (properly raised) kids learn how to address adults, for example.. or in the old days when we addressed kings. But the formal becomes habitual and the prayer of the heart is eventually informed by it. Every prayer should at least have spirit of the Lord's Prayer in it.. but Jesus did teach us that in a formal way first, for a very good reason.
really makes you think
I believe in the apparition of Lourdes. I find nothing questionable about Guadeloupe either. I don't really care for Fatima and such - sounds like fuel for apocalyptic thinking and conspiracy theories, none of which can be edifying.
She said this in the apparition of the 25th of March. That's the feast of the Annunciation in the Orthodox Church. She was referring to the conception of Jesus, not to her own conception.
They think that they're demons posing as Mary.
Fatima literally predicted WWII.
I deny them
How was it twisted as pro-vatican propaganda? You realize many Catholics consider the state of the Vatican to be in part consequence of not following the Blessed Mother's commands.
As an aside: A more important history of Medjugorje and Croation Catholics:
"In World War II, Pius XII, in his paranoid fear of Communism, did nothing to stop the massacre of 750,000 Orthodox Serbs by the fascist Croat Ustashi of the puppet "Independent State of Croatia" set up by the Nazis. Cardinal Stepinac of Zagreb [people here seem to love him] saw the Orthodox Church as an evil "almost greater than Protestantism," and Franciscan friars ran the most notorious of the concentration camps. In the Medjugorje vicinity, fifty men, women and children were thrown from a cliff-top, and all the monks at a nearby Orthodox Monastery were buried alive."
I felt like just taking quote alone (the rest of the article is actually a sober examination of the apparitions). I just found it funny that scoffing at Orthodox by calling them "schismatic" is the least you could do to them. It's almost nice actually.
Lol good one 😂👌🏻
5 sources stating that the whole thing was probably faked. But I've never actually read the prophecies. I will read it now and come back to you to confirm the things you've said.
My friend what you say its retarded.
There are lots of fake apparitions. The only apparitions certified by the Vatican are in Lourdes, Fátima and Akita, and yes many miracles happened at that place.
What didn't happen?
Well how?
Here's how it began.
Our Lady at the end of 1917 said if mankind didn't straight itself the Father would send a new war. Mankind of course became even more degenerate.
One or two years later (Lucia wrote the secrets and they were time stamped) Mary told her a great sign in the skies would indicate that a new war even worse than the first would happen during the reign of Pius XI (note that Pius XI wasn't pope yet, thus he had still not still not picked up the name Pius), and the second World wayr did start in 1938 (it began in Asia when Japan went nuts with China, 1939 was when the war started on Europe, note that if it was a fake the prophecy would change to match the standard date we hold, when Hitler invaded Poland, but the war was already going in Asia).
And then in 1938 a huge as winnie the pooh solar storm hits the earth and an aurora borealis appears in the Portuguese skies (this stuff only happens in the poles) and Lucia took it as a sign.
And Pius XI was really the pope back then, and that war was even worse than the WW1.
So whether we believe or not it was a winnie the pooh coincidence.
Such as…
at least you guys get toast
fatima literally predicted the rise of communism and ww2
Why do prots hate Mary and everything related to her?
Why indeed.
to be fair, St. Mary never really shows up for Orthodox either. Orthodox got really angry at the idea they needed to be consecrated too.
What's funny is that even the Reformers liked Mary and believed for example in the Immaculate Conception.
spirit of Satan
Most orthodoxs believe in Fátima though, and the lady showed up on top of a coptic church so they say.
What denomination are you from and how can I avoid you people.
showed up without saying a word, which is really unusual for any marian apparition. also not approved by vatican, although they're just being really nice about it.
you misunderstood, I'm saying the spirit of Satan is among some Protestant sects, and the biggest indicator is Marian hatred. Satan absolutely hates Mary.
Yes its weird indeed, but at least lots of Muslims converted even if it was to the Eastern flavor of Christianity.
Genesis 3:15
I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.
I'd argue that even resulting conversions aren't a worthy indicator of legit apparitions, Medjugore led to a lot of conversions, but the Vatican refuses to approve of it, and anyone involved with it says it's most likely demonic anyway.
Never forget, God takes good out of evil, which makes good work not a particularly worthy indicator of belief without Church approval.
But of course. I don't really believe it, but i admit there's a probability though. Better orthodox than Muslim.
But as you said:
We don’t.
Then why do you get anal when people make art of her?
Reread and read it again. If you cant find inconsistencies with what is claimed to have been said and when theres nothing to discuss with you.
That's not what I was referring to but okay.
I've read the whole memories of sister Lucia. There's no contradiction. Tell what are they then.
Can someone please explain why "venerate" is specifically used to describe "honouring" the saints instead of "honour", because venerate can very easily also mean worship
Because Venerate is a better word instead of honor.
