What will happen to Koko the gorilla when she died?

What will happen to Koko the gorilla when she died?


Nothing. Animals don't get resurrected, and can't be rewarded or punished for anything they did in life. If you feel sad because animals don't go to Heaven, remember that in all probability most humans not only won't make it to Heaven but will suffer an infinitely worse fate than anything any animal could.

Off-topic: why do materialists have such an obsession with other primates? A fetus isn't s person to them, but they think chimps and gorillas should be granted legal personhood.

The question is less stupid than it seems. We say animals do not have an immortal soul and thus don't go to heaven or are resurrected.
This Gorilla however was able to understand and communicate in a rudimentary form of language, now how can this happen without a rational soul?

It went to gorilla heaven

I believe it's likely that God will ressurect many animals. They haven't sinned, and they were with us from the start. Man has always been close to animals and I think we will be with them in Paradise. Christianity doesn't explicitly state this but I find it likely and comforting.

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I was really hoping you were going to say “are animals” after this. I REALLY REALLY wanted to see what kind of rigorous theological debate would ensue.

Well, animal comes from Latin "anima" meaning breath. So, since we humans are the only creatures who were explicitly stated to have the breath of life (neCmat hayyim, breath of life in hebrew) put into them, and we have the holy spirit (pneuma, breath in Greek), we are really more animal than other creatures.


I've heard it explained like this in reference to people's dogs dieing:
There is no direct biblical support for having pets or other animals in heaven/paradise. However, it is possible that God in His mercy and kindness MAY reunite us with these creatures that we have come to adore. But it is only a possibilty; we must remember that as animals they are a part of this passing world.

Using the Lord's name in vain is a violation of the 3rd commandment.

Well quite plainly rudimentary languages do not require human rationality or an immortal soul. Primates aren't even unique in that, crows and prairie dogs are known to create novel calls to communicate about things they've encountered.

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Leftism is a cult. They have their own set of morals and sins, which generally go the polar opposite direction from Christianity. And/or they will twist biblical texts and historical sayings to suit their agenda.

Cult life revolves around sex, drugs, and devotion to a guru. The sex lures them into the cult, the drugs make them unable to leave, and the guru's loyalty police whip all the slaves into total obedience. Leftism's guru is George Soros.

In regard to animals going to Heaven, I know it may sound selfish or against the bible or what Heaven is about, but my mom is disabled and she's had multiple service dogs. She's had them all cremated. If animals cannot go to heaven, so be it, but I would hope that she can encounter the animals that helped her live. She may not be the best Christian, but she did her best for my family, and I hope she'll gain her vision back and see them again some day.

As an animal lover, I would like to think that animals go to heaven and I can see all my childhood doggies in heaven. But we have to be realistic and approach the subject rationally. If gorillas and dogs are in heaven, then what about fish and insects and ants? What about germs? What about non-living things? Did Wilson from castaway go to heaven?

Too many people treat heaven like a place where they get to meet up again with all their lost loved ones. To relive the past that they could never let go of. But sadly, it can't be like that. The love we feel in heaven; the real, substantial love known as "agape", will be very different from the stunted, exclusive neurotic "love" we feel down here on earth, which is just a biproduct of chemical reactions and biological drives. When we get to heaven, we have to give up those earthly relations. Chtist himself said that we have to love him more than our family and friends.

How can we enjoy heaven knowing we can't have our pets? How can we enjoy heaven knowing that a select few of our loved ones are in hell? It is because we abandon those illusionary relationships when we see the face of God. When we die, we are born to eternal life, but we still die. Death involves loss, and losing things to the sands of time. At the end of everything, it is just you and God. No one else.

Christ preached the good news, but there is a dark, grim reality contained in that good news that we can't just ignore or delude ourselves out of. We need to embrace death and finality to be a good Christian. Not to pretend that it is all sunshine and rainbows

There's a lot of things I have at least a small response to, but I'm absolutely clueless on this one. A part of me hopes that animals play some part at least. Some of the imagery in the Bible likes to use animals to illustrate a restored world though. "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." - Rom 8:22

"If you can understand it, then it's not God."

Something important to keep in mind when we have our hourly threads about pretending we know exactly how God works and what he's up to.

"In vain" → "for vanity" –→ "for purposes of beautification."
"Your efforts are in vain." —→ "Your efforts are just for show."

With the modern world's lack of understanding, sadly this rule is broken quite often. We're not supposed to call upon God to win arguments, sell ideas, persuade people, or otherwise strengthen our own position. After all, God is not a subordinate or indebted.

Doing this too much is probably why the modern norm is to distrust religion. People spent the past several centuries using God as makeup for their own selfish desires. This is tantamount to slander, and the result is an undeserved bad reputation for religion.

While I cannot argue your points, as much as I want to, I do think that God wants us to build relationships with others. Whether it be friends, marriage, our children or pets and animals. I imagine that part of the reason God wants us to spread His words is so that we may, collectively, see each other again in Heaven. I understand that He is the focus, but as much as His love comes to us mentally and spiritually, we are physical creatures, and we can only communicate through the verbal or written word with anyone but Him.

Consider that one of God's first acts was trying to find friends for Adam… starting with the animals.

Whether that means a resurrection of all creation, I don't know.. but I do think God wants us to love and care for what he's given us. Only the worst of people would dispute that.

future tense
past tense
You don't know where you are, do you?

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egotistical piece of shit