No place for racism in Orthodoxy

Truly a moving and inspiring video. Love diversity of the human family.

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What does that picture have to do with Orthodoxy you stupid cuck?

So true, OP. There's also no place for pride, resentment, hatred, personal grudges, etc. Wouldn't you agree?



Everyone can be part of the Church and be saved.
However if your church sponsor unlimited mass immigration of thirld worders and the consequent destruction of borders and national identity your church must be closed.

convert everyone, help everyone, but don't shill for self-destructive policies.

Winnie having laws and borders and things

How many 3rd worlders have you let stay in your home?

No thanks. I do not care if you think I am muh racist, that insult stopped working on me long time ago, what you believe in is Marxist trash.
Just so you know…if you're a shill then it's pretty pathetic low level shilling. If you honestly push this in good faith then it's actually sad.

Don't you know Moses married a Sudanese woman in Numbers 12

so what

Moses wasn’t perfect. Only Jesus was perfect and he called certain ethnicities dogs and chased jews out of temples.

Go marry a completely different ethnicity because it;s hip now and it's ok because muh Moses?
But muh Moses!!
You literally do not present any argument you just say Moses married a Sudanese woman.
So what? does that mean if you marry an African you will not encounter any problems stemming from the crude reality that you are completely different peoples?
So what if Moses married a Sudanese woman?

Zig Forumstards will never recover

And then God punishes Miriam and Aaron for opposing Moses marrying a Sudanese woman.

Seven, I need to prove myself to people who don't care about the Church anyways

The only reference he made to dogs was in reference to a gentile woman.
Just the moneylenders out of the Jewish temple.

Nice try, though.

1. he did not call certain ethnicities dogs, he called ALL GENTILES dogs
2. it's not a statement related to race, it refers to the facts that gentiles are not part of the old covenant

He didn’t call all gentiles dogs, he referred to Samaritans as dogs. There is deeper meaning in the historical, cultural context which is more significant and precise than “all gentiles”

No, I think it's implicitly referring to all gentiles. The food is meant for the Jews who are children of the old covenant. Everyone else would be dogs by implication.

That was for trying to usurp Moses’ authority. They saw him breaking the law as an opportunity to try to seize power from him.

“And I believe he hath therefore made you come to me, that this maid might be married to one of her own kindred, according to the law of Moses: and now doubt not but I will give her to thee.”
‭‭Tobias (Tobit)‬ ‭7:14‬ ‭

This. Racism is wrong but wanting to keep ethnicities or races separate seems okay as long as you don't let race get in the way of your relationship to God. If you get too prideful in your own race or hate other people because of their race, that is wrong too.

Unfortunately, jews and modernists don’t care about context.

This. Why do people think you need to be either a full on stormtard who wants to gas non-whites or a liberal open borders hippy? You can oppose multiculturalism without being the former and you can oppose genuine racial hatred without being the latter.

The problem with anti-Zig Forums virtue signallers here is that they take protection and preservation of your own people to be the same as racial hatred.

Yes, phyletism is a heresy, but there is literally nothing wrong in caring about your people first.

This is obviously Zig Forums bait.

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It’s because they’re anti your people.

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Good thing i'm not a orthodork then

T. A racist protestant

There are hafus in Russia, it's not a big deal. American's are mentally ill in general

It's obviously a bad idea to race mix. However if its going to happen, the results are usually better it the female is of the higher race. Due to women's more stringent sexual selection mechanism (generally speaking), this will ensure that only high tier specimens of the lower race are able to upgrade their genetic line. That's why white-asian pairings are best if the woman is white and the man is asian.

Forgot the embed. This is why race mixing is bad (identity crisis). It has nothing to do with religion.

Lol there are people that think this works? If you weren't on Zig Forums yet just go there and check it out yourself. Moreover if you're on 8ch you probably have been on Zig Forums and you either go there or you do not. Do you seriously think people will stop going there just because you cry muh pol all the time.
Dude. Just lol.
No it seems that now liberal virtue signalling christians are all silent, nobody responded to me or to other guys mentioning the dangers of racemixing
Really makes you think

Well, the recent pan-orthodox synod said they believe states must not be diluted by massive immigration(remember, the Syria fiasco was happening at that time), so just because they oppose autistic neo-nazi hatred doesn't mean they went #refugeeswelcome/openborders.
Racial hatred IS a sin, in itself, even setting aside modern liberalism being retarded.

