How do you reconcile the fact that jesus was a jew with worshiping jesus as the creator of the universe and the perfect...

how do you reconcile the fact that jesus was a jew with worshiping jesus as the creator of the universe and the perfect person?

Attached: Rabbi Yeshua.png (1217x727, 241.91K)

I'm curious what that page says in other languages.

by not being a room-temperature IQ Zig Forumstard

this argument is legitimate as well, but that's not the point of the thread. my point is the fact that all jews are intristrically evil and dishonest as a genetic, racial characteristic, and that consequentially, it is foolish to believe anything that (((jesus and his associate jews))) said

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the people known as jews today are not the same people in that image, the synagogue of satan sort of just calls themselves jews

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Oh boy here we go.

Jesus was human which would validate your argument.
Not that your argument makes sense
What would be the point?

the only difference is that modern jews are mixed with the populations they've cohabitated with- german, slavic, spanish/portuguese, north african, arab, etc. this is just your mental gymnastics to make sense of your nonsense religion

my argument is that it's much more plausible that jesus was just a lying kike than that he was god

Every Jew is evil? Every single one? That's quite a claim.

even with the whole premise of christianity intact, it would make more sense for god to impregnate a virgin peasant woman in Rome, which was the center of high civilization at the time

yes, because of their DNA, and they should all be exterminated, even if they haven't done anything
if you're a bluepill ledditor(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

I felt I just discovered Einhorn's room in Ace Ventura


If you truly believe in me, you will forsake your false religion and seek the truth that I profess!

Only lunatics will ever believe your bullshit Zig Forums

Why do you believe people from 2,000 years are exactly the same as an unrelated group of people nowadays? “Jews” lie about everything, and you believe them when they give you their origin story?
Biblical Judeans =/= modern Talmudist Jews

My faith on Jesus Christ doesn't come form a human saying that he was the savior though, if that was the only thing I had going that would be truly silly.
As for you, why not go further into learning how much Jews "like" Christianity?

Surprisingly, Anons handled this bait (probably from jidf) much better than I expected. Nice jobs.

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I am not the religious idolator here!

I never claimed to be such!

Jesus is the Pharaoh like it says in the gospels, "Jesus, God's Son, King of Israel." The rest of the gospels is mostly a sendup of the Tanakh because God is real but the Pharaoh serves God - not the Jews.

By not being autistic

This thread's been made dozens of times before you, over several years. You're not breaking any new ground whatsoever and each OP has been put to shame for being double digit IQ having, attention seeking newfags.
Better yet, go back to /r/theredpill, they're more up to your speed.

Hitlerites are just as subversives as commies.

This is why information regarding differences between races should not be suppressed. It results in a sort of Streisand effect where you get people thinking everything is related to race. The idea that evil and dishonesty are a characteristic of race is retarded. Anyone who has ever lived in a racially homogeneous community can tell you it's bullshit.

And all of those noble European genetics weren't able to purge them of the dreaded evil gene?

The entire point is that God wanted to show His power by bringing the Messiah from the smallest, weakest and least relevant nation in the region at that time so that. It flat out says in Deuteronomy that God chose the Israelites not because the were greatest of all people, but because they were the least.
Aww, I wanted to ask him how he defined evil and mock him for the inevitable Nietzsche quotes.

Woah, intellectual honesty? You mean God chose the Israelites out of pity for their weakness LIKE THE BIBLE SAYS and not a horrible sinful nation just cuz LMAO GENETICS ISNT REAL SEE HOW GOD I AM! Both Jesus and Mary were born sinless and from a kingly line for that matter. I’m glad to see Anons itt like you speaking with reason and scriptural accuracy instead of caving to npc ideology.

Cringe, sage, and reported

Its called context user. I'm not replying to you, but to OP.

Yes, and then Jews became known as Christians throughout the Roman Empire according to the Roman historian Tacitus. A couple centuries later a bunch of Babylonian Talmudists began calling themselves Jews to take advantage of the Jewish claim to being God's chosen people, which was also documented by the Romans in the east as a farce. Christians are the chosen people and the rightful heirs to Israel according to both the old and new testaments, only Babylonian heretics (ie. modern day "Jews") who read the Satanic Talmud believe anything else.