A hug

I was hugging my husband in bed yesterday and I thought how completely wrong is a same-sex relationship. When you are in heterosexual relationship, when you hug in bed, the weaker vessel, woman, felt safe in the arms of a man when she is wrap in his strong arms. The man who is hugging the weaker vessel, woman, is feeling very manly to hug tight a fragile weaker opposite of himself…. man and woman relationship complement each other like a yin yang and with same-sex relationship it is not that way…

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Repent or you’re going to hell

OP might be a woman user.

You're a femanon, right?

Of course. Why would someone post about how wrong homosexuality is if they were a practicing homosexual themselves?

Traps are not women, user. OP is lamenting his own sinfulness

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why this post creates confusion? I said my husband, I am the wife… I am born a legi female :)

* why this post creates confusion? I said my husband, I am the wife… I am born a legit female :) :) :) I though people here are genuis and thinks mostly right? :)

It's not physically impossible for a woman to go on the internet. I know "It's current year" is a meme but nearly everyone uses the internet now and women and normies can find the board. Rarely, but it's possible.

Homosexuality destroys society and the social order, it's a sin that cries out to heaven for vengence. Look at what it's done to the catholic church, people like to act like it doesn't harm anyone else but homosexuals whether they know it or not are agents of death. How many families, communities, and lives have been ruined by sodomy? The lavender mafia is the last vangaurd of Satan before the end of time

We have a hard time believing there are females on these parts of the internet, hence the saying "She might be a dude".

tfw im smaller and weaker than the average woman

Lift. Hit the gym. No excuses.

sorry meant for

If you really are a woman, go use Facebook or something else of the like. Just post a selfie pic with a disingenuous/gnostic message… Way easier to get orbiters there than here VRPing as a Christian. Are the lads here desperate? Sure I'm one of them. But this place is anonymous enough to keep the worship you desire away from you.

… what?

user please, I wouldn't assume such things.

Okay let me explain further.
Are most women going for attention? Yes. Does this mean we can accuse random women of going for attention? No, and there's not really any reason that. Any woman looking for attention is rather obvious about it since its not punished behavior.

OP's post is theologically correct and I don't see anything else about it, even if its not much that couldn't be posted in the QTDDTOT instead.

All women, married or not, desire attention from orbiting men, and often VRP to get attention. I have never met a woman, IRL or otherwise, that did not fish for attention from low-value men, which is what this forum is chock full of. I come here to get away from women, not be pitied here by them. I apologize if it comes off as encouraging, that was not my intention. I simply am not a fan of women on the internet on my Christian imageboard, subliminally bragging about their life.

Additionally, I do not necessarily disagree with OP's sentiment, even if it is light on doctrine justification. Homosexuality is always unjust.

In the end I have my doubts about any woman posting on 8ch. I have pretended to be a woman on the internet for a very long time… it is a very fun experience.

Oooh … you're MGToW! I'm sorry, but you have no place in civilized society. God created us, man and woman. We are all children of God, equal in His eyes, and nothing you can do will change that.

I am on a different PC.

Incel actually, though we do have some overlap. MGTOWs actually believe women to be "separate but equal" when compared to men, while an incel finds them inherently inferior. I'm not sure which I fall under… I suppose ideally its MGTOW but practically its the incel.

We are equal in the fact that we are saved by grace/faith alone, but we are not equal in purpose, both secular and non-secular. Men and women are called to do different things, and the sole reason for the creation of woman was to keep man from getting lonely… something that no woman has ever done in my entire life. It seems as though they are failing their objective!

I just don't want women on this board. I have to put up with them everywhere else. Even on Christian locations on the internet, women cause issues. There's a reason why only men can teach doctrine. Women have no place here.

Incel and Protestant? Come on!

Do you think Crist would be ok with you saying that?

Too bad
So sad

Galatians 3:28

user stop thinking this way. If you browse /r9k/ or whatever it is please stop. You're going to have to fix that attitude before you ever find a wife.

The only thing you seem to have right is

In turn I hope you have yourself a steady job, are keeping yourself in good health, are strong in faith, clean, etc. If you want a decent woman its a two way street user. Get your act together before you go complaining about women. Even if you did so happen to have the aforementioned qualities your attitude to women needs to be reformed.

your average catholic couple wife bigger than husband

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There are clearly deep-seated issues here that you hold with women. Women in your life do not keep you from feeling lonely? Did your mother act unkindly toward you as a child, or is it some lack of self-discipline/self-improvement on your part?


Yes. Both not by choice either. Happy Reformation Day btw!

See the all section at the end. Please do not defend women on the internet… they are already defended everywhere for nothing. Women can do no wrong in cucks' eyes. Don't be a cuck.

Did not refute my point. Our salvation is equal as I stated.

I do sometimes browse /r9k/, but I prefer to stick to lookism/blackpill/incel places instead. I do browse here too from time to time, but the naiveté of the users here gets on my nerves sometimes. The best thing Christian men can do is swallow the blackpill, yet most seem to want to live in delusion and accept our society becoming more and more secular and satanic. Enabling women is the highest tenet of our failing society.

