American missionary killed in North Sentinel Island trying to spread Christianity to unontratcted


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I think (((they))) want these people to live in squalor and die in hell


Sounds like a prideful idiot to me, did he even speak their language?


Well, he wouldn't be the first missionary killed by a native population. There's an entire catalog of martyrs and saints filled with missionaries killed by a native population.

Not only that, but contacting uncontactes peoples is illegal for a reason, you can eradicate the entire population via exposure to a pathogen like the common cold.

They would be in e-z hell or some such at worst, having never heard the word of God.

Not necessarily. Do we know what language these people speak or if they have a written language? If so, the great commission is still in effect. We can still give them the gospel without setting foot on their island. What a great technological age in which we live.

Apparently they speak their own language that isn't close enough to the languages of the nearby islands for people to work off of.

There's plenty of good you can do in your own towns. Stop going to shitty africa/abo countries trying to boost your ego and righteousness. Like those dumb libs who go to africa instead of helping white people in their own countries.

"Don't be a dumb Zig Forumsack" - Galatians 3:28

Rule of thumb: uncontacted tribesmen attack strangers with deadly force on sight.

You can't travel the sea without knowing that.

Be a smart Zig Forumsack, and most importantly don't be a faggot like 25daa6

Imagine having to live in the mind of a kike.

Are there any Christians left on this board, or only trannypol larpers? They may not have been going about it the best way, but trying to spread the word of God to those who haven't had contact with it is a duty of Christian charity.

Doesn't exist.


I do think many of us still lurk here sometime, but only post occasionally in wholesome threads like prayer or purity thread or others that appears from time to time.

How this probably went down

Matthew 10:14,15. If they refuse to even let you near the island, you should move elsewhere, to preach to people who will actually listen to the Gospel.

If you walk up to an uncontacted tribe then they're going to start throwing spears at you. The ones who don't act this way stopped being 'uncontacted' a long time ago.

In all likelihood, the dead man suffered from a terminal case of "nobody ever thought of this until I showed up" syndrome.

Leave the Sentinels alone
They don't know the psychological suffering of the modern age

Still human and the end of times won't be triggered until everyone gets the word.

Funny that, I think that people not letting you even near the island is the ONE case where further efforts should be made to spread the word.
If we allow nations to have strict immigration laws, why don't we allow tribes to engage in the closest representative to that in smaller terms?

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It's because the people of the island are homicidally xenophobic. No one has gone to that island and lived to talk about it.


waaaay back, the british went there. they got into a fire fight and took a sentinelese with them. I think it was a kid, a woman and an old man. IIRC, the adults died, and when they found that they couldn't civilize the kid, they took him back and dropped him off.

people've been there and even taken sentinelese off the island, it just isn't really worth the effort. they try to kill you going in, and they die of disease on close contact with foreigners anyway.

it's not really noble if a heretic goes around making other little heretics

The sorta of irony, Dark humor to this is. That's exactly probably what happened. A protestant/Evangelical group goes to a restricted island. That he's not supposed to be on in the first place. And probably if he even managed to preach. Probably started quoting bible verse's most likely like all the protestant groups Out of context. And when the person doesn't understand? Keep spouting bible verses like a baptist lol. I mean on a serious note, Pray for his soul, but more than likely that's probably how it went down.

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"One of us"

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I bet he is an Evangelical or a Baptist lol

Yeah, lets just let them all burn in hell for the rest of eternity, I mean, we wouldn't want them to have pay taxes or get sick, right?

Isn't presumption a sin?

Prove to me he's not. Heretics usually do stupid stuff like this.

But seriously though, what would be the righteous and Christian thing to do about these people? It's pretty much impossible to preach to them as they kill everyone on sight. It also seems impossible to gather information about their language/culture/vulnerability to diseases etc. Leaving them be is also not good.

They sent him to heaven, dude. He's fine.

hell doesn't exist

Seems like you're right

winnie the pooh Americans I swear

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If this guy was Cathodox would this qualify him to be a saint due to martyrdom spreading the gospel?


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I can't believe some of the replies I'm reading in this thread.

Sadly this. This man most likely didn't have Christ in mind when he made this trip, just his own selfish desires of exploration, fame, and possibly martyrdom. Christians in the U.S. need to get their pooh together and bring the word to their own broken countrymen before it's too late; we're hardly a Christian nation ourselves anymore. I guess soul-winning in the U.S. doesn't compare to exploring the world and taking selfies with foreign people for attention on social media though.

me too, this guy literally died trying to spread the word of god

We don't need another half assed evangelization by dozens of sects creating another New Guinea and destroying the culture.

