At what points does intimacy between men become sinful?

As a homosexual christian (I oppose lgbt), I have my own struggles and problems, especially because we are all expected to be celibate unless we are married and have sex with the intention to procreate/strengthen the pair bond.
Gay men can't procreate, so they shouldn't engage in sex.
But what about chaste cohabitation? What about cuddling and kissing? It is hard to lead a solitary life with no-one to rely on, and I won't deny that I wish I could have someone to share my thought and feelings.

Be harsh if you have to be.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do heterosexual Catholics in your area have sex for fun?

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Well yes, they do.
But isn't sex fundamentally wrong unless you perform it while allowing it's function (procreation) as well?
I'm a catholic, and I'm not aware of how other denominations see this issue.

Bait thread


Leviticus 20:13
Don't be reprobate bro.

No, I'm genuinely interested.
I am not with anyone right now. I'm at a crossroads in my life now. I feel very lonely. I wonder whether I should be celibate, start a family with a woman who understands my condition, even though it wouldn't be an honestly loving relationship, or should I find another man who would agree to lead a celibate life with me, where we share some intimacy (no sex though)?

Yes. They aren't going to have a very good future unless they cease having sex.

You're going through your bargaining phase. You'll eventually realize He's pretty straightforward and you're not going to gain anything. If in your heart, you're still trying to have a romantic relationship with a man, then you're aiming to have said man reciprocate those feelings instead of letting him doing His will. The relationship you fantasize over would be full of sexual tension and temptation. Do you really think that's what God would want for either of you?

Good luck with your journey user. You're in my prayers.

I confess to having a great and strong hunger for love. Not even sex, just someone to count on.
I wish it wasn't wrong, I wish I could be cured, but I feel so desperate and alone.
I don't know what to do, or how to proceed.
What makes it even worse is that there is a man in my past I still love, even though the relationship was abusive, but I still miss him.

How does one leave all this behind?
How do you find love and forgiveness when you have so much longing for a past that was wrong?

At what point?
Right about there. Repent.

Here's the answer


Where the fùck do you fags come from? Go to r/Christianity

The guy said he doesn't want to have sex because he knows it's bad.

Honestly, Dante didn't put homosexuals in hell, he put sodomites there, whether they were homosexual or straight.
Even the guys telling you to go to hell because you have homosexual feelings can only quote the verses where it's explicitely said that SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS are bad, not homosexual affection.

I don't have any genuine advice to give you. Don't have sex/kiss your fellow man, but having a platonic bro isn't anything to be bothered about. You're not damned because of feelings.
If anything, try to "make yourself straight", plenty of straight people are conditionned to become gay nowadays (by movies, animes, etc) the reverse is absolutely possible.

God bless

Attached: homo.png (360x366, 104.86K)

I wish I knew.
I kinda wish we put all our scientific efforts into finding a cure.
This would be a worthy cause.

Thanks to both of you.

Also. Try to long for GOD above all.
He is the source of all love after all, why are you chasing for human love, perhaps more direct but ultimately a shadow of the one true eternal LOVE?

And I said this to a friend two days ago which was in great depression because he never had a gf even though he is trying so hard.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you"

Also pic related. Dude was an actual sodomite and he became one of the best example of sainthood in the XXth century (and I say this as a catholic)

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God bless you for giving me hope, friend.
I will look into this.

Can you explain what makes you Christian?

He also said

Attached: god hates fags .png (600x600, 89.48K)

I accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and I seek the forgiveness of God.

This is pretty much why I consider myself Christian.

No forgiveness without repentance

I would love God if he saved me. Do you love God?
I love God because he saved me, and so I'm compelled to keep his commandments.
What you should be asking is how to fight your sodomite tendencies, not how far you should go with a man

You're right.
The temptation is strong, and God is hard to reach for a sinner like me.

I don't think you quite get it. There are none righteous, no, not one. NO human being can ever reach God. It is God who has to reach us. Thankfully, God is reaching out to everyone, and it's up to people whether or not they want to grab God's hand.

Hey man.Don't be so harsh on yourself, you made the most difficult part : realizing homosex is a sin. A lot of people will have branched out to a progressive church because they're too weak to face the truth.