Hate how modern identity politics are pushed onto this shit.

I agree; I am Catholic, but I have no qualms with people marrying outside of their own ethnic/racial background; I think it takes a very strong person to make it work, thus very few should do that, but I do not oppose it. I am part Mediterranean, part German and part Slavic, but I would be fine with a woman of African descent being my wife or my sister marrying an Indian Catholic man as long as it's true Christian love and not just a fetishistic desire for a partner of a different ethnic background/exotic looking race to "show around" as it was a pelt of a rare animal…racism, and like pointed out all those factors, has no place in true Christian faith.

As someone of mixed race, I do not advocate race-mixing as the identity complex that we have is a VERY real and serious thing. To this day I do not feel comfortable attending a church because I would not feel "at home" there, because in belonging to so many different people (i'm tri-racial) i really belong to no-one, and I am sure as heck not going to go to a liberal church that might be more inclusive.

Liberals are inclusive for a reason, a very SATANIC reason, they want to breed a rootless race with no identity, like me, so that they might be hamstrung in their identity-complex, like me. In 2015, I went to see my favorite band for the first time, and all I could do is feel shame for how much I stood out, I just secluded myself to a tiny corner of the venue to enjoy the band from afar – I so wished that i could look like the others who were around me, but I did not and felt shame and disgust with myself.

I'm still alive, and will manage for the rest of my life, but I will not be having kids to extend this misery of mines, it's a blessing to have a people to belong to, because that is an extension of the family, but as for myself, the last and only thing I am hoping for is that when I wake up on the other side, Christ will have washed this misery of mines away and that I might finally have an identity. Highly mixed societies are all very dysfunctional for a big reason, a very big SATANIC reason.

Do not make the mistakes that my parents did, please consider the suffering of your children when you decide to take an identity away from them, you are spiritually eating them alive. I now have to learn how to manage my depression and shame for the rest of my life, I'm doing much better today, but I still isolate out of shame, and I still have depression, but I am managing it. I would not wish this life on my worst enemy, but it is a consequence of the sin of my parents and the society they came out of.

Threads like these really freaking piss me off and shows the true hearts of some of those who like to portray themselves as Christians.

This post right here demonstrates the level of delusion that the alt right has. The concept of two people from different races marrying for love is so foreign to him that he thinks it's only due to fitting in to social norms.
So what? I met a black lady who married a white man but for some reason the child came out fully white. Like, you would never be able to tell the child was even mix. Do you think that the mother was like "oh no, what ever will I do! My child does not have the same phenotype as I. I can no longer love him." No, that's your delusion!
WTF? What do you mean different mentality? If you raise him he will have the mentality of the people around him.
Muh identity. Again bullshit that's mainly pushed by people white people trying to tell mixed people about what its like to be mixed despite not even being mixed themselves.

You go to say "so what if Moses married a black woman?" And again you are so deluded that you've missed the point. In fact you've crossed the point of delusion and have no entered into paranoia. The guy was saying "hey, goyim go out and racemix". He wasn't forcing you to do a thing, rather he was simply stating that race mixing isn't a sin and that it's fine to marry outside your race.

Now listen here. You and every single race realists white nationalist cunt. If you disagree with this for whatever reason understand that you are not going against man but God Himself. You've chosen your pride over the bible and because of this you can't even be considered a Christian. Sorry, but you have to deal with it. If you don't like it you have two options. 1) submit and set aside your pride or 2) leave Christianity for good. We don't need neither do we want people like you.

There is some truth to this but it still doesn't deal with the fact that they were punished for specifically going against moses' marriage with a Ethiopian woman. This is seen in verses 10 of numbers 12:

You're not a Christian. Stop larping.

The Irony of this sentence is that the post right before yours is a mixed person complaining about his identity issues. I'm also mixed. Those whites you hate so much are just echoing our complaints.

Wanting to see white people wiped out isn’t a prerequisite for being a Christian. Just because you hate us doesn’t mean we should hate ourselves.


Enjoy your children blessed with: asthma, allergies, lack of organ donor options, recessive white genes, neurosis, automimmune diseases and rare diseases.

Racism is bad, "blanda upp" however is not something Christianity endorses wholly. We can "blanda upp", but most of us know is not a wise move. If it's true love, and not the mundane worldly definition of "love", and the two know the greater struggle their children will have and how much more energy will be needed to rise them properly as humans and especially as Christians, then there can be exceptions. I am a bit mixed, since my family has some blood from all over the places (I was born in an European Country, btw), but since my family is very united on both sides, I had good upbringings both as a person and as a Christian, I can say I came out not as bad as it could have ended up.

