Christianity in China

It never occurred to me before that the Church was significant in China. Supposedly there are as many as 40 million Christians in China, possibly more but most chose not to report it. Most of them identify as Protestants but I remember reading Christianity in general there is pretty much Communist Party Approved Christianity™
How can we reach out to our brothers out there? Anyone have any experience with the Chinese Churches?

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That's just the Catholics. Papa Franky threw his own priests under the bus and cucked for Xi and his approved "patriotic" church. The underground church is much larger than them.

Does shit like this happen often over there? Is Xi just starting to crack down on the underground churches?

God bless the Chinese people

It's happened since Mao.

Mao wanted to replace all culture with communist culture. I'm just surprised this kind of thing still happens

China will someday soon have more Christians in it than the United States, and will surpass it as the country with most Christians worldwide. We can't let them continue to be suffocated by the People's Republic.

I have lived in China; many of the young Christians assume any white people are also Christians.

Catholicism is tiny there compared to crazy-tier sects of protestant christianity that have been able to thrive underground. Thousands of cults. It's nuts

Unfortunately, I suspected as much.

That is the case for most people in Asia, because the West is synonymous with Christianity. They don't realize that the West was gutted and transformed into a godless hellhole in one generation.

I imagine you consider any non-Catholic denomination to be such.

Um, no. They are all crazy sects. There are no methodists, Presbyterians or such things. It's all underground and they often mix bits and pieces together into some of the worst forms of christianity I have ever seen.

They all appear brainwashed and their eyes are all glazed over. It was really easy to spot a Chinese Christian as their eyes all had this weird glazed look. Weird Korean cults also do lots of underground conversion there; Korean Christians also have a lot of wackjobs.

Not surprised. China has been artificially starved of religion for a long time, so they go after the craziest charismatic stuff they can get their hands on for a taste of "spiritual experiences". Communism has swept their house clean and now seven worse spirits are entering in.

So elaborate. What have you seen them do?

If the Xijinpingists are smart, they'll at least use their establishment priests to round out the cultists into a more grounded faith.

Group fits. Trothing at the mouth. Finding things they don't like and declaring "that is Satan!". Most of them I spoke to told me Darwin recanted on his death bed.

One harassed me all day because my name is Daniel and he said that's from the bible; he was furious when I told him I wasn't a Christian (mostly to get him to go away)

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So he was excited to meet someone named that? Or said what?

Like what?

You'll have to forgive the interrogation, but most people I've come in contact with that are aware of Christianity growing in China are fedoras and do anything they can to make it into something bad. Mostly from Zig Forums or /int/.

He was excited that I had a Christian name and assumed I must be as weird as hime.

his was back in 2012; a while ago. Me, him and a normal chinese girl were just talking.
He had recently changed his english name to Christian, his name was just a literal translation of his chinsese name(tiger) before; but he said that was "satan" so he changed it.

Hmm, you could have tried to teach him rather than piss him off. Missed opportunity.

he could barely speak english tbh and my chinese wasn't fluent until 2014

So? Why does that matter?

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If you go back, have more patience with these people. They are receptive to being taught the Truth, they just lack instruction. First impressions mean a lot.

He didn't recant on his deathbed, it's a belief only held by the most crazy of prots.

America was pretty much the same before the Great Awakenings became mainstream, after deism and fedora lite-ism.
Everyone made their own weird denoms.
All the great heresies and cults(mormoms, JW's, advents, etc.) come from that era.

Yeah, but why does it matter? I'm sure if we interrogated your beliefs on history we'd find lots of historical inaccuracies. I wouldn't consider you crazy for it. I'm just confused about why you mentioned that, of all things. When you originally mentioned "crazy-tier sects" I assumed you meant charismatic stuff.