Now, what's important is to not define yourself by your sexuality. Go to church and start practicing if it's not already done but don't dwell on yourself so much.

This is spot on

hello fren.
I have the same kinds of problems too:
Yes, the homosexual actions are intrinsically disordered because they are fundamentally not open to life. I'd like to see more about this as well.
Platonic physical intimacy between men has only taken on this character because of our puritan, over-sexualised culture. For example, in the Central and South asia, men holding hands is not anything special.
On kissing, I think on the mouth is too much. But again, in Europe, it is not much a special thing.
However, you need to make sure it's not a kind of scandal, lead you to sin.
I also would advise you to not say "cohabitation", because it makes sound like a romantic relationship.

For me, yes. It's frustrating (or maybe I'm just the son who stayed behind) because there's all this pariah-law on people with my illness but when normal people fornicate, they get away with it with a slap on the wrist.


That is taking carnal knowledge, not platonic physical intimacy.

Okay, this is really really really bad advice, but I'm thinking of taking zoloft (Sertraline HCl) to help alleviate both the loneliness/fear/depression and to kill the desires. I'm probably going to regret this, but whatever. Zoloft is a ssri (selective serotonin reuptake inhbiitor) and they do carry some stigma.
Only the first two are allowed. And the second one isn't even allowed as vocation according to CCC. I don't know either. Third one is scandalous.

Soften your heart. You have no idea what you're talking about.

$ cat nicenecreed.txt

I think both he and I are looking for something that David and Jonatan had, without the baggage.
And if you do end up killing me, then just make it as slow as possible, so that I can avoid Hell for as long as possible.

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I turned away from God when I was 18, because of this.
My life was meaningless. I always tried to build monogamous relationships with other men but they always failed. I often wonder if any single one of them felt any love for me, but what I know is that I always felt unsatisified and unhappy. Those men treated me with abuse and cruelty, and I realized that my feelings of hopelessness and pain are my own fault because I rejected Jesus.

Do not take pills for a spiritual problem, friend.
Trust me, it's not going to fix it for you, unless it can magically turn you straight, but it will mess with your head even more.

Homosexuality isn't platonic physical intimacy. Sodomy is not the love of friend. Quit intentionally blurring lines.

I know exactly what I'm talking about, you on the other hand need to open your eyes, homo. In the beginning God created a man and a woman. That is the created order, and any attempt to impart any part of that relationship to two men or two women is a perversion, it's taking what God made, spitting in His face, and saying "I can do it better". Just because you don't take it as far as ramming a cock up your ass doesn't make it ok to pervert God's order.
You pretend you're repentant and then you go accusing biblical figures of sodomy.

Please don't

This confirms the Word of God (Romans). I sadly think homosexuals have truly rejected God and who God is. God hating sodomy is part of God's character and they hate him for it.

Sodomy means every sexual act that is not strictly penis-in-vagina sex, correct?

Wanting to have sex with a man.

I've heard that it also includes oral and anal sex, even in heterosexual forms.

How about just making some male friends? You're a very confused person OP. Homosexuality is a perversion that stems from daddy issues/no sense of comradery with other men

I know. But how do you fix daddy issues?
I am attracted sexually to all male friends. It's too much of a temptation. I currently have no friends at all.

Only confuses things. Biblical definition = homosexuality.
If you are a man who wants to have sex with a man, you are %100 a sodomite.

Sodomy is worthy of death and eternal damnation, repent.

We are all sinful and no longer under the laws of the old covenant. Now christ is still against homosexuality though cause he says its our duty to cleave unto our wife when we leave our family, and create a new family.

So hmm i dont know what to say friend, christ will forgive you for your sins but its still sinful.

It's not a confusion of anything, sodomy defined as any sexual intercourse outside of married intercourse makes the most sense. Obviously, homosexual sex is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord, but the sin of Onan, contraception, and masturbation all fall under the umbrella of sodomy. Anything that strips sex out of its rightful place of marriage is worthy of condemnation.

Through God all things are possible, your heavenly father will guide you if you give all your trust in him. You need to discipline yourself as well, fast and pray, make sacrifices for others

Ignore the baptists.
Everybody understand sodomy is anal sex (or any sex that isn't procreative if you want to take things far) but they only wantto justify their hatred, so for them sodomy = having the desire to have sex with a man.

