/fascist/ user here

What are your thoughts on fascism/the third position ?. Especially clerical fascism

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It's good but humans are still sinful so any human invention will eventually degenerate

There is a Zig Forums sticky, come on fellas, get a grip

Mussolini's fascism seems to me like idolatry of the state. Just read the Doctrine of Fascism and you'll see what I mean


Fascism is the only way to have a strong Christian nation in this current day.

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Read Berdyaev, specifically Slavery and Freedom.

It's probably inevitable. Unregulated capitalism can't last for much longer and socialism sure as hell isn't going be a suitable replacement.

It has some good ideas, but it goes full retard, or tries to subordinate religious doctrine to state ones.

Catholics had this, as a reply to it:
Orthodox bishops got into conflict with nazi officials.
Protestants got the confession Church fiasco.

Good meme

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Falangism all the way!

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clerical fascism is a meme made up by atheists

Papists are now and forever natural traitors

All 3 branches of european christianity got into conflict with the Third Reich, when they refused to submit to their openly hateful demands
Maybe the problem isn't on our side, mate.

What demands? The demand that German citizens be loyal to their country? That's the only demand I see objected to, and how many German papists backstabbed the reich to please their god in Rome?

Secularism is cancer. Once this pandora box got opened by protestant west, got exported everywhere else.
It melts Christianity as ice melts in the summer. A nation needs a strong backbone of morals to hold together and keep from being degenerate. Therefore church and state have to cooperate to some extent.
Again…secularism is cancer because it melts morals, it destroys unity. Liberal democracy means anything goes -literally. The absolute state of things we live in are a direct result of secularism and liberal democracy.
Communism is inherently anti-christian. Created by enemies of God to destroy Christian nations. Capitalism does the same job but by "muh freedumz". Capitalism destroys faith of people even more than Communism ever can.
So guess what the "third position" stands for. It opposes Communism, Capitalism, introduces positive Christianity…tries to do what's best for your fellow countrymen.

Anyone can make demands. Anyone can pick up a gun and claim their demands are backed by God.

Is this what Zig Forumsarpers look like?

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Yea this is exactly what Zig Forumsarpers look like and sadly this board is full of them

Fascism seems pretty cool, but monarchism is better.

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That's basically what Dr. Jones says when he says that the essence of the Jew is to be at war with Logos.

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Well, off the top of my head, the catholics were pretty miffed about the whole "let's euthanize the retards" jig.
The protestants that refused to expel christians with jewish origins(either ethnically, or converts) from their churches were driven underground, in illegality.
The orthodox bishops in Greece and Bulgaria that refused to hand over their jews to be sent to the camps frequently got threatened with military execution.

You know, minor stuff like that miiiiight be a problem.

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I don't take Facism or it's proponents seriously because Facism is a vague term that doesn't denote any concrete political system or ideology.

What do you think the term Fascism means? Just curious

It's used in so many ways, Mossoluni was fascist, Singapore used to identify as fascist.

Anything with one party or a dictator seems be called fascism

from what i've read about actual fascism, it seems pretty good. it seems pretty close to monarchism i suppose. i don't really see the problem with either, in fact monarchism might be a bit inferior because of passing on the throne simply by blood. the ruler should be able to appoint someone who isn't related if they believe they can do it well.

it's funny how 'fascist' has turned into some nebulous insult.

So no demands. Good to know

Is this sarcasm? It’s hard to tell now days.

Fascism is used as a common slur nowadays, it's meaningless for the most part if you want to get an idea of what really is, I recommend the books of H.R. morgan.

Not sure, but Hitlerites are always dead serious about everything so…. who knows really.

Op are you a legionary? greetings from a falangist.

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I can agree that fascism is an agreeable alternative to a monarchy, as long as the state does not put itself above the Church.

Anarcho-monarchism is where it's at.

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Do you know what a demand is?

If its facism based on eternal and transcendent principles, good, otherwise bad.

a new meme reveals itself.

Monarchism alongside Theocracy is the model both East and West subscribed to before the (((enlightenment))). Just read De Monarchia by Dante.

Nah, the benefit of monarchism is that the king most likely won't be some jew clawing his way to power

I think "surrender your minorities for processing, and be silent and supportive of all our policies, regardless of how you feel about them, OR ELSE" counts as a demand, yes.

I don't see how anyone can look at what America and Europe have turned into and claim it was unChristian for the Nazis to try and expell Jews.