No to racism does not imply we go out and push blandaupping. But if my sister was to marry outside my ethnic group and the guy was a devout Christian, who adopted the way of living and thinking of my home Country, willing to raise their children in the ways of my people and with a genuine Christian faith, I'd be okay with that (not ecstatic about it, but not upset).

I just love how threads like this immediately erupt in racialists trying to force some uber-extreme SJW and race-mixing narrative to try to make themselves look reasonable.

No place for racism in anywhere, really.

"My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight" - Jn 18:36

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." - Gal 3:28

"For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." Matt 22:30

Anyone disagreeing with the Word of God above is just a poser. They have a lot to learn and better get to it before it's too late. We'll all be dead sooner or later. You must strip yourself of an earthly life and "be born from above" (John 3:3), or suffer for eternity for your mistake. Repent! Please. If you have all of these fleshy attachments, then you will be weighed down with them at death. And "race" is merely one attachment. All of our life here must be destroyed, for the sake of the kingdom.

- Tobit 4:12-13 (NABRE)

And reminder that the term "racism" used today was coined by Trotsky in 1930 when he published "The History of the Russian Revolution":

- "The History of the Russian Revolution" by Leon Trotsky.

Back then, "Racists" was used as a pejorative term against the "slavophiles" who rejected foreign influences inside their country. Nowadays it's used the same way towards the same general group of people: to shame those who wish to preserve their ethnic heritage and identity as a nation.

Racism was an english term created during the late 19th century.
We have a ton of old articles using the term using Trotsky.

*before Trotsky.

But please, post those tons of articles with the word "racism" referencing the same term as Trotsky's and today.

All that stuff in capitals is bascally happening already and if you aren’t against it you are for it. You are shaming people simply for standing up against the erasure of their people, you aren’t a Christian, you are filled with pure blind hatred.

Richard Henry Pratt, 1902

And this is the guy that was crazy about culturally genociding native americans(which is partially what his quote is about).

Not saying you're wrong, but it sounds like you might be misplacing the blame for your identity issues. This post reminds me of the way trannies talk about their identity issues. "I'm uncomfortable in my skin," "I just feel so different from everyone else."

If they're wrong about the source of/solution to their problems, maybe you are, too.

Again, just playing devil's advocate, not trying to promote race-mixing. Personally, I'm neutral. I don't think there's anything essentially immoral with it, but it seems generally impractical.

This thread a shit, btw. Just more needless pot-stirring.

why is this thread full of gook boys who want white girlfriends
I don't get it

I am not Alt Right. What it even is? Nobody knows because it is not defined but leftists (as you) use it to label anyone they dislike. I have no connection to alt right whatsoever, sorry to disappoint you.
LOL. yeah genetics do no exist right bro?
Have you ever been to some European countries or you just spout some garbage out there? Even each of those have their unique mentality some may be closer, some may not be as close. You think Italians and Finnns are the same? Yeah right…they are "white" according to you. Good to know you throw everyone in the same sack, not knowing anything. Sometimes even European-european marriage can make no good because of the mentality differences. You think it is all the same when you marry an african? kek.
You are born to be who God made you to be. You can do a lot by upbringing but you cannot change who you are. Sorry that's the inconvenient truth
Yeah brother, just because you swallowed the communist pill everyone is the same we have to put up with your BS and deny our identity? Why should I hate my people? I am proud to be who I am.
Pro-tip: Your "muh whites" actually just insults me. I am European, "muh white" makes sense in American context and I do not take it away from you, but I never use it to describe myself because guess what, I am European. I probably have very little to do with America, or whatever country you're from. Explain to me how you guys get the feeling that you can judge everyone else's politics based on presumption "whites are racist"? Seriously I would like to know how one becomes this deluded and arrogant.
Are you serious?
Thank you for showing the level of delusion,denial of reality and pride you "modern Christians" have. On the contrary. You realize that standing for Truth is standing for Christ.
You realize that 150 years ago Christians did not believe in any of the garbage you spout here?

No, you braindead moron.
Just because an eastern european priest says rasism is bad doesn't mean he's telling you to get estrogen and melanin shots while Jamal impregnates your gf, or whatever else you stormfaggots jerk off to.

Did you just google "first recorded use of the word racism" and posted the first example that came up without checking out the context and its meaning?

