How do seventh day Adventist explain this?

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The fourth commandment literally says, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy"

Worshiping on Sunday is fine and we acknowledge the New Testament Church did it and many SDA congregations also still do it on days like Easter. But we still have an obligation according to the immutable 10 commandments of God to fulfill the Sabbath day.

They dont. They are Heretics. Liturgy and Theosis, not Judaizing and ann*hilationism. ok. Become Orthodox

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Did not Jesus work on the Sabbath?

Also if the early christians twisted Christianity to not worshipping on the Sabbath, why did it take a an American brain damaged woman (Ellen g white) 18 centuries after the events of Christ and his apostles and their disciples that formed and organized the christian religion to correct it? How am I supposed to believe that a woman saying that christians are supposed to keep the Sabbath when she wasn't even of the generation of the people who were actually there to formalize the christian religion?

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Way ahead you buddy

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Jesus never worked on the Sabbath rather he revealed the correct interpretation of it that the Pharisees corrupted.

Because she was a prophet.

Huh, its a rare sight to spot the Oriental on this board.

So why do we still have to keep the 10 commandments and not follow the other 613 laws then?

Says who?

Because the 10 commandments are immutable, the rest of the law was only given as a foreshadow of Christ not as moral law. The whole 613 commandments thing is also a Talmudist doctrine.


So where in the new testament or in the didache or the apostolic traditions does it say you are supposed to remain keeping the Sabbath even if You're a gentile?

Okay Jesus lived 2000 years ago, Ellen g white lived about 200 years ago. I don't see what your getting at though.

Where in the New Testament does it say the Sabbath is done away with? It doesn't because it is apart of the 10 commandments. Also

Sorry we don't follow the traditions of men. The didache and "church fathers" are heretical. They were pagans trying to mix Greek philosophy with Christianity.

Because Jesus spoke to her because she was a prophet.

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The Bible came from the tradition of men, it's from the church. The Bible is literally the churches Bible from the churches point of view.

So did Joseph Smith, what's your point?

Where in the new testament does it say Christ did away with the 613 laws?

The first heretics

Elaborate how we wuz heretics.

Just posting to rid us of the alacrity demon.

Wasn't Ellen whites name in numbers added up to 666 while she had accused the pope before because the title she thought he had added up to 666?
She was really brain dead then.

< The people who literally walked with Jesus, learned from him and received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentacost got it wrong. I on the other hand know exactly what Jesus wants, almost two millenia later, using only a Bible that exists because those men wrote it down and handed it over through generations.
This is your brain on Sola Scriptura.

Final redpill: the Lord's Day is the Sabbath

Get off this board, antichrist