According to them, a man having anal sex with his wife is better than a homosexual living in penance and chastity
It's plain nonsense.
Stay chaste, keep your chin up and run straight ahead (pun semi-intended)

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Thank you.

You must forgive your father and then you can return to your true Father.

I'm ashamed of what this board became
good luck with your struggle op

Nobody is born homo man. If you have homosexual desires, you are rebelling against God in dire terms. The sins of your heart are equal to the sins of your body.
Lust in the heart = adultery in the body in the eyes of God.
If you think having sex with your wife is worse than having homosexual desires in your heart, then you are rejecting God.

Desperate. Your turn.

As Christians, we all have our own struggles and problems. Honor Christ's sacrifice by not promoting labels such as "homosexual Christian" or "LGBTQ Christian".
Your identity is just "Christian", nothing more. With all due respect, stop being like every other sodomite who feels the need to stand out from the crowd.
Correct. Sodomy is a sinful and selfish act that serves no real purpose beyond rejecting the teachings of Christ.
That's just as sinful. Much like with porn, even having lustful thoughts is sinful - do not entertain them.

The ___ cries out in pain as he strikes you.
I'm literally the one who was careful as to not blur lines. You are the one who's taking what I said and twisting it.
I never said it was. Nice try.
Yeah. That's my whole poohing point.
Cuddling is not gay sex.

Start with your own house.

If I'm misinterpreting anything from you, let me know.

I'm not disputing you. You're the one creating strawmen like a ___.
Pic related. The parts of marriage (that is sacramental, between man and woman, &c.) aren't exclusive to marriage.
There exists a thing called "friendship", you know? You know that confidance, physical intimacy (and by the way, INTIMACY IS NOT SEXUALITY), and loyalty &c. are not restricted to the marital relationship?

So what are you trying to say? That women shouldn't hug because that makes them dykes?

Never said I could.

Give me somewhere in the KJV where it forbids men or women from hugging people of the same sex. Go on. Find it. Copy and paste it here. Tell me. If you do, then I'll stop.

Nice pilpul.
I'm saying that I desire what Jonatan and David had, which is NOT SODOMY. Tell me exactly what words I said that told you that I was accusing them of sodomy.
You won't find them.

I was looking for this article.

If I'm misinterpreting anything you said, let me know.

Question: Is sodomy just the act, or is it the temptation as well?


Then tell me, how am I rebelling?
If lust in the heart is adultery in the body in the eyes of God, then that means that people with SSA must be put to death
However, that also means that if a normal man desires after another's woman, he must also be put to death.
Do you see where it starts to break down?
Maybe you don't quite understand that verse.

It's probably all scandal.

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I mean, "there are parts of marriage".
Otherwise it would be all encompassing.

Not saying you are. It's called a foundation
Wow, how enlightened you are exposing all my le fallacies. Fresh off the boat from reddit are we?
Marriage is not sacramental. It is common to saints and heathens alike
Yes, they are. The parts of marriage exist only in the relations of husband and wife. Not every relation that subsists between husband and wife is necessarily marital. The special romantic love which is held between spouses is a sacred thing created by God, and when it is perverted to apply between two people of the same gender, it is an abomination which is offensive to God.
Romance, which OP plainly intended to describe, is not "friendship", you queer
Let's take a step back from your queer apologetics to look at OP again. He comes here talking about how he's a sodomite, and how he has special struggles because he's a sodomite "Christian", how he doesn't know if he should find a man to have an "intimate" life with, how he wishes he had someone to "share" his "feelings" with, and asks if it's sinful for two men to "cohabitate" "cuddle" and "kiss", and you're seriously gonna have the balls to come up here and pretend that all OP is talking about is normal platonic friendship between men?
Well, if they're hugging because they're "homosexual christians" and they're living a "celibate life with intimacy", I'd say they're subhuman sodomites committing an abomination.
You did when you entered that perverse relationship with another man.
As soon as you show me where it's ok to sodomize each other, sweetums. (in case you're too daft to see my point, I'm pointing out the gross misrepresentation)
Right here
Now, I suppose you might have misread the thread and not noticed how obviously OP wants a romantic homosexual relationship, and think it's just about the problem of showing intimacy to friends without being misinterpreted as gay, but then why would the fact he's a homo be relevant?

