Attached: God Bless America.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

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low iq conflation of the nation with the state

The state is made of people from the nation and the nation votes these people into power. The nation's hands aren't anymore clean than the state's.

How many people in that audience are thinking to themselves, "What the F am I doing here?"

dumb argument
What do I have to do with abortion? Roe was unconstitutional, a wide majority of voters have always opposed it, but millions of babies have died. Do I have guilt?

all of them

Yes, since american nationals won't stop supporting their state. Whether abortion was constitutional or not is irrelevant. Americans are responsible for the creation, perpetuation, funding and protection of the system that allows abominations like Roe v. Wade to exist.

what do you suggest I as an individual do
bomb a clinic?
stop paying taxes, under threat of violence?

the state is an organization with it's own interests that conflict with those of private citizens

I've always wondered why one dude gets a comfy recliner in the front row

Unironically based and redpilled. Undermining "patriotic" confidence in the anti-human "American" empire in actual Americans themselves is an important step in defeating the globo-homo new world order.

Too many conservatives are too quick to respond with 'merican patriotic gobbledeygook to criticism of the "American" media-politico-military machine's disgusting international behavior. Conservative patriots should be the last people to be sympathetic to forcefully spreading anti-christian (and thus anti-American) moral filth around the globe, and doubly so the last to applaud expending American blood and treasure to murder-rob-and-import third worlders for the benefit of an "American" government that hates their guts.

One of the largest grains of truth to typical liberal hocum is that the American military hasn't done any net positive in the world for at the very least 50 years (though probably since WW2). This knee-jerk "support the troops" is like a lot of conservative talking points just good-natured stupidity. You can recognize the good intentions of some of the enlisted, while also recognizing that what they're doing needs to stop. It hasn't done anyone anywhere any good, least of all any good for Americans. Undercutting "patriotic" support for things like politically-controlled social engineering is a good first step to undercutting an evil, bloated, and out of control military.

Even being a comically erroneous heretic, pastor K is in his own way doing God's work. And that song was also winnie the pooh hilarious lmao

"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" seems to pretty much cover how much culpability forcibly taxed citizens have for the insane misbehavior of a depraved imperial ruling class.

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That's up to you. And the nation is the engine of that organization. If the interests were at such odds you'd expect there to be an actual resistance.

he's a clown, not a preacher

Half of whites vote democrat and love fags, user. It's debatable whether they are the actual nation of America of yore, but they are 100% white.

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How is the standard average American responsible for the supreme court?

he has a point here, tho…he's an entertainer, but at least he's going against the current with this short ballad.

ITT: JIDF is afraid of Kavanaugh overturning Roe V Wade.

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This man is a disgrace. He serves Satan by turning people off of Christianity with his hateful words, and soiling the teachings of Christ in the eyes of the public.

How can you call yourself follower of jesus christ by ignore the facts that this whole website have 1000 pic of porn - violence - animal abuse ? why you ignore it ?

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God bless Americans, who are His children and are in need of His redemptive power. America as such, however, is a freemasonic founded state whose very premise is heretical and that needs to be replaced with something better.

Wrong again, that's my point
The nation is only oppressed by the state in the Rothbardian sense

Every. Time.

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How can the supreme court exist without the standard American?

tigger you haven't provided me with a single rebuttal or anything that directly contradicts what I've said. Stop being useless with your piss poor rhetoric.

Name (((them))) brother HH 1488. (((J)))-walking on redd8chan is just so based and redpilled.

You realize that people who are on fire for the LORD don't mind hard preaching.

I pray you get saved, user.

This. America was never meant to be a Christian country.

I wish Americans found the faith in God. Not as a vain phrase "in God we trust" or "God bless America" but true faith.
America was founded upon masonic ideals of secular state, puritan spirit and frankly materialism. Which is why this experiment ended this way.
Americans can be good people but I deeply detest "America" as it is today and as it has been for long time.

who tf are you talking to?
f4ck off

your excuse for ignore it sound awful
america must be punish

Attached: angel amaros.png (640x429, 180.33K)

How can this Jesus dwell among tax collectors and prostitutes? Why does he ignore that they are sinners?
t. Rabbi Pharistein

Gee… I wonder who's behind this post!

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You should really look into the founders of this country some more. Or do you just think deists, satanists, and masons are Christians?

Okay, padre

The founding fathers were not Christian, it's not hard to figure this out. There might have been some delusional proddies here and there, but the overall direction of America was one of freemasonry and proto globalism. The only way for America to be redeemed is through Orthodoxy, the quasi psuedo-religious constitutional foundations of America need to be abandoned and replaced by Christianity

I don't understand why he thinks it's okay to act like clown at times. Sobriety is not measured only by blood alcohol content.

This is just laughable. Your country was founded on secularism which eventually evaporates faith unless some sort of positive-christianity policy is introduced.
So yeah….this was the ultimate goal of the foundations. Repeat it X times and X times yyou'll get this state of America.
Saying "muh those founding fathers claimed to be protestant" or saying caths are jews will not change this fact.

God bless.

Correct ;^)

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Protestantism was cancer that split Europe as was the American influence over the last centuries. Change my mind.
Your country right now serves as a working muscle for the people you claim to be against. lol.

Well that's ironic.

Even California voted against gay marriage. It was activists SCOTUS judges who rammed that down our throats.
Keep in mind that he is ethnically Jewish (matrilineal). He twists scripture to avoid speaking about (ethno-)nationalism. He interprets "neither jew nor greek" literally and with no context, but "neither male nor female" figuratively and in the proper context.

We're the ones actually fighting abortion and gay """marriage""". The EU is a Marxist hellhole.

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