Find me a better translation for the word Dulia/Hyperdulia.
We consider veneration in the sense of homage more a less.
Adoration/worship is the kind of thing we have for God (latria as opposed to idolatria)
I’m not the other people in this thread.
And this would be why. By your admission, the only legitimate difference is that God is the object.
You can't expect me to take you seriously
But Dulia isn't Worship.
This was probably the wrong way to start a thread if you wanted a useful discussion. Let's put it this way; I'm not sure about your Marian apparitions, but it would be nice if they were real. However, I have no doubt also that a good uninspired prognostication can feasibly ape inspired prophecy.
It's not though, there's a difference.
So is respecting the national flag or commemorating soldiers who dies in a war also idolatry?
Except the apparitions reveal nothing knew and are 100% in agreement with the Catholic doctrine.
Shitty try devil you have made lots of people to convert/getting stronger in their faith and asking the virgin Mary to protect them from the devil even more.
Maybe he is masochist or something.
We don't hate Mary; we simply recognize that you've inserted her into a slot that pagans have worshiped far before Christ was born.
These two are the same guyz
I mean take the full redpill and say Christianity is based of pagan myths.
Ps: therefore true Christianity began, not even at the protestant reformation, since the Reformers loved the Mother of God, but only when protestants got to America.
Come on.
We don't call her pagan moon goddess; you do. If anybody is disrespecting Mary, its the people who swap her real identity with one from ancient Egypt.
Do you believe that Christ was born on December 25, too? Why do you think you historically celebrate it on that day?
Here you go again, making up lies. Mary is the Mother of God.
So we should stop believing in Christmas?
Are you a Jehovah witness too?
Answer the question, coward.
I'm not the person you're responding to, non-trinitarian anti-Christ.
Absolutely filtered, my slanderous dude.
And yes Jesus's birthday is on the 25th of December, metaphysical wise.
Showing respect for dead warriors and calling forth someone's soul to entrust one's soul and wellbeing to them are exactly the same things
Why do catholics turn Mary, a primus inter pares, but still infinitely damned if it werent for Christ (like the rest of humanity), into a goddess figure straight out of roman paganism?
Lol. If you accept this atheist stance on Christianity why don't you accept as well the claim that Christianity is based on paganism?
Also I would like you to explain why early Christians venerated Mary.
I guess everyone was an heretic until pastor Anderson showed up.
I don't really know. But that's what I've been told since the first century.
I don't really like those novelties from the 16th onwards.
Call me a conservative I guess.
No one hates it
Stop practicing Saturnalia
The whinne the pooh is that?
"Christmas". Just watch this video and compare it to Christmas
Oh wow, I don't care about what paganoids did, Christmas is on 25 of December, don't get upset over that one.
I know, I'm demonstrating a strawman from the opposite position
That wasn't strawman though and I was asking a serious question on the basis that most protestants don't like Mary and hate having her brought up.
>Except the apparitions reveal nothing knew and are 100% in agreement with the Catholic doctrine.
>How do Prots reconcile Marian Apparitions?
Christmas is just the name the pope gave to Saturnalia
The Roman Catholic Church is a continuation of Roman paganism
Literally made up. Dec 25 was sacred to Christians before any fagans arbitrarily moved the winter solstice to that date.
Even Lourdes is a joke and was propaganda for the recently dogmatized Immaculate Conception 4 years prior. Every one of these is a campaign. And I'm not retarded for not understanding your religion or what's "officially" approved or not. Just about all of it is fake, except what you shared with the ancient church and what we beckon you to come back to.
Protestants are not the true Church.
I'm not a Protestant. What does that have to do with anything? Protestants don't believe in the ecumenical councils. They're just as Catholics are, and set themselves up as little "popes" in their own rights. Instead of councils, they all have the delusion of by fiat proclamation. They learned from the worst.
Well you aren't a baptist then if you aren't a protestant.
Name one protestant institution that does what you're describing
But we believe in that.
How is that against the doctrine that saints can pray for us?
Is this bait?
Exactly another proof in an ocean of them.
But I don't blame you. When you guys mental gymnastics over the bible and ignore the church history because it's against your doctrine I believe in everything.
t. Jehovah Witness
Its fake because I say its fake.
OK kid.
The founders of your cults also believed in that. Unless you thing the Reformers were heretics too (with that I agree)
Orthodox I suppose? It's funny because there's an orthodox Chapel in Fátima to honor the Lady of Fátima.
100% heretical
Way to prove his point
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Lmfao so, what? 500 years ago you finally created the true Christianity? Gtfo of here retard.
Are you retarded, too? Mary was full of grace, to consider her a first among equals is blasphemous.
The Bible says "all"
All we like sheep have gone astray
There is none righteous, no not one
Don't argue with me, argue with God
Impeccable theology I guess I'm leaving the one true Church now.