Nice try, Zig Forums, but Zig Forums is a ChristCom board

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Commies will be given free vatican helicopter rides.

Good people but always under the tempations of putting politics before God.
Their goal was noble: to undo the damage of modern secular and materialistic political ideology like liberalism and communism.
Unfortunately Adolf and his asperger pagan gang ruined it for everyone else.

OP here i am a British fascist


Remember how i said minorities, plural?
Including handicaped folk, and other undesirables?
They could have been literally anything.
Having to fear repression for calling certain gov. policies non-christian is North Korea-tier, and is even more insidious than outright banning the faith.

Given all 3 Churches got affected by it, it's clear it's incompatible with our religion.

Upholding secular law higher than divine law is more Jewish than anything. If you wondering why a lot of is here don’t subscribe to the political boards here, it’s because you put the laws of man above the laws of God.

Right, they could also be communists or sodomites, and protecting any of them is treasonous.


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This is what we get for letting Rome fall.

you have a point, but if it was a strong Christian nation, no jew would ever get that far up. jews only thrive in (((secular))) society. the fact that we have three jews on the supreme court in the US is nothing short of disgusting. Thankfully Rex Trumpus is stacking the court again with Christians.

Are you the BUF user from /fascist/?

Have a source on that?


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I was absolutely certain your only counter was whatabboutism with "but look how the commies and SJWs are worse!"
Yes, congratulations, you've are somewhat less cancerous than the absolutely most anti-christian and culture destroying ideology of the 19th and 20th century.
You want a cookie for passing the lowest bar imaginable?

Hmmm, our churches seem to have protected them, when you guys went full retard and stripped them of their basic rights.
Your reply to that was murdering those christians that did so, so yeah, not exactly crazy about that.

Also, thank you for proving my point.
Catholics scolding the nazis 70 years ago made you sperg out like a retard on how they are all a bunch of absolute traitors, and screaming how everyone in this thread not on board with your autism is some pro-jewish zionist.

Now, winnie the pooh off back to your containment board.
We are doing just fine without you or commies saying how they must act and impose their shitty culture, given if they don't run this place, the other extremist fags will charge in and rule everything.

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Christians are citizens of the Kingdom of God, and God is our head of state.
Hebrews 8:

13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

National Socialism is inspired by the Medieval Christian Kingdom. Fascism is inspired by the Pagan Roman Empire. Hitler believed in Christ initially and stayed a nominal Christian later. Mussolini was a fedora tipping atheist.
National Socialism is better than Fascism, it's just that Germans as a race are worse than Italians.

Go to your containment thread please.

I stopped right there.

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Imagine being this ignorant.

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He's right, but in a LARPy way. It's not inspired by the actual governing principles, practices, or structural elements of monarchy or feudal governance, but Nazism did borrow a lot of Teutonic imagery and pathos for their massive, nation-wide LARP festival known as the Third Reich.

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Literal plebs, every one of you

Isn't strasserism already christian?

Essentially it is, even if there were beefsteaks in the strasserist ranks. imho it is the full application of Catholic social teaching on economics. Plus any economic system that's main point is the utter destruction of usury is good in my books

I used to study about this topic back in the day. The word comes from "fasces," which is a bundle of sticks wrapped tightly together, usually with an axe sticking out in the middle, and is symbolic of strength and unity and defense. School children know that a single pencil is easily breakable, but when you try to break many at the same time it becomes nearly impossible. The idea is youthful in this way, but the reality was much more confusing. Before the war, opinion around the world was that Mussolini was a miracle for Italy and got her back on her feet. But he seemed to have let his fame and prestige get to his head, and in the middle of the most important war since the fall of the Roman empire, decides to go off into Greece of all places, without conferring with his only ally, and bungles it. He and his wife died a horrible death by the end of the war, when there was no one to help him, and he did immense harm towards the overall war effort and the image of fascism in peace time that he helped to purvey. It would seem that whatever fascism was, it was remarkably helpful in a time of peaceful need, but was remarkably ineffective in a time of war.

(I've not said a word about National Socialism mind you. The Deutsch believed that what they were doing was something unique compared to Mossulini and fascism.)

So in perspective of Christianity, which I presume interests you most of all, in light of the board you've asked the general opinion of, I'm compelled to think that in the end, the movement was not favored by the Most High Being, who is Yahweh. But also, that it started out more aligned in His favor, in that simple and lovely idea of the "fasces" that even a child can understand.