It's OKAY to be white

It's okay to be white Zig Forums.

How many fliers did you post tonight?

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None cause I don't let triggered snowflakes hurt my feelings and there are no laws against being white and no proposed hate speech laws currently, once those two things happen ill post some though. I'd post some flyers on SAT equality and removal of Affirmative action policies if you got them though.

This but not only is it okay, it's literally the best thing to be in the world based on the implied advantages because of how hard our ancestors worked lol. Honor them by doing likewise and pray you obtain half their integrity.

I'm not white
I'm mostly english with some other stuff thrown in, there is no such thing as white.
"Europe" is just former Christendom but it has many different ethnic groups within it, I know some stuff talks about there being 3 distinct races in europe.
But there is no white.
This is a creation of when all the ethnic communities moved out of the cities to the suburbs in America, it isn't any acutal thing though it's a made up idea.

we have a Zig Forums thread keep this stuff there

Well that's a problem for me. I'm half Central European Slavic and half huwhite. I have to find a mongrel with similar stats.


Israel is the Church, not mixing is extremely important, meaning mixing with non Christians.
Dating someone outside the Church is an awful thing to do, race who cares? (again we are the tribe of israel, every Christian is, that's what we cannot mix outside of)
It's not wrong it's just you not knowing enough basic theology.

Heres what some centuries old commentaries say
Ver. 3. Marriages. Some believe that it was unlawful to marry the people of Chanaan, if they were even converted, and also those of other nations, as we find that Esdras (1 C. x. 2. 12,) ordered such strange wives to be sent away. But the context shews, as well as the practice of most pious Hebrews, that it was only forbidden to marry with those who adhered to their idolatry, v. 4. Salmon took to wife Rahab, of Jericho; Mahalon and Booz successively married Ruth, the Moabitess, and Moses himself allows the Hebrews to espouse their captives, and to preserve the lives of women and children, C. xx. 14. xxi. 11. C. See Ex. xxxiv. 15. — Hence all the Chanaanites were not necessarily to be slain. The few exceptions did not hinder the rule from being general. See v. 16. Num. xiv. 23.

Ver. 4. Gods. So great is the natural tendency to evil, that though a woman be generally inclined to follow the inclinations and religion of her husband, yet, when his method of living is more repugnant to flesh and blood, she is but to apt to influence him to glide smoothly with her down the hill of pleasure, into the very abyss of dissolution. The prediction, she will turn, &c. is so often verified, that those who marry with unbelievers ought to tremble. H.

14 Do not be mismated with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and iniquity? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 What accord has Christ with Be′lial?[a] Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,

“I will live in them and move among them,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
17 Therefore come out from them,
and be separate from them, says the Lord,
and touch nothing unclean;
then I will welcome you,
18 and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.”

Lapide on that verse

Ver. 14.—Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Do not have so close fellowship with them in matters of religion as to be gradually led away to share in their unbelief, as, e.g., in marriage. Separate yourselves from the unbelievers’ assemblies, temples, sacrifices, feasts; do not intermarry with them, for all commerce with them is either wicked and unrighteous in itself, or is dangerous to those who hold it, and a cause of offence to others. Do not imitate the Jews, whose laxity is recorded in PS. cvi. 35 (Chrysostom, Ambrose, Theophylact). S. Jerome (contra Jovin. lib. i.) understands S. Paul to warn against intermarriage with unbelievers. There seems to be an allusion to Ps. cvi. 28, “They joined themselves unto Baal-peor,” which refers to the fornication committed by the Israelites in honour of Baal-peor. So, whoever marries with an unbeliever may be said to join himself to Baal-peor, i.e., the devil, the ruler of unbelievers. Anselm again supposes that by “unbelievers” is meant the Judaising false apostles, who were attempting to eviscerate the faith of Christ by making the ceremonies of the law of Moses binding on Christians. Such men are more dangerous to Christians, and more to be shunned than unbelieving Gentiles, and therefore S. Paul warns his readers against them. This sense is good but defective, for the Apostle wishes the fellowship of all unbelievers whatsoever to be avoided

The Apostle is here passing on, as is usual in letters, to discuss another point of importance just then to the Corinthians, viz., the duty of avoiding unbelievers. It is in vain, therefore, for any one to seek for connecting links with what has gone before.

Erasmus observes that the Latin version is happy in its translation here; it renders the passage: “Do not be joined in the same yoke with unbelievers.” For if a Christian marry a heathen wife, or a Christian magistrate have a Gentile as colleague, he is called έτεροζυγων. Marriages of this kind S. Jerome calls unequal.

Observe upon this that έτερος signifies sometimes one of two, sometimes an object that is diverse, whether from some one other or from several others. Thus the word occurs in a compound word, to denote one who lacks an eye, and again to denote one who is of a different opinion (έτεροφθάλμος and έτερόδοξος). And hence it is uncertain whether S. Paul here means one who bears one-half of a yoke, or one who bears a yoke in company with one of a different condition.
Others more properly take the latter meaning, and understand the warning to be against such an alliance as that of an ox and an ass would be in the same yoke (Deut. xxii. 10). This interpretation is rendered more probable from the words that follow—“what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?”precept he puts before them five contrasts drawn from the inherent opposition between Christianity and heathenism.

