What do you guys think about the NPC Meme?

Why does twitter hate it so much?

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Can this be the reason?

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I think it can be pretty funny. With that said, it's just a new way of complaining about the mass-man, herd-man, whatever you want to call it. Everyone has some NPC in them, some a lot and others very little. Old concept, new meme.

I have a hard time with it because it seems like being prideful to differentiate myself from the majority of people, thinking that I am somehow in the know while they are all wandering aimlessly led by a small group of influencers, but it does seem like that's actually whats up. I don't really get how it all works but it definitely does seem like there is a mass of common people in society who simply cannot understand what is happening around them and I don't know how that works in a Christian anthropology

From what I heard some anons started NPC-LARPing on Twitter by using a website generating your average libcuck tweet and then posting it.
Soon some celebs started to like and share some of those tweets, empirically proving the whole NPC meme, with hilarious results.
Apparently acting as a bot/NPC will now get you banned on Twitter.

This means everyone is an NPC but God.
Nothing is self-existant because God only is non-created

You don't have to summon complicated explanations for the NPC meme
-Reduce the population's morals with drugs, hedonism and various means of degeneracy
-Seize the means of information so people only get worthless news and the important ones are flooded under a torrent of trite garbage
-Make the people believe they're really making choices when they vote, so they don't understand how manipulated they are
-Spam the dominant opinion ad nauseum and severely reprimand those who go against it.

There you have NPCs, and you don't need to be a soulless human for that, just look at any cult.
The modern world is a war for souls. You shouldn't feel PRIDE over """NPCs""" but pity because they could be saved if their environnement wasn't so much against all form of spiritual life

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I hope people don't take the NPC meme too seriously. You see, the gray-faced NPC picture meme was started by Gnostics who were trying to convey their belief that many people alive today are literally soulless automatons because population growth has surpassed the number of souls reincarnating endlessly. A while ago a Gnostic briefly appeared on Zig Forums trying to promote exactly that viewpoint using the meme NPC representation.

The NPC meme itself, besides the picture, has dark origins. The idea of there being more humans than reincarnating souls can be traced to the so-called "Law of One", which is a large pile of channeled New Age material that purports to be all about "love and light" but then contains stuff like how some people, whom you can identify by their lack of supernatural talents and spiritual inclinations, are soulless automatons and you can do absolutely anything to them without incurring a karmic debt.

This is yet another example of the New Age movement being demonic and taking its cues from channeled entities that are really demons. I find it a little concerning that such a meme as the NPC is being spread all over the place, even if it's being applied differently than its original intention. Well, maybe the meme picture could serve as a form of inoculation against the sort of thinking the meme picture was originally created to promote.

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Nah, I disagree. I think it's an appropriate reference to 1 Corinthians 15 and psalm 82 about the resurrection. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers, right?

If twitter for example suppresses the meme as company policy, and they administer a priesthood of regulating public discourse, there is a corresponding law to that priesthood's.

And is twitter's policy man's law or God's?

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pretty much this. i went through a phase as a dumb teen where i thought everyone except me and a few of my "gifted kid" friends were soulless bots. it was funny to think about for a minute but i grew out of it pretty quickly and i predict the internet will too

The only way to be a "gifted kid" is through Christ alone is how I experience it. Our seal is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14).

All of the unsaved are like soulless automotons to execute the will of antichrist spirit. WHen those automotons get saved they regain that life that was lost at the fall, but they will be the sons of God in their full glory in the resurrection. But first, it is appointed unto men once to die and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27) by the liberty in Christ's transitive imputed atonement for us by His promise or not by that liberty.

I was talking about the actual history of the meme.

Look user, every single step of your post is a reply to that original post, isn't it? The one with the anime girl on this image?
Listen. If you posted this anywhere else, people would laugh at you for taking every word in that image literally. I didn't a few years ago and now I think the NPC meme is dehumanizing like leftists say, though I would like to point out that leftists don't shy away form dehumanizing memes themselves.

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o u were?

there. thats deway

I just find it to be the latest boogie man incarnation.

2004: eBaum's World
2005-2006: goons
2007-2008: r/srs
2008-2010: JIDF
2010-2014: SJW
2014-2017: cuck/goon(made a comeback)
2018: NPC

The ride never ends. There will always be a new word for "whomever I don't like/agree with".

I think that's too oversimplifying.

That post wasn't the "original" except in the sense that it was the first appearance (as far as I know) on Zig Forums. The gray-face meme didn't get its start on Zig Forums. Instead, I used an original-meaning example that some people here might remember from the time before the meme became repurposed to fight liberals on Twitter.

The Law of One, originally known as the Ra Materials, in turn has been around for years and years.

Because Zig Forums inserted that people with certain political views are associated with being a philosophical zombie, when originally the meme was more or less mocking normies as sheeple.
Politics is cancer.

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Nah. It really is just that. An NPC is "anyone who disagrees with my personal world view". It's just another word for "sheeple". It was stupid in the 80s and it's stupid now.

no, not this.

