Attached: Saint Borromeo and Pope Saint Pius V together strike down Islam and Lutheranism..jpg (871x1200, 167.16K)

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Art: "Saint Borromeo and Pope Saint Pius V together strike down Islam and Lutheranism" by Giovanni Gasparro.



wow some of this guys stuff really does look awesome

Yeah, he's got some neat art.

Attached: 82d.png (299x288, 76.96K)

why are Catholics so spiteful?

that'd be funny if that was luthers view point at all and not calvin years later, but catholics are willfully ignorant.

The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ), signed by both the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church on 31 October 1999 declares:

We confess together that good works – a Christian life lived in faith, hope and love – follow justification and are its fruits. When the justified live in Christ and act in the grace they receive, they bring forth, in biblical terms, good fruit. Since Christians struggle against sin their entire lives, this consequence of justification is also for them an obligation they must fulfill. Thus both Jesus and the apostolic Scriptures admonish Christians to bring forth the works of love.[63]The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ), signed by both the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church on 31 October 1999 declares:

We confess together that good works – a Christian life lived in faith, hope and love – follow justification and are its fruits. When the justified live in Christ and act in the grace they receive, they bring forth, in biblical terms, good fruit. Since Christians struggle against sin their entire lives, this consequence of justification is also for them an obligation they must fulfill. Thus both Jesus and the apostolic Scriptures admonish Christians to bring forth the works of love.[63]The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ), signed by both the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church on 31 October 1999 declares:

We confess together that good works – a Christian life lived in faith, hope and love – follow justification and are its fruits. When the justified live in Christ and act in the grace they receive, they bring forth, in biblical terms, good fruit. Since Christians struggle against sin their entire lives, this consequence of justification is also for them an obligation they must fulfill. Thus both Jesus and the apostolic Scriptures admonish Christians to bring forth the works of love.

As you can see a literal joint justification by catholics and lutherns together… but watch catholics deny this.. polite sage

Protestantism is the true, apostolic faith.

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They have to defend the dual papacy between the traditional Benedict XVI and the liberal Francis, while holding the concept of artificial apostolic tradition.
They're stressed out. We should give them a break.

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Colour me surprised.

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We are the belief of the apostles.

Attached: 2-Thessalonians-215.png (640x360, 339.5K)

So you're telling me that the Apostles believed exactly as Protestants do (while obviously not using the same language), but that somehow the true Church pretty much died without a trace for well over a millennium, even while other groups that were suppressed by Cathodoxy survived much more noticeably? Why should Gnosticism or Donatism or Docetism or Arianism have more presence in history than the true Church that supposedly believed as you do?

No whats going on is you are a bit confused on the word you used and they are pointing it out.

more like deformation day tbh

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I love Gasparro’s art; chiaroscuro like Michelangelo and plenty of symbols in it.

==mods== LACK OF CHARITY!!

There is none, Benedict XVI resigned and became emeritus.

Pretty rich coming from the denomination which only uses one's personal interpretation of a book they didn't have in the first three centuries as doctrine.

I'm more stressed out by college than anything else, nobody really gives much about the pope anymore thanks anyway.

So if the apostles were protestant it's pretty odd that the church established by St. Thomas in India looked very familiar to Portuguese colonists arriving there.

You don't even understand the view points or practices of who you are criticizing just stop. Your memes dont even apply to the actual teachings and your own church has made various releases stating agreement with the churches you are criticizing, just stop. I get it you hate other denominations, just move on its embarrassing and makes us all look bad.


Kinda like the OP's post.