Ok I'll lay down the truth

Dont define yourself as a fag

You're entertaining the idea of marriage with a man. Even hetero chaste cohabition (while allowed) is strongly frowned upon for this reason.

It is sexual in nature, don't do it. Imagine yhe partner you're with. Would people approve of you doing it in public if they were a female? No so dont do it.

In conclusion dont be such a fag. These are the sane restrictions hetero couples face so it's not hard. If you want friendly companionship then probably join a religious community but be open to your superior that youre suffering from faggotry and youre trying to amend your life

Sorry, but I just think that what you were saying was really underhanded.

Yes, but are all parts of marriage exclusive to marriage and marriage only?

I don't know.

I'm a glanceless, hugless, hand-holdless virgin.

Sorry. So, I'm going to hell then?

into the trash with that
If it isn't, can it truly said to be a part of marriage?
Apology accepted
You certainly deserve it for wanting to pervert God's beautiful creation. But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. Therefore, should you in honest faith repent and believe, I can guarantee you will never see hellfire.

because 2VC is trash?

I didn't even think I was doing that.

But how do I know I'm one of "us" (elect)?

I thought I was reprobate or something.

No because vatican is trash
Didn't you say you're gay before?
If you rely only on the blood of Jesus for your salvation, you are
That's up to you, isn't it?

You should conduct yourself in the same manner that heterosexuals ought when they are living with someone they are sexually compatible with but cannot or ought not engage with …


Flee temptation. And of all temptations, Paul suggests only one shouldn't be resisted so much as run from. Sex is so core, so integral to us, as human animals (that is to say, "to the flesh" but also to the spirit) that it is nearly impossible to control. That's why the #1 Zig Forums meme is the one (second) attached alright, so I can't seem to find the full version of that

Mate, I empathise with your struggle, but I would strongly encourage you to live alone, or with women, until you are strong enough to master your flesh and control your desires. A man without self-control is like a city without walls. Until you grow some defences to be able to resist, I would stay away.

I do think that celibate Christian gay men living together __should_ be possible, but I cannot imagine they would be young, and it's fine that friendly human contact, deeper non-physical intimacy exist between such men, but it ought never be sexual, nor love-matching because the temptation would be too great.

Stay strong, dude, for the Spirit within you – if indeed he is – is greater than the world.

Attached: christian-in-a-single-meme.png (640x360 12.26 KB, 11.67M)

tfw you've replied to OP but realise he'll probably never be back to see your replies

That hunger is a hunger for God more than for a partner, if I may say. And is meant, for we single Christians, to be satisfied in the Lord and in the Church. If we cannot depend and rely on and be intimately honest with fellow believers who are also seeking to be dedicated with their whole being to the Lord, what good are people who "attend church" with us??

Yes, I have entire sermons in my backpocket lambasting the Church for failing in this duty, and relying too much on "Oh, well, I have a wife now, y'all can get winnie-the-poo'd"

Not what God called us to.

But, I would encourage you to understand and appreciate that the Lord your God is MEANT to be even more intimate a friend and ally to you than even a spouse! Y'know … while being God of all the universe.

Good response, brother. It is clear that you're here for aid and succour, honestly opening your heart about your struggles to even the Zig Forumssters amongst us.

Also this
interests me. I'm glad that people can see past the homobashing Zig Forumslacks to see that there is still Christ amongst us.

did NOT know that. Huh. Moderate respect.

love your work.

Nope. It means doing whatever the men of Sodom were trying to do. They were ultimately homosexual rapists, but we have, in light of other scriptures, integrated the definition of men who HAVE anal sex not those who are homosexual by inclination. (The Bible actually says nothing about the heterosexual version, afaik, but I know there is a wide variance in moral guidance around this.) So, this shit is just plain Zig Forums bait.

Attached: francis-chan-on-gay.webm (640x360, 11.87M)

Please, go back to reddit, homophile

It's OP here.
The support from this thread is incredible.
I'm also a /pol person, but that place needs to help it's own people a bit more.

