Encouraging faggots to commit suicide

Is it breadpilled to encourage faggots to commit suicide? I'd only ever do so anonymously as I'd draw attention, such as online or by spreading posters like pic related around, because I'm not looking to get myself possibly in trouble with the law.

The fag community at this point has become so sickening that a large portion of it is starting to condone pedophilia. And going by Matthew 18:6, it's best for them to be drowned.

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And I know Pastor Anderson already says yes to this question but he's kind of memey. I was wondering what other Christanons think.

The fags are literally like fantasy villains at this point. They're the orcs, the darkspawn, the dredge, they are a horde of evil beasts that just want to consume and destroy and they won't stop until you're dead. So yes, it's absolutely a good thing to encourage them to kill themselves, it's a good deed. Sure it would be better for them to get saved, but when a 500 pound beast is charging at you, you don't carefully aim your shot so it'll survive and recover, you fire on full auto, because if you don't you're going to die

Zig Forums is acting more conservative than my dad, tonight. This is rare form from you guys. Good job!

Why don't you become a muslim if you are so desperate to satiate your thirst for blood?

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I'm of two minds on this. On the one hand, encouraging people to kill themselves is akin to committing murder (by using the logic that thinking about sex with a girl is equivalent to adultery). On the other hand, killing fags is protecting your neighbors and your family, to include your descendants. Personally, I think the best way to resolve this is to leave it to Caesar to do the fag killing; Caesar is completely within his God-given authority to do that.

Caesar couldn't even make 30% in the Swedish elections.

That being said if there were a way to get Caesar in the government solving the fag and even antiwhite issues would be trivial.

Because I worship Christ, not Satan.

It's more than Caesar's prerogative, it's his duty (Romans 13:1-4), and right now Caesar is betraying his duty by exalting as God the evil he was meant to destroy, leaving the citizenry no means of defense but themselves. Not that we should make war on the state, at least not now, but when queer subhumans die it's cause for rejoicing.

No, we need to tell them to repent and shame them. The problem is that we glorify their self destructive behavior to their own peril, and the lavender mafia lgbt mob doesn't help those struggling with this sin


Christ has conquered death for all, including for unrepentant sinners. Death may have been used by the Lord in the Old Testament to remove evil, but that was only a temporary condescension to purify the world as much as possible before His incarnation and His victory over death.

Active, unrepentant homosexuals will be judged justly by God at the final judgement. Until then, feed them if they're hungry, clothe them if they're naked, visit them if they're imprisoned, and give the gospel to them in words and, perhaps more importantly, in good works.
I agree they are in a terrible situation, and are dangerous for our children and our society, but death is never good in any situation.


That's not heretical, unless you believe in annihilationism


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I agree with most of this, at the same time it's not wrong to be watchful or even to discriminate in some instances. The most important thing is not to justify their rage against God, but to show them that there's still light shining through the cracks and that redemption is still possible

Death is not and never has been non-existence

Human beings weren't made to die, death is unnatural and a consequence of sin. Eternal nothingness is not God's will, and there will be justice, but what Christ did on the cross is that he died and rose again taking all of humanity with him.

Death, however, is and always has been unnatural. The body and the soul separated, the soul condemned to be imprisoned in Sheol and the body to rot away. Christ has conquered it for all, and all will be resurrected - some to eternal life, some to eternal condemnation.
You're a silly guy if you come and tell me that those who die in sin will not be resurrected.

Of course, it is evil to harm others but it is stupid and no less evil to let them harm your loved ones. You have to be careful around some people, and of course you have to recognize that the ideology they align with makes them enemies of Christ. But it is themselves pitting themselves against Christ, and they can still be saved, and should be reached with love, not with a death sentence for sinning, which we would all deserve otherwise.

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No, I don't think so. St. Alphonsus Liguori says it can be morally permissable to persuade someone to commit a lesser sin rather than a greater sin when we have no realistic chance of sissuading them from sin entirely. One example might be how pro-life demonstrators might approachange people who were initially headed to an abortion clinic, ans direct them to a maternity clinic, even if it offers contraceptive services. Contraception is a sin, but in this case it is a relatively lesser sin, and we save the life of the unborn child. This seems to be more or less your reasoning, but I don't think it applies here.

First, it doesn't seem reasonable that we should generally tell people to kill themselves to prevent them from committing sins. First of all, suicide is a very grave sin, so you'd have to show that you're preventing a particular sin that is comparatively more grave. Second, telling someone to kill themselves is probably not an effective persuasion strategy in most cases. I'm sure occasionally people who are already suicidal are told to kill themselves and actually do it, but this would have to be the straw that broke the camel's back. So the element of persuasion is doubtful. Third, you're probably not preventing any actual sin. When you tell homosexuals online to kill themselves, even if they took your advice, you're not preventing any particular sinful act, such as a particular rape of a child. You're just encouraging the suicide of someone who you think is more likely to commit a clasd of sinful acts than the general population. But this isn't a good reason. It's not morally right to tell every black person you meet to kill themselves, even if you say that you have statistical evidence that blacks disproportionately commit more rapes or murders or whatever.

I suppose it's plausible that there are circumstances where it could be morally permissable. For example, if you were in a chat room online and another participant was about to rape a child on camera for everyone else, and you had no way to physically prevent the act, maybe telling the person they should kill themselves would be okay, though I doubt that would do any good.

You need to understand the break in theology going on here, OP most likely embraces the "reprobate" doctrine, which presumes that Jesus Christ died for all sins except for homosexuality or other grave sexual sins, because God gave up reprobates to sexual sins in the first place, and so, God is unable to clean the people He condemned in the first place…

or something, I didn't come up with this heresy.