Liberal Lutheran pastor: It’s okay to look at porn, especially if it’s ‘ethically sourced’

November 5, 2018, (LifeSiteNews) – A prominent progressive pastor has said viewing pornography is just fine, especially if it is “ethically sourced porn.”

Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) heads a congregation composed of many LGBT members and which features a “Minister of Fabulousness,” according gay news site That website recently released a lengthy interview with the female pastor in which she shared some of her pro-LGBT and pro-pornography opinions.

“I refused to pick the low-hanging ‘Moral Outrage Fruit’ of Liberals and Conservatives about porn,” said the tattooed pastor. “Now, there are issues of justice and exploitation within the porn industry, no question, but it doesn’t mean consumption of pornography should be shamed.”

“There is ethically sourced porn,” continued the Colorado pastor. “There are people who say it’s sexual immorality, but if you take Liberals and Conservatives who show outrage and made a Venn diagram of those who consume pornography, you’d see a huge overlap.”

“I’m not going to shame people when they already feel ashamed,” declared Bolz-Weber, who claims, “If we took shame out of the fact that people like to view erotic imagery, the compulsive behavior around consuming pornography would decrease.”

“If the teachings of the church are harming people, then we need to rethink those teachings,” said Bolz-Weber.

“The church is saying that the Creator of the Universe, God in the heavens above, knows if you’re masturbating, and God is super disappointed. How ridiculous. That causes harm because these teachings are done in God’s name,” she said.

Rev. Bolz-Weber’s soon-to-be-published book is titled Shameless: the Sexual Reformation. She says it calls out “harm that’s been done to people as a result of what the church has taught them about sex, body, and gender.” She explains:

Exposing the ELCA, a website which is critical of the teachings and pastoral practices of the Lutheran sub-denomination, identifies Bolz-Weber as its most famous pastor, author, and speaker, noting that she was chosen to speak to 31,000 ELCA teenagers at a summer youth conference.

“This is false teaching and people need to get out from under their leadership,” declares Exposing the ELCA.

“And things are even going to get worse,” continues the report. “With the approaching release of Nadia’s new book, you can be assured that this is just the beginning of troubling and Bible-defying teaching ELCA leaders and members will consume.”

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Well, there you go.

ELCA back at it making us LCMS look like trash again, staining the Lutheran and Protestant name. Poor cucks. Pray 4 them.

Can you fill me in on the difference? Do they both allow "women pastors"? Do baptists allow women pastors? I think any denomination that allows "women pastors" has to be an instant disqualification for anyone considering where to join.

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She says crazy nonsense a lot and I wish she would not do that.

The LCMS does not allow women pastors. The LCMS does not like gays. It's honestly one of the most conservative branches of Protestants, and fortunately we haven't been destroyed by modernism like so many others.


It's happening

I am increasingly of the same opinion, that all the problems of political correctness, liberalism, and so on, are becuz women have "taken over" and nothing about some of them is "balanced"

Of course, man alone probably isn't either because then we get little "grab them by the pussy" shits

gotcha thanks for the info. from all protestants i like lutherans the most cause they seem closer to catholics (unlike anglicans which are a total lgbt church - i guess they're like the ELCA?)

paul warned us…

Wilkerson does, around half-way, rant that the government is sticking probes up people's rectums, especially church organisations and this 4-something tax code you must obey and this is how the gubment controls us … and it has always mystified me as to why we even TRY or rely on the tax department for an exemption. DON'T corporatise. EVER. You paid your taxes, don't LET THEM take a second bite by even HAVING an organisation that the tax department could see. BE invisible. Just be a group of people meeting in a hall, or gather in someone's home.

The future (he says "second") church is going to be just this. It was thus inside the Soviet Union. And in China. So again will it be in the West. I am constantly baffled by people who don't understand this. Or maybe we just can't imagine a world without our super-churches or our "hallowed ground" stone buildings blessed by the local bishop?

He did. I'm thinking the man was well ahead of his time. Or maybe ancient Greece was a lot more like our time than we realise.

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ok, but why? Christ banned women from the priest-hood, if you threw out the priest-hood, what exactly is letting a woman being a pastor doing? you already mucked it up anyway.

Yes like>>726739 days we are very traditional and conservative. We do not allow women to be ordained to most positions and are not a fan of any modernist shit. Our worship is still liturgical with organs, chanting, LSB hymns, the Creed, and communion (at least to most LCMS churches I’ve been to).

We are actually fairly close to modern Catholics. We are the caltholic church that Luther wanted in the modern age.

Serious question, is there any based female pastors out there?

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Why is this news?
Also, why should we be surprised that somebody who thinks chopping off your dick makes you a woman also thinks putting on a collar and slapping the word 'church' on the building makes you a pastor?

You know it’s bad when TERFs and SWERFs are closer to understanding Christian morality than these liberal “churches”.

There you go

Because the left Christians jesuits throughout the bible, including Christ's words, as cultural superstitions on paper.
Hell, many of them don't even believe that Jesus existed, much less God.

How could they be based if they haven't even read the bible?

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That thing is a lesbian. You can tell just by looking.

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Women cannot be clergy.

Is it ok to masturbate at """ethical""" movies of prostitutes?
Can you be more of a joke than this?
Why would anyone follow her when she obviously do not believe in God?

Ethically censored porn imo is a black screen with no sound so I'm ok with that.

And people still shit on catholics for not allowing women "priests"

Nuns are the closest thing, and they aren’t even clergy. Just laypeople who have taken a vow.

reminder Jesus literally said in John’s message to Thyatira to not follow “Jezebel”

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It's the big upturned nose that gives them away.

Reminder that once being gay is “normal” to them they’re gonna start having a “ministry of Adult-Child-Love” and Sunday school classes will include sex ed

And to think this all started from Martian Luther calling the Pope the devil.

Liberals are cancer

Complete puppet of the devil, pray for her and the entire church.

Remember kids: As long as the porn stars are cage free and grass-fed, with no antibiotics or artificial growth hormones, self-defilement is A-Okay!

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b-b-b-but the Catholic church isn't b-b-b-b-biblical!

you shouldn't pray for demons. demons can appear to us as human forms, don't be deceived.

Women turn things into popularity contests. She was losing support and needed to get even trendier

It's kind of been there since The Garden of Eden. Over time, I noticed that most women tend to follow the views that gives them the most social clout. You won't see most of them advocating for risky positions like right-wing politics because they can't handle losing friends and money like men do.

They can be good leaders if they're surround by good people (Deborah from the Book of Judges and Mary from the book of Matthew/Luke), but they can be bad leaders if they're surround by bad people (Eve, Jezebel, etc).

That's my view on it as well. I think it's why people have been shilling for them to be placed in powerful institutions, they can be easily manipulated through social pressure and intimidation if they're not surrounded by good people.

People have realized this a long time ago, but they didn't mention the reason. I guess it's because others have memoryholed it.


Join WELS my friend

Can confirm this.

t. 10 years of Lutheran private school as a kid


Absolutely heretical!