There's zero evidence of this. Besides, what's to recant? He was baptized Anglican, lived mostly as a Unitarian Christian, and had an Anglican funeral and burial. Why do people always assume Darwin was an atheist simply because he figured out that traits are inherited from the parents? That's kind of a "well, duh" to us, but it was Darwin who quantified it. Why would he have to recant the truth?

so you just skipped my post where i mentioned everything else i guess.

dont know, which is why i said it was a point of the crazy things they are into

Darwin created the untested hypothesis of evolution, opposite of Creation from God. I would imagine that's what they hope he recanted from.

So … Darwin created "survival of the fittest" before Aristotle's "scala naturae"? What time line are you living in, user?

Stop acting dumb. Classification exists exclusive of suggesting we came from monkeys.

Speaking of acting dumb … Darwin didn't suggest we came from monkeys. Maybe you should read a book now and then. It's amazing how doing so cures ignorance.


An Argument Status: NOT

What is evolution?

Darwinian evolution - what we're actually talking about - has two points:
1] Survival of the fittest. In any given ecosystem, the ones best fit to the environment will be the ones who survive. Humans, being able to create warm wooly coats and air conditioning, do not fall into this category.
2] Traits are inherited from the parents. Darwin proved this using pea pods, but it's true for humans as well. This is proven to be true.

Now … where are these monkeys of which you speak? Darwin mentions that humans and monkeys may have a common ancestor (MAY HAVE) but never claims that humans are descended from monkeys.

Want to try again or would you prefer to just call it autism?

Evolution is the hypothesis that life came from a single-celled organism, to fish, to dinosaurs, to mammals, to humans. Etc. etc. Autism ad infinitum.

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That's not DARWINIAN evolution. Did you forget we were talking about DARWIN or are you just autistic?

Its a delicate situation, that has gotten worse with the rising nationalism and anti-foreigner mindset. If Christianity ever starts getting a serious concentration of adherents and is even neutral towards the CCP governance there will be pretty harsh crackdowns.

Its a tricky situation of spreading the gospel whilst not leading locals into unnecessarily bad situations.

Well, unfortunate to hear, but probably true. So, China's a big heresy pocket? Dang. Protestantism doing a bang up job as usual. Yea, that's gona be a while before that heresy gets sorted out. Semi related, but when we had that, American Protestant/Evangelical in the news try to go one of the islands off the coast of India. The sundenalse. Which again. Not saying it's wrong to convert the natives. Which funny they're the hostile ones. They're the tribe that cuts peoples heads offs. And just murders people on site, even you're just some poor sap, who's boat run aground , they go attacking, but oh some guy who just wanted to spread the faith, not Condoning Heresy btw, i'm not. But yes, for public image back home, and just for practical reasons. For what's Orthodox. It's not helping, Protestantism is just spreading more heresies. But, as i'm not an, Orthodox missionary, Most surely, Prayers are needed for a region in dire times.

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Other than your testimony , I am gonna need some good evidence for this claim. Do you now of any studies of these groups? articles?

We should not just assume the catholic hypothesis

China persecution has been low for a couple of decades but recently there's been an upsurge due to new laws.

The reason evangelical/pentecostal type churches are the ones which have taken hold are because they actually believe in a God who has power and desire to save and are still inspired by his purposes in this age to take the gospel to all nations. Also the church models allow for slipping under the state apparatus, and spreading like a fire. Unfortunately traditional churches are encumbered by all the weight of trying to simply keep everything exactly the same from one generation to the next and have large, complex, unwieldy systems of church and worship. The gospel only spreads when self-preservation is laid aside. I like the orthodox church and would be a possible convert if only the missionary zeal was not so totally missing and tradition wasn't such an idol.

I highly recommend a book by Paul Hattaway 'An Asian Harvest' , written by a New Zealander who has been providing Bibles to the Chinese house church for decades. It is his autobiography so not specifically about the Chinese house churches but he has a great story and is very honest about the state of the Chinese church, the good the bad and the ugly. The picture he paints is not an idealistic rosy coloured one but neither is it as depr easing as our brother's in this thread.