Imaginary friends and schizophrenia

Are all imaginary friends demons? Is schizophrenia just a form of demonic oppression? I've heard that there is no medical cure for schizophrenia but some people returned back to normal after a certain demon was exorcised from them.

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Schitzophrenia may sometimes be the result of demon possession, but it is dumb to think that there is no medical aspect to the condition. Demonic forces cause all kinds of sickness, but they may do it by driving you into a place you will contract that disease. Demons are not magic, they have to use method just like everybody else other than God.
I have a cousin who is schizophrenic, and he started showing symptoms after he became addicted to methadone. Now did the methadone induce the disorder? Yes. Did demons tempt him to start using with knowledge that it would do this to him? Probably, its what he says happened anyway, and I have little reason to doubt him while he's on his meds.
Also sage for low effort b8.

Not baiting. Why would you think this is bait?

Anyone here on stage 3 also can someone get rid of the satanic chick masterbating with a crucifix

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No. A lot of children have them, but they grow out of it. It's harmless.
Sometimes, yes. I wouldn't be sure if it's "always" demons, but it would be unwise to exclude spiritual causes from physical ills.

True illness burrows itself deep in the soul and and overflows outward, like the soul flows trough the body. The doctors treat the symptoms, but not the cause itself. And so, the illness always returns . Weakness in the body opens the path to diseases, as weakness in the soul opens the path to demons.The vices of the soul become visible on the body.

Don't separate the soul from the body. Don't treat the body without examining the soul, nor presume to know the soul without examining the body. God made us body 'and' soul.

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Scizophrenia is a split of consciousness, which is often prompted by conflicting drives within the human psyche.

This world demands much from us, very often to surpress who and what we really are in order to fit in. There is a self projected outwards and a self that we truly are. These are not the same and often in conflict with one another.

When you observe scizophrenic people what you'll notice is that they are very stubborn and rigid in their beliefs and values. This rigidity causes their personality to fracture on the lines of their inner conflicts.

You don't often see more flexible people developing schizonphrenia, because they can develop an understanding of their conflicting desires and manage to integrate and prioritize them through self-reflection, and end up living a somewhat authentic life.

In fact, integration therapy is often very successful for schizophrenic people, who eventually end up merging their multiple personalities into a single integrated consciousness.

Yes, they are demons. This wouldn't have been a question a while ago, people knew what was going on. The whole "chemical imbalance" theory of (((mental illness))) has very little evidence to support it at all. There's actually a book where it's shown how it's a bunch of bunkum actually. All they noticed was if we give person drug A, they seem to have some side effects. So they just went with it. I mean say I'm really worried because my spouse beats me every other day and I feel terrible and someone is like oh smoke some meth you'll care about it less - yeah that might work, I might be more ambivalent to the situation cause I'm methed out. Then they say oh well you had an imbalance in your brain so you need to take this prescription of meth for your issues. This is what (((mental health))) is. Don't buy into it. Sure if you're in a very severe state, a bit of meds can help you but it is not treatment. Pray, fast, attend Mass, find a good spiritual director. The Lord will help you.

Thank you. I’ve been suffering from mental illness for a long time and I think it is spiritual but my parents forced me to take meds anyway which I’ve now become dependent on. I’ve always been too afraid to seek spiritual help in person for the deep issues because it’s embarrassing and my parents really don’t want to hear about it.

Sometimes when I realize I'm alone in my consciousness,

What did he mean by this?

My apologies if you're sincere, but it just seemed a little too low effort to be genuine.

My home is cuckchan. This kind of op is common there. All the long ones are usually shill pastas.

Depends on what's meant by schizophrenia

I'm not sure what this is. What's the difference?

All has to do with the pineal gland or as the ancients called it "the third eye". Think of it as a radio antenna to access the higher beings. Due to the toxic nature of the modern world, the pineal gland is calcified and has trouble receiving.
Drugs will open up the gland dangerously fast and can lead to demons or other entities to enter in you. Look up people who take DMT and the beings they see, some resemble the Ophanim. There was some study were Buddhist monks were given LSD and nothing happened since their glands has been opened with natural methods.

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Schizophrenia breaks down into a few definable categories

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Science are religion are much more interconnected than you think. Once you start seeing the truth, it is blinding

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Go back to /x/, or lose your heatheness ways.

What are you talking about?

These all fit demonic activity, but you have to realize that you can put yourself in states that let demons access you easier. Being detatched from reality is disassociation, which happens as well in deep states of prayer, but can occur other ways. Even in Cloud of the Unknowing, it's written that demons appear and try and attack you more when you're pursing that form of contemplation, since it's a lot easier for them to interact with you when you're not paying attention to your corporal senses. Some people find it easier naturally to enter such states, and without the strong guidance of the Church and God, you can easily be deceived by demons, who also commonly appear as holy or good things.