And you think that a man who wants to remove a culture different to his own, which he considers inferior, inside his country to be using the word "racism" the same way as Trotsky and everyone today?
Or is he using it as a synonym to racialism to avoid killing the man inside the indian: "kill the Indian …save the man", and stop segregation?
Otherwise, Pratt would be a massive hypocrite and ends up shooting himself in the foot.

Also, the earliest examples of the word "racism" go all the way back to at least the mid 18th century, and they are all used pretty much as a synonym to "racialism" up until 1930. Including your example.

projecting this hard?


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The dreaded sense of having no single place that you belong is real. Screw the cross race like black-white, even within your own race as a whole this thing is real. I don't pass for Chinese, Japanese, or other eastern Asians for this regard. Not even in my own home.

Anyone saying it is just looks or discrimination can have their patronising back. It comes from both sides. I feel like I am a different animal altogether and they towards me so. No hatred or anything but you can feel the difference on the spiritual level. winnie the pooh, I do not even share spiritual kinship with others who are also halfs and the same goes for them. It goes to the way you carry yourself too, your speech and writing patterns. Even if you came up looking good as a half, even if people likes you for your well-groomed behaviour or look you can still feel it and that is not even counting empty flattery and shit.

People can love each other across race yeah, rare, uncommon, but there are cases like that. I do not blame my parents for that but doing it for progressive points and political shit can go to hell. Those people are promoting rare/irregular cases to be a norm, those cases are rare/irregular for REASONS, but speaking reasons with far-lefts is pretty much casting pearls before swines.

All I want is to live peacefully, lead a normal life, have a happy family. But I have given up almost all hope regarding that, I left but a small sliver of it so I can hang onto it that I can be happy and joyful one day. That is all I ask for. Sorry for the long rant, I am not really emotionally stable since what (((university))) and edgy phase did to me. For the Grace of God, I did not ate the gun at the edge of despair, but this thing still stings like nothing else.

What could it be?
When you're mixed, it doesn't matter whether you've grown up around people you identify with your entire life, speak their language, have their accent, eat their foods, follow their cultural norms, and even retain some of their values- you are a perpetual foreigner. People want to associate with people who look like them, period.
I was born in America. I hoard firearms and fall well into the paranoid 1980's apocalypse prepper stereotype. I only speak English and with a local accent. Because I am half Asian and more visually like an Asian as opposed to my brother, who has brown hair and a more Caucasian facial structure, I am still asked how long I've lived in the country and "where are you from?"
Getting involved in new communities is much more difficult because of this. Getting in relationships with other people is definitely more difficult because of this, because frankly if your wife is physically attracted to you, it's on account of fetishism or your body. It makes getting involved with someone who might love you for who you are far more difficult because of the fact that your appearance causes different prejudices to pop up.
Getting involved with actual Asians is also a nightmare. I remember clearly when I was 11 or so that I was sent to a summer camp for kids of my mother's ethnicity. I grew up in a white neighborhood so the idea of "embracing my heritage" seemed quite appealing to me because I look Asian. The first thing I get asked when I show up is "are you mixed?"
is absolutely right about being an outsider in your own home. I've posted before about the problems my mother had with forming a maternal bond with my brother because he didn't look like her. She has had similar issues with me, first overly attaching herself to me because I actually look like her son (to white people) but later on trying to put me through cosmetic surgery to look more like her.

If you've got a different reason than mixed heritage for why a born American is told he speaks good English, do tell. I get that you can make some comparisons between trannyism and being mixed-race, but there's more than anecdotal evidence to support the truth of the matter.
At the very least, if my post and c3f283 come across as whiny or neurotic, then maybe it'll encourage people to avoid mixed race kids. We are all warped in the head.

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The logical consequence is that the elder orthodox church helps establish or reestablish an orthodox church for the new ethnicity and assist them in returning to their homeland preferably by peaceful means, but if a presence hostile to civilized society and peace exists it must be defeated.

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Where do you live?

And again, you are the one pushing the conversation towards subjects like these, or idiotic hyperboles like open borders, because you can't partake in a conversation unless it's against the most extreme SJW form of a subject, and im not playing your game by letting you drag the chat towards such strawmen.

The vid, made by the OC(which arent exactly the bleding heart liberals of Christianity) simply says racial discrimination is bad.

No more, no less.

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Sometimes I wonder if these types of posts are just pol shills.

