
Is Santa Claus idolatry?

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No, he’s a folk tale/legend that grew around a Christian saint, and he’s not worshipped in any way or even believed by people over the ages of 10-12

isn't that the traditions of men though? that's idolatry. where is santa claus in the BIBLE?? how come parents lie to their kids and say hes real??

Idol: false god
Latry: worship
Idolatry: worship of false gods
Santa was a real guy, so he’s not “false,” he’s not a god and nobody claims he is, and nobody worships him
Nowhere. Nobody claimed Santa was in the Bible
Because it’s a cute and fun harmless tradition

It was a harmless tradition, but consumerism ruined it.

No. nicholas was a real man, santa claus is a bunch of fake stories they made up about him. now parents lie to their children and don't think twice about it. such these man made traditions lead people away from CHRIST and the TRUTH
This is idolatry because you pay homage to a false image PERIOD


Yeah, lying to your children so they start questioning what else you've lied to them about and turn away from God and other traditions sure is cute, harmless fun.

He's the reprieve when good things happen to you in the deadly winter of Europe, and has been with our people since forever. Goes all the way back to Mother Hulda/Perchta and co, which some say are even older than Odin and the like.

Unpopular opinion on this board, but still true.

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Trueish. The true meaning of Christmas and Santa Claus can at least still be preserved in this day and age

It's not idolatry because it's not worship of an idol. And they're not "LIES!!!!11!@" they're myths, and there is a difference. He's a folk tale

Correct, not worshipped in any way. Unless you think that children worship their parents, and everybody worships police officers and judges. Giving out rewards/punishments for behavior does not worship make

Good grief, what is wrong with you emos? I was taught Santa was real and I'm still a Christian

That is true, though unpopular. Kris Kringle is not Saint Nicholas, though they are both Santa Claus

Whenever a Seventh Day Adventist opens its judaizing mouth, all I hear is

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I think the issue is a lot of parents say god is real because I say so, and saying Santa is real while lying leads your kid to that one “Well what if God isn’t real?” Thing from that one M. Night movie


Why do protestants have such a hard time to grasp what is and what isnt idolatry


If you're going to tell your kids about St. Nick/Santa Claus, you might as well include one of his companions, like Krampus or Père Fouettard.
Kids need to behave, and the threat of lack of presents isn't enough.

You're better off teaching your kids about the real deal, Saint Nicolas. Only way to guarantee that it wouldn't be.

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Sup Satan. Any regrets?

This 100%

Kids are too darn spoiled with consumerism today chances are they already have a vidya system anyway

Krampus will straighten them out.

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