Paranoia is the same thing, demons can insert loads of different thoughts into your head, and if you are more susceptible, you run with it.

Demons interact with you on a daily basis, it's not just being a totally possessed person.

So I was right and these poor INTPs with their heads in the clouds (including me ; _ ;) are victims of demons?

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Most of the time the issue is purely psychological; the mind is fighting against itself due to some imbalance. Imagine your mind like a king's court full of lords and advisors. The role of the king is to listen to and accommodate everyone, but remain the sole authority; lords and advisors shouldn't be fighting or arguing in the royal presence, nor seeking to usurp the throne. Using this analogy, try to be the king of your own court. Pay attention to what happens in your mind, but weigh what comes via good sense.

Demonic possession is real but extremely rare. After all, why would a demon need to force chaos on someone if in their own state they are chaotic? If, per chance, you truly are possessed, it is worth seeking a priest (Catholic or Orthodox – either have the tradition to deal with these things) and explaining your predicament. They will probably tell you to seek a doctor before performing the rite of exorcism just in case, for exorcising healthy people is deeply inappropriate.

The psychological and spiritual are not mutually exclusive realities; both exist and both must be paid their due attention.

This image displays a highly dysfunctional, immature sort of person in need of serious help.
t. an INTP

How do I get help?

1. Stabilise whatever aspects of your life you can, e.g., keep a simple job for >6 months and get up at the same time every morning.
2. Seek like-interested people, preferably offline, though certain online encounters can be beneficial if one maintains regularity (difficult for immature INTPs).
3. Place oneself into areas of responsibility at work or for one's friends. This orients oneself and grounds one's wandering mind.
4. Seek – this is extremely important – masculine role-models. There are plenty in the history of the Church.
5. …?
6. Profit.

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Seems like a good idea. My illness seems to get bad when I stop doing healthy habits and routines like hygiene.

Is there an INTJ version of this?

Is there really a need? Isn’t an INTJ just an INTP that actually finishes things?

Finishing things is not something I associate with myself.

I'll just leave this here

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On the bright side, you aren't too alone in this. Others have it just as bad.

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No one in the thread should listen to this. I took this advice once I realized I had mental problems and it almost destroyed my life. But ever since I started taking medicine it has vastly improved.

I’ve been on meds for a long time. I’m still developing problems so I think there’s something else they can’t fix going on.

I think the use of meds in our society is completely over blown. I'm not dismissing your personal experiences, if it helps you then by all means do it.

But from my own life I have only fond set backs from taking meds. I HAD bad depression (life threatening at times, attempted suicide atleast twice) and anxiety. The only reason why I say I "had" was at a certain point in my life I decided to completely change things around to best improve myself. I started to see that the depression I faced came with my life situation and social status. Luckily for myself I had an oppertunity to leave the area I was in and took full advantage of it. I started eating healthier, exercising more, and motivating myself to extinguish the bad thoughts that would enter my mind.

It took a while to get to where I am and the change didnt happen over night, but it did work. I have no need for any sort of mental health medication and my positive outlook on life has increased 10 fold. There are times where i dip into the dark side, but I find it much MUCH easier to pull myself out with the skills I have learned.

I can understand the concept of being medically depressed, maybe theres a miswiring or something of the such, but the amount of "depression" in see in society is completely blown up by people being complete basement dwellers and subscribing to a social norm they are not ment for.

I posted a video that came into my life after I fixed myself up, but I feel it really brings to light my understanding of what depression is and gives reason to my suggestion of it being 'curable'

Also I realized you might not be talking about the same problem I am talking about, but I feel it helps regardless. Whenever i see (((mental health))) talk I always assume it's about depression. Either way this is an excellent video.


No, Man is not just a soul and neither is it just a body.
So all of Man's illnesses must have both a spiritual and material component to it.

A friend of mine, professional psychologist, once told me that schizophrenia is not having imaginary friends. Schizophrenia is friends having imaginary you.

W-what does this mean. If I have a spirit I see claiming to be my guardian am I its imaginary friend and schizophrenic?

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Childhood imaginary friends are normal, but those that appear in adulthood are a sign of demonic oppression. Schizophrenia is also a sign of demonic oppression, and you should probably get an exorcism.

I was refused exorcism.

Probably because your problem is medical, not spiritual.

My doctor changed my meds and this morning my head was buzzed and ringing so bad I had to lie down in agony for half an hour. Should I yell at my doctor?

What if I'm still functioning and fulfilling my duties?

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No you should *tell* your doctor.

Is Schizophrenia hereditary? I've been worrying about this for a long time. It runs on both sides of my family. I catch my "inner monologue" turning into whispering or talking sometimes I'm scared people are gonna hear me and think I'm a maniac. Or I start singing quietly without realizing it. This is nothing new either, I've been doing it since I was a kid.

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here is some info
keep it mind there are alot of good treatments today, so don't be too scared or upset