Seriously, get a grip on yourself. People probably don’t like you because you have a massive chip on your shoulders. People of all races have identity problems and self loathing issues. If you were a pure race, you would probably find something else to dislike about yourself (e.g. I’m not tall/funny/smart/handsome/athletic enough). And no, this is not a mixed raced issue because I know plenty of mixed raced individuals who don’t have identity issues like you do.

God doesn’t make cookie cutter people. He makes individuals with their own personalities, desires, wills, etc. Your problem is that you see people as hive minds, so you reason to yourself that you must be like everyone else in every way in order to make real connections. You need to realize that not all people are this shallow minded. Some of us can see the value in others despite external differences.

My advice to you is to pray to God what your purpose and value is on this earth. Stop worrying about fitting in with shallow minded people who only care about externals and surrround yourself with Christian brethren. You may say “but they are not mixed raced, so I won’t belong.” Rubbish! Anyone who shares your ideals, goals, beliefs can be your brethren.

Do you want me to point out the fact that OPs picture, as in, the thread starter, has posted a racemixing couple before or after you eat the bag of dicks you deserve to eat for being a dishonest faggot?

Not in the United Sodom of America. Thank God for that.

Like I said, it is not a matter of being hated or discriminated against or anything especially if you comes out looking good as a half, but woe unto you if you look ugly that is one more worry to add to the list. But you certainly feels like a duck in a henhouse. You can get along fine, you can live together and become good friends, you can share an ideas and come around common goals, but you will never be one of them hens and that is what eating us alive every single day.

Finding love become near impossible. I know familial love, I know the love of friends and the love for fellow human, but romantic are as far as the stars in the sky. This is so because you cannot really love another person in that way if you hate yourself in the mirror. And inb4 Imago Dei, yes I know it is wrong because we all have His image but still… sigh. Most of us are pretty much winnie the poohed in the head, especially ones who does not made the good looking cut and instead made the frankenstein monster cut.

I’m not arguing with the priest, I’m arguing with you. You want those things to happen because if you didn’t you wouldn’t virulently counter signal whites that stand up for white interests.

Ok. Glad you admit you are a retard that derailed the thread to rant his own neuroses.
I called you out on derailing the thread to prop a narrative against some far-left SJW boogeyman worldview that wasn't shared by anyone in this thread.
You could have talked about eskimos or tax cuts in Mongolia, for all i cared.
Also, you can take your 3rd grade "why do you hate X?" ad hominems, and shove them up your ass.

It's cringy when feminists, SJW and economical populist pundits do it, and i'm not entertaining your script, just as im not entertaining theirs.

*for all i cared, and i would have reacted the same.

Actually you derailed the thread by virtue signalling, with your painfully reddit style of self importance. “I wouldn’t entertain theirs, and I’m not entertaining yours!!!!” Lol get over yourself you sound like such a fag.

You may not hold those views but by virtue signalling against racially aware white people you might as well, that’s the point, you might as well because it makes you complicit in current events.

This is literally all those liberals here can come up with. Never actually develop a good argument why racemixing is good(according to them) except for "you're mixed too".
Projecting your insecurities?
I do know who I am and I intend to pass this onto my children. As well as the faith and national culture. After all those are things that are worth passing. Not "muh liberal values" or money. If you steal faith or the sense of belonging from your children you rob them of something of a real value.
I realize this is a bait thread anyway but perhaps people on the verge of finding the truth are lurking here anyway

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Also, your reddit jab was funny.
Shows you for the cringy newfag that you are, mindlesly parroting whatever flavour-of-the-month cliche is now.

That's grand, coming from a guy that think disagreeing with his idiotic shitposting is literally high treason.

You arent racially aware of shit.
You are just a keyboard warrior posting stale memes and infographs you reposted from whatever dead blog slopilly made them in the first place.
And just like those SJW's and feminists, you think yourself a great hero, speaking on behalf of some opressed group.

And just like them, you are nothing more than a histerical little bitch craving attention, hiding behind appeals to emotion and big words, to fool himself into thinking you are anything than a patethic failure, and an embarassment to your family, country, and the white race.

Now fūck off and crawl back under whatever rock you came out of.
Wasted enough time with your cookie-cutter replies.

