What does this board think of the book of enoch?

what does this board think of the book of enoch?

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Jewish = satanic = bad

It's jewish.

the OT is made by jews though.

The old testament hebrews weren’t jews judaism is an invented religion that came after the fall of the 2nd temple. Modern judaism comes from the traditions of same pharasies that crucified christ and rejected his divinity.

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the book of enoch wasn't written by modern jews.

Why pol loves to blame everything on their boogeymans?

Zig Forums isn’t Zig Forums and it isn’t a boogyman only jews accept the book of enoch as valid

A book we should know about, but its nothing we should draw theological implications from.

Interesting as a historical document, but otherwise not really noteworthy. Why do you ask, OP?

You're not very smart, are you lad.

Not sure why you raised this point considering that OP isn't claiming Enoch should be included in the canonical scriptures.

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I just read that there's evidence in the book of enoch for the existance of souls in dogs.

They won't let us have sex with farm animals.

What are you talking about? If a claim is contained in a book it is not "evidence," rather a "claim" or a "proposition." Is English your second language?
All living beings have souls, though the souls of plants, animals and humans are qualitatively different, naturally.

You need to leave.


thanks, english is my second language.

the authors of enoch were pharasies not prophets unlike the rest of the old testament

I think you need to hang yourself with a belt because God hates you that's why you needed to create laws to destroy people's lives for having sex with animals because He wouldn't do it for you, you had to do it all yourself like youll hang yourself with a belt. No faith bad religion you're garbage just like every christian who swears on the Bible in a lesser kike court of law.


Whilst this book does not form part of the canon of Holy Scripture for the larger Christian Churches, various groups, including the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, regard parts or all of 1 Enoch to be inspired Scripture. The currently known texts of this work are usually dated to Maccabean times (ca. 160s BC).

No. That is not a proper source of information. Too many posters here do this and it's absolutely insane.

That being said, I don't know why you posted this video. The Book of Enoch is not sacred scripture and therefore, beyond its importance as historical/mythological document, has no relation to Christianity at all.

The BoE was written by the same culture and people (speaking generally) that produced most of the OT. What's more, it was known by many Church Fathers and it even used by some of them as evidence for the coming of Christ.
This is a redundant dualism considering the fact that the former was a sect, or a movement, whereas the latter is a calling by God and cannot be considered an "occupation."

May God save your soul, pagan.

The Jews (Yehudi or Yehudim of the tribe Yehuda or Judah) were only one tribe of Israel. Everyone before then would not be Jews. Many of the people after that as well were also not Jews. For example, Paul nee Saul was of the tribe of Benjamin.

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly…

what the church considers cannon in the bible is what the vaticans wants you to believe.

would you believe mainstream media today just because is the official version?

Pray the Jesus Prayer tonight. It may help ease your anxious mind.

from what I can tell, the book of enoch is about the prebiblican angels who had children with women, the nephilim.

There's some evidence of fosil records where they found giants on some places on earth.

the bible is a series of books, without a table of contents or an authoritative body to decide what goes in it you are left to your own devices and whims to pick and choose what is spiritually inspired and what isn't.

do what said

I don't necesarelly believe God only revealed to only the jews.

I do think God's have appear several times to diferent peoples to teach their truth.

I do believe Buda was another incarnation of jesus.

The Vatican didn't choose the Canon.
I think you need to read Tobit, it's about the medicinal power of the Church. Please do it, it's very short.

repent of your heresy or go to >>>/fringe/

No they don’t, the Jewish scripture is the same as the Protestant Old Testament but rearranged and mixed up. The only people who accept Enoch as valid are Ethiopian Orthodox

I'm agnostic who reads gnostic books.

something he never claimed nor believed.
Then God is incoherent and full of deception and contradictions. Go be a homoperennialist somewhere else.

I do think God and truth is the sun light, but every religion is a part of his wisdom, in the sense that red and blue, even while diferent both are part of the same light.

If you'd hang around long enough, you'd know. This same question is asked every 12 hours or so.

The sunlight is harmonious, while the world's religions are not harmonious with each other; fundamentally they are saying different things about God, morality and the afterlife and they claim God has said different/contradictory things when stacked against each other.
Bad analogy. Who taught you this nonsense?

because the situation is much more complex than what the bible tries to teach you.

but if you ever mention stuff like the demiurge christians will try to burn you alive.

Other religions worship the fallen ones and are not
part of God's light!!

It thinks OP is still a fag.

Why would God incarnate and deliver fundamentally different messages to the world? Instead of delivering fundamentally the same message each time, but with superficial differences? He's literally lying when he tells Christians that they can only go to the Father through his incarnate Son and his action on the cross, while telling muslims there is was no incarnation, there is no intercessor, he didn't die, there is no blood redemption, etc. Then he tells buddhists that God is basically irrelevant and they need to save themselves via their own effort in meditation and detachment. Then he tells Hindus that they actually are all little bits of God incarnate and that everything is God consciousness or someshit.
Where is the harmony? There might be a harmony within a religion and it's different denominations because they share the same fundamentals, but not across religions, there is no harmony in fundamentals there, only in very superficial things like certain virtues.

Its not complicated at all.
It becomes complicated when you try to smash all religions into one.

I heard the video game adaptation was OK

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The identification with the tribe of Judah doesn't make one of that tribe. It was mostly political.

Jewish fable

Lad there can be only one true religion. If you are a Christian you must believe it because Christ himself who is True Man and True God said so.
All the other religions as the OT tells us as well as the Christian tradition is that the other gods are demons.
So a Jew, a Muslim think they worship God but in the end of the day its Satan they worship. When they refuse to acknowledge God as he is they are friends with the devil.
Hindus, pagans, and the remaining polytheists are just worshipping demons larping as Zeus or shiva.

I think it was a useful polemic, even if not written by Enoch. It came from the Post-Exillic time when Jews just got back from Babylon. No doubt they were referring to Gen 6 and elaborating on the full implications of it.. and the root of false gods spread in the world. When they encountered Babylon, they knew exactly where their beliefs originally came from.. and someone finally wrote about it. Maybe they even used some original sources as well that we don't know of, but I think the general gist is from post-Exile eyes.

A fable quoted by St. Jude.

Not everything one it was false.
You can even see that on some apocryphal gospels. There are some that tell us imaginary stories about the infancy of Christ. It's not an holy text, it's a Christian fable, but still has a bit of truth.
The proto evangelium of James isn't canon as well, but somethings as the names of the parents of Mary can be assumed to be true.

I agree with all of this :)

Nice I guess.

haha.. yeah, pointless post. But isn't it nice for someone to agree on Zig Forums? ;)

God bless

Kek. I have to admit it was odd.