Let's Say You Won the Lottery

This thread isn't about gambling, but if you were in possession of a major winning lottery ticket and cashed it in for a large sum of money how would you spend it? Or if you inheritied a lot of money, or if you were given it by a stranger, I don't care–somehow you got a lot of money. How should you spend it?

I can't find any charities free of corruption and pick cuts and benefits to its employees. Any cause I find, I'd want to take an active part in to be sure its just and effective. Perhaps gaining such riches would become a calling from God to a new life of service.

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Most of it goes to charity and organizations that fight for a Christian ideal. I'd just go for the most highly rated and trustowrthy charities then seek anti-LGBT, anti-Islam, etc. organizations.
Some of it goes to the Church, as well as helping out local Christian organizations.
Some of it goes specifically to my priest, the dude is broke.
Some of it goes to my friends and family.
And some of it goes for me because I'm extremely poor and I really really need it. But I also want to be able to buy clothes and food for the homeless people I encounter in the street.

Of course, if I win something like 1 billion then I can easily keep 100 million for myself and never work again, and instead spend my time studying my religion.

Not OP but how do you go about donating clothes and food to the homeless outside of a charity. Just take boxes to the local shelter or looking for individuals on the street?

Also a question for anyone. I have quite a bit of money that is sitting in savings from working out of highschool and I keep telling myself that it's for a future house and family. Should I just donate it all and live as minimal as possible? It really bothers me that God gave me the opportunity to attain it, when others could be using it this second, while my financial goals are years off. I don't know how to resolve this.

Whenever I see someone on the street, if they are begging at all, I buy them what to eat and what to drink.
I've had less success with giving clothes because the unused clothes I have are too small for adults and buying brand new clothes is really expensive.
I can't do either of those things anymore either way because I don't have money at all though…

You know, you may very well end up with a house and a family, and need money for them. It's not selfish to save up money for your wife/husband and children. But on top of the savings for your future plans you should also keep savings for charity. Don't hoard up money yet end up not spending it on those who are hungry, thirsty, and cold now. There are homeless people right now who may very well be dead of hunger or cold by the time you need to pay for your family.

Maybe take 20% of the money you have saved up so far and use it for charity.

Thanks for the advice

Most charities are scams, you're better off buying physical goods yourself and shipping them out if you aren't donating to a medical charity like St. Jude

God allows you to have all the assets you have for a reason. You can make even more money than what you currently have, then give a good chunk of it to church and charities, continue to invest, and continue to give.
Off topic, but heating oil always goes up in winter. Buying heating oil ETFs now, and selling in December/January is a good play every year.

Usury is a sin.

Build churches in areas that need them. Find a place where people have to drive an hour or more just to get to church and build one closer to them. Do it anonymously.

I love the following idea, and in such a position, is what I would pursue, not least of the reasons being that I would know for sure that my expense would not have gone to waste. It's been edited for the sake of this post:


Buying things, waiting for them to be more valuable, then selling them isn't usury.

What do Catholics say on winning the lottery? I mean I know there's the minimum 10% tithe on our blessings. But can a lay person start a business with a Catholic guild and run a charitable business?

The amount matters.
If it's 5 bucks, buy the homeless guy who stands by the dumpster at the gas station a thing of beer.
If it's 50,000, well that will take a few months planning to ensure maximum efficiency.

1/10 of it goes to the poor immediately, not sure exactly how or where but it's the plan. I don't trust the current Church with my money, and I trust secular charities even less.
A big part of the money would go in investments so they could produce a steady income to support me financially for the future.
Then I would probably stop wageslaving and move to a peaceful countryside, buy a nice house and do the things I love, mostly studying history, art and the books of Saints. Possibly I would pick a place to live near a monastery I can visit.
I would avoid any crazy spending, this together with the investments should keep me rich. I would keep giving 1/10 of every future income from investments and would also support Christian causes like good parish, anti-LGBT groups, etc…

Build a cathedral, oversee its production. Boom. Youve given to the Church AND given dozens if not hundreds of men jobs for life.

Nice, all of that checks out w Fr Ripperger and his drawing on the Saints' view (and the Church's) of Fortitude. 1:1.

Fairly similar thinking to you, brah

Fairly similar thinking to you, brah

keep typing fast codemonkey


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18 U.S. Code § 2385

Oh well good thing this is all hypothetical. The chances of anybody actually winning the lottery and then actually doing good things with it is unlikely to say the least.

I'm just sayin' … according to the law, you could go to prison just for advocating such things - even if it was "just a joke", the FBI can still make things rough for you.
