Are aliens demonic?

Are aliens demonic?


Yes, L.A. Marzulli's been covering this topic for the past two decades. It's only been in recent years that this phenomenon has been burgeoning.

Yes, as are the various ancestral monsters preternatural monsters like skinwalkers or the new "dogmen" phenomenon.

I've heard stories of spoobwalkers being killed/repelled by white ash, corn, and other Native American stuff.
I wonder if a bullet dipped in Holy Water would kill one, or if reciting Bible verses would make it run off.

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dude, holy water infused silver bullets that recite bible verses

They're not angels either.

Best off appealing to Christ's authority. I'm convinced that the folklore methods are just part of a system that tricks people into idolatry by appearing as if things have properties or power which they don't.

Raphael in Tobit does something similar albeit to glorify God rather than distract people from him

Ayy lmaos are most definitely demons. People these days disregard how much interactions we have with angels and demons every day. You think your guardian angel goes to the angel bar every day and just checks up on you for 5 minutes before going to his angel apartment? No they're fighting for you every day, every moment, even when you're sleeping (sleep paralysis is caused by demons too - just see how many people claim that they feel they see a demon or a demon is on them etc).

Why do you think that the more secular the world became the more ayy lmaos have been reported? This supposed advanced alien races only developed technology lately? No. By faith, we know for a fact there are demons all around us, who can appear to us in any form as well. People of older generations knew this as well. But to the secular disbelievers mind, when they see something they have to believe it's an "alien" since they don't want to admit, their mind can't get them to admit, that it's a demon.

Also, demons know what people long for and can feed into those desires. This is why it's been said many times never ever pray for an apparition or a vision from an angel or God. This is because a demon can disguise and appear as an angel or a holy apparition and lead you astray. And for someone who is longing for something supernatural like that, they are very malleable. Give them what they want and they'll do whatever it is you ask. Most people believe what they want to believe. So for the type of person who longs for ayylmaos, a demon can and does easily appear as what they want, and they're hooked. The rest of their life they are chasing ayylmaos with no thought for God and Christ, even starting or joining wacky UFO cults and so on, and the demon did a good job, led a soul away from Christ.

Ayylmaos are 100% demons.

Sboobwalker stories have nothing to do with Native myths; they're hollywoodized BS.

Pretty curious that flying saucers didn't appear until right after WW2 ended. Pretty curious that green martians started to become the explanation for the pilots of flying saucers.
Pretty curious how TV and movies started to put out a lot of content about green aliens from outer space right after WW2 ended.
It's almost like someone wanted to set the stage for something.
Remember that there will be many imitators before Jesus returns.

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This guy is spot on.

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Literally, unironically and unequivocally NO.
From what we know right now, we can't say whether there are any extra-terrestial life forms in the physical universe or not. Either option is possible and neither is confirmed or denied in the Bible. So we can't say anything about aliens as we don't know if there even are aliens at all.

As for close encounters, reported """alien""" sightings and such it's either
1. most likely bullshit
2. demons

Demons definitely can appear to humans in the form of an "alien", but you can't say that aliens are demons. Going by that logic you could say "Saints are demons" or "Angels are demons" because demons can appear as saints or angels too.

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There have been, just not as many sightings. As for the popularity, well Roswel happened which was after the war, and that boosted popularity. Naturally people took advantage of this to make big bucks off of the popularity. Are some aliens deamons? Maybe? All? I doubt it? Are some animal like? Most probably. Are few actually sentient and capable of being saved? I don’t know, though from where it stands I would say probably not. I don’t doubt there is extraterrestrial life, and I don’t doubt some could be deamons imitating as ayys. However, I do doubt all the /x/ shit and close accounters here on earth. I also doubt all of them or deamons, as this is tge lords universe and I don’t doubt the fact that he might’ve put life on other planets. However until the time we meet them, if ever, I can only say two things: Bullshit sightings to rake in cash and genuine psychosis.

But that comparison doesn't make sense since it is theologically plausible that:

1) Extraterrestrial life does not, in fact, exist


2) All non delusional "alien" encounters are, in fact, demons

It's not however theologically possible that all angelic or saintly apparitions are demons. Therefore it's totally coherent to say that aliens may, in fact, be demons.

I'm basically 100% sure that there is no other life on any other planet other than Earth. There are no such things as actual aliens.


I o it was after WWII that the USA invested shit loads of money in aeronautics to compete with the Russians.
Wouldn't be surprised if the UFOs were actually ships belonging to the United Burgers army.

If life exists outside the solar system its not automatically demonic. Bacterial lifeforms of course aren't demons even alien animals couldn't be demons.

The real issue here is with intelligent life forms. In my point of view there's only 3 possibilities.

1st: they are very intelligent animals but without a rational soul. So they'd be like koko the gorilla but with space ships. That wouldn't present no difficulty to the Catholic Faith because they'd be just animals like a cat or a dog.

2nd: they have rational souls and know God because he made some deal with them (there must be some biblical thing against this but I do not know). But if they got here they would consider us superior to them because we were made in God's image, the Son of God that is God Himself incarnated in a human being, and the Mother of God is also a human.
So I'd all be friends I guess.

3rd. Demons. They would come down here and tell everyone Christianity was wrong and they were our creators and shit and would tell us to worship them.

I take my bet on 3, no 2 must be wrong of a theological basis and I don't think animals can be that smart although its possible.

well said

I agree with everything you said. But
True, but saying that aliens are definitely undoubtedly 100% demons, without even defining what an alien is and is not; is not coherent.
Now I'm not some kind of alien anti-defamation league/alien enthusiast - I quite frankly don't really care if there are aliens - but such statements are illogical and can be exploited by atheists and other heathens to put Christianity in a negative light and therefore discourage people from it, (yeah, yeah if someone is weak enough to be swayed by such ignorant non-argument examples and stuff, then they deserve what they get, but we are to love and help all people come to the faith) so I like to deny them whenever someone makes a thread like this.

Except to an open satanist no demon would tell someone he is a demon.
In the past demons masked themselves as gods, spirits of nature or fake angels of light, now many people no longer believe in these entities so when they contact someone they mask themselves as envoys of the Galactic Federation or some other shit. Their goal is just to fool people and give false informations, spread confusion and discredit faith.
Demons are chaotic however, you can see how no two people who had 'alien' contact ever tell the same story.

When I lived near a Lockheed Martin plant, I saw UFOs almost every night, at times.

Yep I agree. Until we actually see an alien all of this is pure speculation.

I guess that's normal. They make airplanes and military shit.

Aliens don't exist

He deserves heaven more than I do

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Yes. Demons are real and serve a shotgun blast to the face.

Any of you fellow Christians seen this pic? Been circulating around on halfchan's /x/

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No. Demons are extraterrestrial.

It probably a sex doll to be honest