(1.) Unequal wedlock is a heavy yoke, burdensome to both parties, even as it would be if a horse and an ox were yoked together. (2.) Light and darkness cannot cohere in the same subject or be in the same place at once; therefore one of the faithful, who has the light of faith, cannot well enter into the same yoke with one who is full of the darkness of unbelief. (3.) There is no concord between Christ and Belial: believers belong to Christ, unbelievers to Belial; therefore they cannot agree. (4.) The believer has no part or communion with the unbeliever, but differs from him as widely as belief from unbelief, heaven from hell; therefore they cannot be joined together. (5.) The temple of God cannot be associated with the idols and temples of devils; neither, therefore, can a believer with an unbeliever. For each of the faithful is a temple of God, and the unbeliever is a temple and image of the devil.

the fact the Church is the tribe of israel also is what gives this verse it's meaning
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.

We are all "Jews" and we cannot mix with non-jews, just meaning Christians.

Dude, I saw someone make a convincing argument for not even that being required, with scripture and church dogma cited. You're just one of those hippy love dudes empowering them by turning the tide left. The only difference is you're a few steps behind them on the left track. The only way to stop the decay is to turn the tide right. I would never marry a med or non-white anyway because I find them ugly.

No we aren't. The jews were a group of subversives living in Judea for hundreds of years who tried to spread their heresy to real Israelites (the church at the time) and the Greeks and Romans.

Since your spirit is directed left you're probably a subversive jew yourself.

Physical attraction is important in a marriage, that would be sufficient, you have no positive requirement to marry anyone.

And the only reason why anyone would say you can marry non-Catholics is because they aren't serious about it or just trying to be "pastoral" it's very grave and it's abusive to children. It's become normalized because in the past 50 years most Catholics larp as protestants anyway but it would never be considered by a serious person, or encouraged. It is permitted but it is viewed as very much a bad thing, I think it used to require permission of the bishop not anymore.


And I feel compelled to post this too. It's very explicit on the matter.
“Beware of all whoredom, my son, and chiefly take a wife of the seed of thy fathers, and take not a strange woman to wife, which is not of thy father's tribe.”
Tobit 4:12

[12] Alms shall be a great confidence before the most high God, to all them that give it.

That scripture is incorrect. The Rheims is based off the Vulgate. The original Greek Septuagint is far older and says what I wrote.

He also married his half-sister. How closely you wanna follow that? Where's the cutoff point for a wife of the seed of your father?


I posted a couple. Hopefully my neighbors aren't as leftist as I expect them to be.

There is nothing wrong with wanting or preferring your race over others. As long as you don't go extreme and want to fully exterminate others there will be no issue.

There's little need where I live. My area is mostly conservative and white and the nonwhites here aren't the type to push white guilt.

no its not re


I'm not white, but anyone who saw any right leaning coverage on how openly racist the progressives have gotten will understand why this is a thing.

Case in point (embed related)

As Christians you may not like the political nature of it, but ask yourself, what would Jesus do?

Would he sit around on an Zig Forums image board and shitpost/have interdenom bants or would he speak out agianst this blatant racism?

Not just for the sake of white people, but for the sake of ALL people. Do the right thing and VOTE if you haven't already. Vote for the right.

So you will sit idly by and condem others to the fate of hatred and possible extinction? Would Jesus not speak out agianst these injustices? If so, than Christianity has changed.



You know 99% of people wont see any of these posters, and anybody that does would either think it's da natsis or not give a shit altogether. Who are you "waking up" by saying it's ok to be white.

Indeed; even if I rather be seen as Mediterranean and Italian rather than a word which is a tad generic in my opinion. But nothing wrong with being grateful for what we got from God through our forefathers.

These tiggers already made a good response to Don.

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No one said you have to though. You'd only find them attractive if you had similar genetics anyways. The only time it is wrong is if it's forced upon you, whether that's brainwashing like the media, or imposed by say a communist government.

Do you remember where, user? I need to see this.

i agree, i'm a white and they demonize us. also well happen to be a girl and oh guess what, unless you're a trans girl (man pretending to be a woman) you aren't high enough on their ladder etc.

our Lady would be told to shut up and listen to a black trans (delusional) man. Lord help us. anyways yes its 100% okay to be white and i don't think that movement is racist in any sense based on the disgusting media at the moment! God bless

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salty people that majority of White people chose the truth (hey there are some based indian people thanks to St. Thomas). Oh is it our fault that our forefathers wanted to follow the Truth? riddle me this???? HMMM?

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of course lots of based middle easterners (thank God they persist) and lots of other areas where they keep the faith (japan too). honestly keeping the faith in europe/america might be harder, love my american brothers/sisters