I have a full time STEM job, own my own home and car (nice car IMO but some may disagree), my faith is untouchable as I am willing to die for it. I have taken abuse in the past for my faith. I have had to reject social opportunities because they were not acceptable. I am a healthy weight (about 24 BMI) and am clean cut with no tattoos, piercings, etc. I attend church basically every Sunday. I am the spitting image of what "young Christian women" "want" (or so they claim to want… they actually prefer a good looking man over a devout and mature one).

My mother was a pretty good mother all things said. She would do anything for her sons, and she sacrificed alot for me. She is the only woman who ever cared for me, even if she was hardwired to do such. She left the Faith for a while though but I have recently brought her back. We are on great terms.

That said, she is the only woman in my life. My sub-par looks, obese childhood, ad autism have not allowed me to have any women in my life. Many bluepilled delusional folks here seem to think that any man can just sign up and get married instantly, but its far from the truth in current year +3. Women treat me poorly both for being chrsitian and for being ugly. That simple. Women do not work like men and judge men on character… Women judge men on sexual value, which is in the face and height.

Women my entire life have treated me poorly. I have turned the other cheek in alot of respects, but that doesn't mean I invite the abuse. It upsets me greatly that I have to share a place where I can discuss the Living, Truine God with the people that have basically caused more suffering to me than Satan himself. I forgive women, I really do. I pray every Sunday and ask for their forgiveness. That does not mean I condone their actions towards me.


All, I don't see what's so bad about not wanting women here. They cause nothing but trouble (often times not their fault… their mere prescence causes issues. Why did I even bother to post in this? Because "woman".). I don't understand why you soyboys defend them so much… they will not reward you with sex; white knighting never works. I use other forums and boards that ban women entirely and they operate much better from a logistics standpoint.

Are you literally so unsure of yourself that you cannot stand even chatting with a woman on an image board? And people wonder why christianity is losing to Islam.

I assume this was supposed to be directed at me and not OP so I will respond.

You have likely not experienced the abuse I have from women. You have not been told that you are too short to be loved. Women have not called you autistic to your face then proceed to laugh at and pity you directly towards you. Women have not become lesbian after a date with you (yes this actually happened). Women do not conspire to keep their friends away from you. Women have not refused to show up to places when you are there. You have not experienced what I have. Again, I forgive them, but I do not want to be around them. They cause me great suffering.

Men have not treated me even one-tenth as poorly as women have in my life. I don't want to be around them. Christianity is "losing" to Islam because Islam is an easier doctrine.

I'm sorry, user, sounds like you've been treated like shit, but you shouldn't project the actions of the individuals who've wronged you onto a collective group of people who are linked only by biology, and not by culture or faith. The OP has done nothing to wrong you, and her connection to the women in your life exists only in your own mind.

"Christian" women have treated me no better, with the same contempt and disdain. I will admit they are at least a bit more quiet in their disdain for me. They still have rejected me in droves.

I also disagree completely. This thread was only made for a woman to brag about her sexual successes and her easy-mode life victory. It's just another female scheme to reign over her low-value beta worshipers she will get on this boards. Modern Christian men are very weak and passive, and I refuse to be that. Women know this… that's why they're here.

Looks are much more important in women.
Women are more tuned towards status, confidence, emotional stability, your behaviour. You with your heart full of resentment, whining about stuff, surely dont fit these criteria, that's women repellent much more so that your physique.

That said, if you want a manly brain read the Stoics. It completely changed my life from being a woe is me kid to a stable, happy man.
Improve your looks by dressing properly and working out/doingsports/martial arts.
Improve your odds rather than complain about the hand you were given.

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Women like men, period. Not soiboy nerds


Who gave you this interpretation? Yourself? The Holy Spirit?

Have you even read the Bible? It's literally in Genesis 2:

Yes, but I am asking who you think bible interpretation comes form.
I would make a further argument in this post but people often use this as a chance to ignore other parts of the post, so please answer the first question before I continue.

One of the things that is so radical about Christ is that while He was here on Earth, He gave women an equal chance while they were scorned and rejected by everyone else.

Love and forgive everyone as Christ loves and forgives them, regardless of their gender, race, etc.

This thread is 1% Christianity and 99% chan-ism

right, but that was to emphasize that BOTH men and women deserve to go to hell. women are physically weaker so they adapt by maximizing plausible deniability so that they can more effectively escape responsibility.

this is what fuels the implicit agitation with your self righteousness. thats why the incel came here to get away from women.

hope that helps, chef.

No, women were always meant to be there for the procreation of saints on earth, and enjoyed a better status. One of the "punishments" of the Fall was that the woman would always desire their husband, but always suffer the pain of child-birth.

In other words, women would have to grapple with their lust despite having harsher penalties associated with child-birth. In a way, this is the entire modus operandi of the sexual revolution, attempting through the method of mere man to defy God (again).

If women are such bad people, then why don't you pray for them to get saved?

is that even possible?

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