Stop reading the bible or going to church and go see a therapist before you end up trying to kill yourself please thanks.

I wanted to kill myself BEFORE reading the Bible.

Then you should go to a therapist instead of starting to read the bible. Find a good therapist too. A psychologist. Not some christian counselor who will make your situation worse.

To think that there is some God whose so concerned with what each individual does with his time and where he puts his love is an incredibly self centered way of thinking. These religious nuts seriously think mankind is the center of all of creation lol. Could you be more vain? Life exists for unknown reasons. It is good to do good and it feels good too it doesnt need to be over complicated. Live your life good to others and have love for others and you will not regret it.

Wow christianity destroyed, I have finally seen the light, etc.
Now leave.

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Yeah, same line of thinking I had when my parents were too busy with my other four siblings and I then got so much fun and better over time! No, wait…


More of those videos please!

Why don't you go eat a bullet? Step into a rope? Walk off a pier? Do the world a favor and kill yourself you degenerate subhuman

This is /christian and not /jew

just be chaste. there is no gray area for exacting homosexual acts. if you really feel totally unattracted to women, its chastehood period.

Stay quiet, LARPer.

Just because you're right doesn't mean you belong here. Go back to reddit.

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As a vegeterian pork-eater I stopped reading right there.

I guess you can become Catholic OP, but you can't be Christian.

I will stay.

Okay, pastor Anderson, that's about far enough.

I think he worded it wrong; he should have said “as a Christian struggling with same sex attraction”.
I suffer from the same issue, but it’s getting better.
Please do not immediately attack these poor persons…some of us are missing something in their lives, or have been victims of abuses. Those who have not seen it as a challenge but delved deeper in the sin are the real issue, those who want acceptance for one of the worst sins out there.

For what? Bring over the atheists form your subreddit while you're here then, at least that would be amusing.

Why are all you fags and faglovers coming here?

There's loads of faggots in the Catholic church, so that's why. MUST READ:

How about this. If you are a man who wants to have sex with another man, gtfo off this board.
Homosexuals have rejected God. Prove me wrong scripturally.

cohabitation would be a sin, since most non married couples that cohabitate engage in fornication.
homosexual activity is a sin
again, homosexual behavior is a sin
become a monk.

the point where you start to wonder if your intimacy with men is sinfu and make threads like this

And he gets the triple-7 for godliness, LOL, fug this site

Well, I guess if I posted ten times in a thread, I'd improve the pure chance of getting a triple anything, too

ps; you're being a parasite

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wen u gay

Share your feelings with your brothers, brother.
Room mates are fine.
Cuddling and kissing are occasions for sin. Willingly subjecting yourself to temptation like that is sinning.

As a Catholic even cuddling with your girlfriend is dangerous. Now with a dude it's gay as winnie the pooh m8.
Never do it. It's OK to have friends and bros often hug themselves. But that's in the manly way. If cuddling with a girl (a person that a man can marry) can lead to the sin of fornication then cuddling with a fag could lead to sodomy which is one of the five sons that cry to Heaven. Remember that the reason for the flood was partially sodomy and the destructions Sodoma and Gommorah was faggotry. And cuddling with a dude is useless since there's no future in that relation unlike with a woman that the primary objective is to marry her.
Don't ever do it OP. The Church tells people with homo inclinations to remain celibate (don't become a priest though we've seen where that leads to)

Any action or thought that inflames sexual desire is gravely sinful. You should actually go above and beyond to avoid near occasions of sin rather than trying to be a legalist.

Cuddling and kissing is gravely disordered. If you are afflicted with homosexual desires you should avoid homosexuals at all costs, especially not living with them.

Also you can cure your homosexuality: google Ray Peat cured my homosexuality: it's basically just a pro metabolic anti estrogen diet

I googled this and found hundreds of Guardian articles about how christians are literally evil nazis.

Would you please provide an actual source?

Why is this thread still up?

This is your brain on Andersonism. Do you actually think this is charitable language?

There's something wrong with you if you're being nice to subhumans instead of bluntly condemning their perversion



RIP Zig Forums

You guys should become scientists and find a cure.




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It's a spiritual problem, Jesus is the cure