Your syntax reeks of reddit as does your liberalism. Even if you don’t post there you fit the psychological profile. The fact is the white race faces an existential threat right now. If you can’t even acknowledge this it means you are for it. Simple really, you try and paint yourself as being egalitarian and above it all but at the end of the day your first post ITT is autistically raging at anyone showing the slightest bit of resistance to the idea that white people should just shut up and accept their erasure. No one ITT was saying to hate or genocide any other group yet your tiny reddit mind became enraged at the mere prospect of Christians not embracing the anti-white globalist agenda. It’s a hair trigger response that stems from deep hatred.

You’re transparent as winnie the pooh m8.


God isn't going to judge people based on their earthly ethnicities, and I'm not saying that some people won't be more glorified than others but it won't be based on what race you were

Race mixing isn't something that's either good or bad, it's something that happens and has always happened as people migrate and come into contact with other tribes. The mass blacked propaganda aimed towards white women is unnatural and is based on radically undermining demographics to destroy western civilization. That said Hitlers idea of racial purity is nonsense, and it's wrong to dehumanize people who don't fit into your perfect racial mold

What was hitler's idea of racial purity?

muh pure breed ayran musterd race trip, it's all post nietzschean goofiness

that's a caricature, but what did he think?

Aaaand here we have based centrist.

You're the only one bringing up Hitler, you're the only one mentioning dehumanization. Which means that you have no argument whatsoever, you just spout propaganda and a psychotic caricature you've been taught in school and movies.
I did not dehumanize anyone neither I mentioned Hitler.

I would say that God does not condone it, but it’s not the wisest thing to do; in the end, good ol’ Popular Wisdom makes sense: birds of a feather flock together… in no way we should think it’s a punishment or a sin, nor push it.

Does not condemn it…typo,sorry!

Get off my lawn.

Not everything is a question of absolute morality. Humans regardless of race will still share commonalities, a sense of manhood/womanhood, race mixing is a biological possibility not alchemical satanism concocted by Jews

I feel this on a deep level. I've lived 31 years without any deep awareness of race, though looking back I was always friends with the other outsiders.

And having taught a lot of different classes, things really changed when I looked at them with racially aware eyes.

I really felt for the mixed kids, they were often in the smallest friend-groups.

I ended up with one good friend in my life and I don't think it's a coincidence that we share 75% similar genetics.

Of course the advice that you might walk woth a chip on your shoulder seems accurate, you have to try not to care. With confidence and bravery it can be easy to make new friends and it works best when relaxed and outcome independent.

That said, it's shortsighted of people to assume there isn't a tangible difference and a little difficulty to overcome across racial lines.

Why else do people largely segregate themselves to go to church with people of the same ethnicity, even though I don't think any church calls for it. Why else would that happen if people don't generally prefer to be with their own race?

California, in an area with a significant enough Asian population that they aren't abnormal to see.

You reeeeaaaally ought to re-read that passage …

Amen, though I would go one step further:

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Indeed, shit happens.
To quote St. Anastasius of Sinai:
"We became the inheritors of !he curse of Adam. We were not punished as if we had disobeyed the divine commandment along with Adam but.because Adam became mortal he transmitted sin to his posterity. We became
mortal since we were born from a mortal."

The sins of the parents are passed onto their offspring. We should learn of be forgiving of them since it is not out place to judge.But, even as we are forgiving, we should not make a virtue out of these failings, whether they be our own, or of others.

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your quote says the exact opposite of the meaning you pulled from it

Lots of examples of taking "strange" (meaning foreign) wives being condemned in the Bible. Ezra 10, for example, "We have trespassed against our God, and have taken strange wives".
Even mixing livestock and clothing fabric is condemned.

That was about people outside a covenant. Dear Lord, please open these people's eyes.

Christians are under the same God and covenant.

im racist and orthodox and most of the orthodox I know understand the differences between the races their strengths and weaknesses.
only fags and liberals think racism is bad

Read Golems Among Us, you bait catching idiots.

As the Western world forgot God more and more is when this plague came on us. We deserved it and still do, but to call it a blessing from God is stupid.

Racism is a made up spook created by Judeo-communists in the early XX. I am not being ironic.

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It's terrible how many Christians today ignore this.

Propaganda: nationalism is racism which is ill-treatment of your fellow man.
Reality: nationalism is the one and only opposing force against imperialism.

Global "unity" means global empire. Empire means somebody is in charge, somebody is taking your money, somebody is deciding your future. If that somebody had Christian intentions then entirely different groups of people would be singing this empire's praises. If you want to know what the emperor is like, just listen to the words coming out of his propagandists' mouths.

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