There's already a traditional patriarchate in the region who could establish more meaningful and enduring traditions on the island if they were able to.

Hand rubbing intensifies

t. duplicitous jew

We don't need another half assed evangelization by dozens of sects creating another New Guinea and destroying the culture.

There's already a traditional patriarchate in the region who could establish more meaningful and enduring traditions on the island if they were able to.

Hand rubbing intensifies

t. duplicitous jew

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Is that how it works?

Christians have been killed from the beginning trying to spread God's word, there's no difference between this and any other mission to tribal people.

We'll see about that

You're telling people to ignore the great commission, effectively damning them to hell, and you're calling me the jew?

Apparently when you're attacking protestants, you get to say anything you want here and the mods wont do anything about it.

Yeah yeah, pretty hard to take seriously the word of someone who probably mocks Christianity in one thread while (((promoting))) it in another to their own destructive ends.

sneaking in little drones and stuff like that?

This. The young man did more to further the Gospel than most people on this board ever will. None of us have any idea what was in his heart, and to presume it is only selfishness says a lot about the state of our own hearts. He left home, went across the planet, risked (and gave) his life, all so that some people who he has never known may know Christ.

I can admire his drive and courage to do so, but I must ask, despite this possibly sounding stupid, but did he even speak their language? Speaking the teachings of the Lord is not bad, but it would help if those they are preaching to could understand.

Idk fam I didn't read the article. I read the title and formed my own objective opinion about the whole situation. I think he did speak it a bit, but how well I don't know. Would be pretty stupid to engage with hostile people yelling in a language they don't understand.

Nobody knows their language, and any attempts at communication in the past have shown that whatever they do speak, it's probably not related to anything else.

He literally turned up on an ialand trying to preach to hostile people he cant even speak to. This isnt evangelisation, it's just stupidity that lead to his death. On top of that the whole disregard for the disease thing, you know that thing where his mere presence could potentially wipe out their entire population, that doesnt make Christians look too good tbh fam.

Babbling in English to people who clearly see you as an enemy is not being a Christian. It's like entering a terrorist cell looking as american as it gets. Being inconsequential is not equal to monks who were mutilated by Constantine V.


I'm appalled by some of the responses in this thread. Why do you guys have such a hard time just behaving like civilised people?

Thread reopened and cleaned up. Behave this time around.

First pic related also why in the world did you delete that thread mods? I specifically wanted to talk about constructing an almost universally understandable version of the Gospels as a form to introduce Christianity to people who don’t speak a language you don’t understand since this thread will only be mainly taking about the missionary and ooga booga blacks

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Form the article in question since you can't be bothered:
>Survival International, which advocates for tribal groups' rights, urges outsiders to respect the wishes of the Sentinelese to not be contacted. "If not, the entire tribe could be wiped out by diseases to which they have no immunity," it says.

I wonder if anyone else defending this man's actions are on the same boat.

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This. I understand wanting to spread the Gospel, but I think a lot of posters here are being more prideful than they'd care to admit. We have the entire civilized world falling into apostasy or outright heresy, and the Catholic Church is doing everything it can (from an optics perspective, anyway) to drive an entire generation of people away from the Faith.

I get that everyone means everyone, including uncontacted peoples, but when there's obviously far too much work to do here, there's no point in blindly running into a hostile situation where the best case scenario is you spread the word just long enough to accidentally kill the entire population of a rare and isolated peoples with disease before they can convert. Fix the Anglosphere first, then go South and East.

The way these Sentinalese seem to be, they will only respect someone stronger than them. Come there spreading good will and they’ll laugh at you and try to impale you. Come with a gun and shoot one of them, and then they will listen.

He knew that full well. He said that he hoped he wouldn't die, but he seemed ready for it. He wrote that he didn't want anyone to hold it against the natives or God if he was killed, and that they should forgive the natives and keep living in Christ.

Same. I've read tons of the articles on this and the guy honestly sounds like a genuinely good guy who was trying to preach the gospel. Tons of fedora tippers and the like are using it to ramble about "hurr stupid Christians get what they deserve," though.

You should be ashamed triggering the mods to use their wagging finger to hit the delete button.