Mess with your friends by assigning them a high score on the NPC meter as a solipsistic metaphysical joke.

but check out it's because of the successive breakdown of communities and commodification of all social interaction as capitalism due to social media.

Consecrating and whoring your identity/soul as a commodifiable strawman representing social value to extract resources from the simple.

Thanks for relating this.

These things are true, but I think memes can be subverted. I mean even when it was first posted on Zig Forums and /v/ there were a lot of people who thought that it was ridiculous to think that people have no souls.

That said, it seems easy to subvert the meme to a Christian context - an unsaved man, being manipulated by the world to destroy himself and his eternal soul. Under control of the forces of darkness. They are in a state of death or soul-lessness. Under complete domination of the whims of his emotions and the teachings of his age.

Then through redemption and the saving power of Jesus Christ we can become a playable character, and gain the potential and ability to have meaning in our lives

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Also easily a bad idea. I don't know, I just feel like if we don't make a christian meme REALLY smart, people will mock us
I mean, they will regardless, but people mocking something smart might cause dissonance in a few people that want to know why they're laughing at a well done image.

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Because they're using bots and the AI is too stupid to differentiate between satire and actual tweets when I real human would.

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Surely sin is the way of the NPC, the way of the world.

Twitter hates the NPC meme because the bots they have moderating the site became incapable of differentiating between NPC meme accounts and normal leftists.

Isaiah 29

Or you could phrase it as pointing out that leftism is a dehumanizing ideology that as a first step dehumanizes the adherent (we are just biological input/output machines, there is no greater purpose to our lives than the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure, etc). but you're just completely misinterpreting the [current incarnation of the] meme. It's main message is that the belief system of leftists is just rote responses implanted in them through their media overlords, which have been given no deeper thought or reasoning {and are therefore implicitly uncool and laughable, only a fool would want to be the mindless parrot that is a leftist, embrace nationalism!}

The npc meme isn't literally about having a soul or lack thereof, bible passage non-sequitur-bot

Rhetorical brainlet detected. The last three of your supposed "fads" are all excellent rhetoric and are still popular, contrary to your assertion. Have fun spending the rest of your life pointlessly arguing with people online while never convincing anyone of anything, cuck-goon NPC

You're not ready for the meme war, kid. Zig Forums thinks their memes are "smart", and who can forget all the classics they've authored, like text wall #2687?

regardless of the origin of the meme, people using it in the political sense aren't using it because they believe in transmigration of souls or a lack of soles. it is essentially a sheeple 2.0 type meme, that majority of people think they have original thoughts but they act just like NPCs in games, they can only act a certain very limited way and only have limited responses for interaction. hence, basically almost anything you try to discuss with an NPC about trump or anything conservative will give you #OrangeManBad.

Now to Christianize this? Most of us on this board probably likely sees most of society this way. They get programmed to be extremely materialistic fedoras with very little ability for independent thought, any mention of Christianity is just some nonsense thing about #FactsAndScience or some nonsense. They have almost no independent arguments, if you ask them any sort of meaningful questions they just spazz out and so on.

I think though we have the enlightened fedora meme, which I think just sort of happened on it's own, if there are people who would like to a make memes, we could probably make some good ones, perhaps on the NPC phase.

It could tie into politics stuff, like NPCs loving to criticize christianity for some nonsense like muh homophobia, transphobia, and the moment it's islam they're like nope that's all good. Or well them always saying Jesus would not be anything like Trump and republicans, i've been replying to them saying..

"well didn't Jesus say that you have to love him more than your own mother and father and family, and actually you should hate your mother and father, and family and follow him?" followed with "I dunno that sounds like a sick thing that Trump would say/I don't know why you would want to listen to a person who says things like that".

Thats one of the easier ones, you could come up with many of the other stuff Jesus said like "before abraham was, I AM". like when they start up with their Jesus was a Commie/Liberal/Democrat bible spams, you post um well dude seemed to think he existed at least for thousands of years… is this someone people shoudl follow?

They never ever respond to it, they just downvote and go on. That's the textbook "NPC breaking" thing. They don't actually have any good arguments for any of this. Their brains at the moment are small scripted machines.

Anyways hope some of this helped.

Hey faggot, this isn't 2016 anymore!
If you really think that Zig Forums isnt less of an NPC after they helped elect one of the most kiked presidents of history then you are truly delusional or cointel pro
Zig Forums would love to think they are not controlled opposition but they are just about the same.

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Good stuff

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thanks, your npc rating has gone down since you agree with me.

non-prayer characters

haha i like this one :)

Trumps (((connections))) are troubling to say the least, but I do believe his movement is fighting back to some degree against the cultural marxism that is sweeping the country. At least the resistance (the real #resistance hah) is a bit more together and unified. also no one can be (((more))) than ben shapiro, which quite a few people on the right fell for, but because of the way he treats Trump, many people have denounced him. So that's good. No way could you tell me Hillary would be better for setting the tone and climate of the country.

