Parents outraged after X-rated drag queen speaks to 11-year-olds at school career day

THORNTON, Colorado, October 26, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Parents were shocked and angered to discover that an x-rated drag queen showed up to their children’s school last week as part of a career day event.

Zack Sullivan, a 25-year-old man better known as drag queen "Jessica L'Whor," was invited by school administration to give a presentation on Oct. 19 to 11-13-year-old children at Rocky Top Middle School in suburban Denver, without parents' knowledge or consent.

L'Whor has worked for x-rated "uncensored" venues, one which included allowing patrons paying the highest bid to "f*ck up the queens."

“Parents are in an outrage and this is so inappropriate on so many levels,” a parent told CBS4 Denver.

Dozens of parents are now banding together to meet with the Adams County School District 12, commonly known as the Adams 12 Five Star Schools, to stop future visits to the school by drag queens, said parent Jen Payer in an interview with LifeSiteNews.

"I'm appalled that the principal allowed someone to come into our school and have our kids come home and Google who this person is," said Payer. "It's absolutely not okay, not morally or ethically."

In a letter sent to parents Monday after the event, Rocky Top Middle School principal Chelsea Behanna dismissed the furor as being due to objections by only a "handful of people."

But Payer claims many more parents than that are disgusted by what happened.

"There is a large group of parents that is going to go before the board of directors to ensure that this does not happen again," she said.

Adams 12 Five Star Schools communications manager Christina Dahmen also downplayed the issue Wednesday, insisting it is the result of nothing more than having failed to advise the parents of the list of guests for the Rocky Top Speaks event ahead of time.

"The overwhelming response was that parents want to be informed of all speakers - which we agree with as a district," said Dahmen in an interview with LifeSiteNews. "All we heard is that parents wanted to know who was invited … and maybe have a conversation with their child ahead of time."

Not so, said Payer.

Parents of Rocky Top Middle School students were outraged that what they saw as an adult performer, a man cross-dressing in women's clothing, going by the name Jessica L'Whor - which sounds like "whore" - and who has worked at one of Hamburger Mary's LGBT-themed restaurants as the host of drag shows, was invited to be a role model for their children, said Payer.

According to her, drag queens are not age-appropriate for 11-year-olds.

In the mainstream media, Sullivan has repeatedly appeared in full drag with TV hosts and reporters referring to him as "her" and "she" and calling him "Jessica". On Daily Blast Live, he appeared as Jessica for the show's 5th segment and defended his decision to go into the middle school.

"Any drag queen would vouch for the idea of going into any environment that especially has young minds and being able to talk with them, answer questions, and just have conversations with any age group," he said.

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I'm so tired of this world.jpg

Always look for the hopeful signs, brother.

If the parents were indifferent or accepting, then hope would be lost.

Good for the parents.

So what happens during the f*cking up of the queens?

Only fools would send their kids to public schools today.

why am i not surprised

The school did issue an apology to the parents.

Obviously not enough.

The actual image was worse that what I was imagining.

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Daily reminder that it's not only homosexuality and homosexual acts that are wrong, homosexuals themselves are evil and should be censured. They are as nepotistic as Jews, and they organize in order to push their very much political agenda onto normal people.

If that were California then the parents would have been gulag'd for complaining.


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this, they're evil puppets of satan

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love this picture of our mama

This is the result of the >50 IQ argument of "You can do what you want, just don't hurt anyone." And now you people don't have actually grounds to disagree with these kinds of occurrences because of your godless worldview.

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This story makes me sad

Principal is Chelsea Behanna
If I lived there I’d call her and ask how drag queen is a career
And how among the careers schools prepare kids for is a school preparing kids to become drag queens.
Take them at their word. They will reveal themselves

"If we keep sending our children to Caesar for their education, then we should't be surprised when they come back Romans."


I feel sort of bad for her, but it was her choice. She now has to live with it.


Putting hope in this world is putting hope in the material.

Just keep going and help up others who fell along the way.