Very good for him, very bad for them.
I probably don't agree with his theology, but still a martyr is a martyr

At worst, he was guilty of naivety. At best, he's a martyr.

this guy gets it

Good thought. Very wise

You're prepared to condemn him without knowing the truth.
Good to know
While this

… kind of toxic bile deserves its own, precious ban


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With these type of people, the only way to do it properly is to send the military to protect the missionary. The instant the natives shoot them they shoot back, until they prove their superior military force to the savages.
Then the missionary will have to do as the missionaries of old did, live among them, learn their culture and language to only then begin spreading the Word of Christ.
Unfortunately whe dont have christian governments worried about the salvation of people's souls, we have secular/atheist and satanic government that despises us and seek eternal danmation for all people on the world, so i don't think it will happen soon.

I'm not going to say they weren't wrong to say what they did, but
>People are upset for some reason
How can you not see it?

its not like vaccines exist or anything

What the sentenalese need is someone like Juan Diego (who I admit converted before his vision) to preach the gospel to them in their own terms. Their xenophobia won’t allow for anything else.

Ah yes, perpetuate the injustices of the past. The bit about shooting back echoes some current political controversy.
And it's wondered why such people are disliked, not that it should be a trouble for them as their religion teaches that being hated is ideal.

Theists ask that they be preached to. Secularists ask that they leave this largely virgin remaining culture untouched by a predominant religion and culture with all the foreseeable effects.

It's been seen before what happens when a religion is imposed on those not of it.
It has also been observed before what happens when atheism is imposed on religious cultures.

>I think (((they))) want these people to live in squalor and die in hell
No it's probably just a general principle in leaving people be by those who don't subscribe to your particular belief instead of any deluded presumption of malevolence, which is probably what is wicked actually.

Flurry of backlash and accusation impending.

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I do see it, which is why I deleted some comments calling for barbarism and genocide(a crime you can get jail time for in my country), same as some comments which had a less than civilised way to discuss the fate of the young man in particular and americans in general.

Rule 2 applies to the entire board, in all threads and during all interactions, no matter who and what is being discussed.

,,Interactions must be for the sake of Charity. Post made in the spirit of disruption or spite could earn you a short to permanent ban.

Charity is a foundational concept in Christianity. It is the virtue of supreme love for God and others. It is the greatest of the three virtues Paul emphasizes, and governs all Christian conduct. Just because this is an Zig Forums board does not alleviate Christians of their moral duty. All interactions must be done with this in mind."

Because of the risk of disease, we must leave people to live in squalor and sin? Before you say I'm being ignorant for assuming they're evil or sinful in their ways, remember they try to murder anyone they come into contact with.

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What is it? Because the government behind the first example is big enough or something?

some of you REALLY need to practice taking a step back and looking at the big picture.
this is yet another case of a well-intentioned idiot. He knew that A. everyone that visits that island gets shot on sight, and B. even if he made it 5 minutes on shore, if he was carrying even 1 cell of a foreign pathogen on his person, then everyone on that island would've been killed off, not to mention none of them speak a lick of english. A few minutes of thinking would've had him realize that these people are more-or-less winnie the poohed spiritually, at least in this life, and there was absolutely NO way he could get to them even if they were 100% docile.

Also, this is making wonderful fuel for the christianophobic fire. I'm glad he's making it to the pearly gates, but his legacy is nothing except another anecdote to be used against christianity. Literally did more harm than good all because he got too caught up in the ideal, but did not take into account the situation of the broken world.
Ephesians 1:17. Proverbs 2:10. Psalm 51:6. ANYTHING, just use your god-given brain.

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Actually, that's the reason.
Apparently, most of the Sentinel people got wiped out by the british occupation a long time ago, so now thy are violently rejective of most foreigners, for good reason.

Well, it seems the Onge, their "cousins"(which ironically, are described as super sweet and peaceful folk), speak some related tongue, but even they can't understand them anymore.

No, but you should do it in a way that doesn't involve giving them SuperAIDS, because then you have no one to preach to.
And that's beside the lovely impression they will make of Christendom when the first and last missionary they get before they get wiped out is pretty much a herald of Nurgle.

You deleted my post calling him retarded for 1. Getting himself killed when he should have expected it and 2. Potentially commiting genocide against a native population.

You're not deleting "uncharitable posts" youre just censoring what you dont like.

Yet millions of illegals travel to the US to take welfare and erode our culture = you're racist if you don't let them take over America.

Why did you have to shoehorn shit like this into threads, no matter how unrelated the subject matter is at hand.

All the apostles spread the gospel without raising a sword.

This man may be stupid, but at least he has more conviction than you guys

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