On top of it, we got Kavanaugh in, and if we get Amy Barrett in, Trump can do whatever we wants afterwards, I wouldn't care that's worth it for me.

Their (((influence))) is everywhere these days, you can't just discredit everyone 100% cause of some things. That's the same tier as /pols/ kike-on-a-stick rhetoric towards Christianity. Well, not as bad, there are legitimate concerns, with Trump, or any president. He could do better for foreign policy for Christians too. I'd be able to judge him better if he keeps the house.

If he keeps the house (definitely keeping the senate) then we can really see what he can do.

Not bad at all.
It has few aspects of a very good meme, in the sense it is effective.
If used wisely it can be productive. Nobody wants to be called a sheep. What good are memes that are too esoteric for people outside imageboards to get?They might be good but they do not influence a very large audience.
That being said when NPC meme is overdone it is just annoying. Not triggering, it just gets boring.

NPC is simply someone who can't think with his own head but is a slave to the correct think of society, often parroting it in form of slogan
they are without even a correct understanding of what they believe and why they believe it.
Basically we are all NPC at some point in life, unless you start questioning what the world wants you to believe.
In Christian terms I think NPC would be translated as a man who belong entirely to this world.

It makes people angry because it strikes too close to home and cause a reaction in them.

The term NPC came from a post speculating that there is a limited amount of souls reincarnating. The actual meme came from a scientific paper revealing that most people lack an inner voice and other phenomena we thought everybody experienced.

The greater question is, if "we" thought that everyone experienced an inner voice, who exactly came to the conclusion that everyone had it. One would assume that people who do and don't experience the phenomenon would've noticed the difference between them at some point in the past. I would much rather posit that everyone has the inner voice but some people just aren't aware of it. I didn't read the paper, though.

i'm pretty sure that paper wasn't valid though

How hypocritical! isn't Christianity ultimate goal to transform people in to NPCs? to make you stop liking what you like and only do what god wants you to do and never questioning it? to stop having your own thoughts, to kill your imagination and drive to do things not related to Christ and or God?

No, that's not the purpose at all. We are not Buddhists or something. Saint Paul says that we will judge angels in his epistles; the idea of a heavenly council of the Saints advising God is found all throughout Scripture. Humans were created as spiritual infants and were originally supposed to mature and become more wise, and as their wisdom increased, they would have contemplation. In fact, the Fathers identify the Fruit of Knowledge in the Garden with contemplation, saying that Adam and Eve weren't forbidden from eating it forever, but just that they were unprepared at that time, which is why they could not take it. But anyways, back to my point, the purpose of Christianity is to be led back by God's grace to be restored to the good image in which we were created and to grow ever closer to God. I'm not a Catholic, but they for example will say that in heaven man comes to contemplate the essence of God and be drawn to a closer understanding indefinitely. Heaven is not just a place where you play golf for eternity, despite what the Simpsons would tell you.

False, Satanic cartoons like Dexter's Lab told me (as a child in the 90's) heaven was a place were you could do what you like, when is actually the opposite, it was the episode were the fish died and became a ghost.

Welcome the new people!

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Question why are cartoons so bad but Anime is championed as a christian (or at least conservative) media nowadays? is it just because cartoons are ugly? did Jesus commanded for the ugly to be slaughtered?

Are you saying this because of my reaction image? I have cartoons in my folder too you know.
As for the people that say that, its on them. Go bully them if you wish.

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That's a Zig Forums meme because they're porn addicts. Look around in Zig Forums a bit and you'll see anime is frowned upon too.
Good cartoon and good anime exist and can be christian but nowadays they're just garbage oeverall

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eh most anime stuff is shit but it's pretty easy to sort out what's acceptable and what's not in terms of content. There used to be a lot of pro anime people here a few years ago but they seem to have left

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Like all memes, it's cancerous trash
I don't care

Reddit tier thread

Reminder libshits did the NPC meme first by calling everyone they disagreed with a "Russian bot".

I mean right-wingers were also the ones calling leftists "special snowflakes" and now they pull this shit lmao

No, that's buddhism. In Christianity we only need to overcome our sinful self, not our whole individuality.
Also we have free will, God wants people to freely accept Him and what He sends us.

There is no contradiction. They want to be special snowflakes outside, but inside they all mindlessly repeat politically correct slogans like an hive mind.

the paper was grossly misinterpreted, inner speech is a linguistic mode of thought, but other modes are explored in the author's other papers, e.g. visually, kinesthetically, emotionally, unsymbolised thought…

Everyone has a soul, but only those who accept Christ have the Spirit. We are dead in sin until we accept Christ.

Because judging ideals on whether or not they're politically correct is a very free-thinking thing to do (this goes both ways).

Effective rhetoric.

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Because its about them.

Half-kidding aside, it really does have awful origins that do not respect the dignity of the everyone's human soul. And as others have said, it is exactly the teenage mindset of thinking most are sheep and you're the gifted, perceptible one.
