Mystery Babylon

Which country do you think matches the description for the Mystery Babylon of the end times?

I've heard things like America, Jerusalem, Rome(Catholic Church), Mecca, etc.

Which country fits the best description(s) about the Mystery Babylon?
I'm fully aware that things can completely change in several hundred years, but for the sake of this thread, let's assume the events of Revelation takes place in our lifetime.

Attached: Whore of Babylon.jpg (720x540, 99.43K)

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Tempe, Arizona.





I'm in the belief that America is also Babylon. But I've heard valid arguments to Israel (specifically, Jerusalem) being a valid possibility.

Do you mind providing why you think it's America?

Attached: america babylon.jpg (829x591, 222.68K)

You know who else fits that description? Europa. Could be the EU parliament, could be the false Vatican II sect.

Attached: europa.jpg (304x293, 16.15K)

The Internet.

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Great and marvelous
Are your doings,
Lord God Almighty.
Just and true
Are your ways,
O King of Ages.
Who shall not fear,
O Lord,
And glorify your Name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come
And worship before you,
For your righteous deeds
Have been disclosed.

This thread has been done with the exact same pic as before in the past few months (maybe 6 I loose track of time). I dont understand.

The kings of the world have had immoral relations with her, and the people of the earth have been made drunk by the wine of her immorality.

There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet animal that had seven heads and ten horns, written all over with blasphemies against God.

The woman wore purple and scarlet clothing and beautiful jewelry made of gold and precious gems and pearls, and held in her hand a golden goblet full of obscenities

The oceans, lakes, and rivers that the woman is sitting on represent masses of people of every race and nation.

Babylon the Great is fallen, is fallen; she has become a den of demons, a haunt of devils and every kind of evil spirit. For all the nations have drunk the fatal wine of her intense immorality. The rulers of earth have enjoyed themselves with her, and businessmen throughout the world have grown rich from all her luxurious living.

The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn for her, for there is no one left to buy their goods. She was their biggest customer for gold and silver, precious stones, pearls, finest linens, purple silks, and scarlet; and every kind of perfumed wood, and ivory goods, and most expensive wooden carvings, and brass, and iron, and marble; and spices, and perfumes, and incense, ointment, and frankincense, wine, olive oil, and fine flour; wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, and slaves—and even the souls of men.

Babylon, that great city, shall be thrown away as I have thrown away this stone, and she shall disappear forever. Never again will the sound of music be there—no more pianos, saxophones, and trumpets. No industry of any kind will ever again exist there, and there will be no more milling of the grain. Dark, dark will be her nights; not even a lamp in a window will ever be seen again. No more joyous wedding bells and happy voices of the bridegrooms and the brides. Her businessmen were known around the world, and she deceived all nations with her sorceries. And she was responsible for the blood of all the martyred prophets and the saints.

The whore of Babylon is Israel. It happened once already Hosea 4:15 it can (and already has) happen again. The Talmud

Spoiler Alert Pastor Anderbro gets btfo epic style

given the context of Hosea's representation of Israel as an adulterous bride, and at the time Israel was the set-apart representation of God on Earth, and since Israel was a type and shadow of the Church to come, then it's no small leap to see the Whore of Babylon as a self-defiling and adulterous branch of illicit Christianity

Read Ezekiel 16

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say Aspergers.

California as a whole is the best bet. Hollywood and Silicon Valley combine to fit the Babylon description better than anything.

I think there’s also good chance it’s Europe, with “the beast” being the EU

Considering Ezekiel 16 says whores are cucked nations I think it's likely the west. What's also fascinating is that chapter says the Israelites were full of cucks because of Canaanite admixture. Maybe Canaanites are people genetically prone to liberalism and that's why God was enraged when the Israelites didn't kill them. The end of Zechariah says the Canaanites will be removed from the house of Israel in the endtimes so maybe all the liberals get deported in the near future. I think Rensburg also said that would happen. I know it's a pretty untypical interpretation but I don't want to just repeat what's already been said on every pastor's youtube channel.

Sounds like America to me.

It's Rome. Rome is Babylon. Even the Romanists have admitted this since before the Reformation.


It's actually a certain group of nomadic people.

Attached: Saint Simon of trent.jpg (844x913, 205.52K)

The whole winnie the pooh world.

Rome(Catholic Church)

ITT: itching ears hear what they want to hear.

My bet is on Jerusalem
I don’t need to tell you why (((they))) fit that role so well. That being said, because the beast she sits upon has seven heads, which refer to seven hills, that could refer to Athens, San Francisco, Edinburgh, Liverpool or even Moscow as much as it does Rome, since they’re all claimed to be built on seven hills. In the end, I don’t think it matters too much, since the entire world is kiked.

Three things must be considered: political, economical and spiritual.

Spiritually mystery Babylon is those ancient egyptian and babylonian mysteric practices, involving demons, that inspired and still today inspire the ruling elite. See the Gothard tunnel ceremony to understand
In this regard Mystery Babylon represent the elites and their secret ancient demonic cult.

Politically and economically it most likely represent Rome, not the modern Rome who is no longer the center of the world but the Rome that existed at the time Revelation was written.
At the time it was written 90% of Christianity existed in the borders of the Roman Empire, the largest, wealthiest and most powerful empire of the world.
In this sense Babylon will be a reborn "roman" empire, an empire that will control all the world and where all Christians will live (and then be persecuted).
However being as large and as powerful as the old roman empire is not enough, it must also have somthing to do with Rome. We see today the Roman Catholic Church has been heavily infiltrated, there is still resistance of faithful christians inside, but the hierarchy is largely dominated by satanic pedophiles. They are hijacking the Church and together with other controlled churches (such as the church of England) they will try to lead many into errors and into welcoming the Antichrist.

tl;dr a global "roman" empire, ruled by elites following the mysteric demonic cults of Babylon and sponsored by hijacked churches (the RC in particular).

So gates of hell was just a meme?

Kek good one

We'll see …

That's a risk many of us face…

We know that babylon has to be a city, because past babylon was a city, so it can't be "the united states" as a whole. It also has to be a coastal city since it ships merchandise out and is a center of trade. We can look into this considering it is the end times, but we don't know for sure because God hasn't revealed it to us yet.
My guess is either New York City or Vatican City.

Im thinking NY, LA, Jerusalem or Tel Aviv

But it mentions that Babylon is both a city that represents an empire.

yeah you're right, since Babylon controls the whole earth. Some say it is a spiritual kingdom Babylon, which could mean its cultural influences like (LA)

Yeah that's America.
The irony for prots

That passage can also easily be the modern state of Israel. Israel (and her bankers) is the whore that uses the US (the beast) to get what it wants.

Maybe if you read the Bible, you'd see that the city is referred to as the city where Christ was crucified, which was Jerusalem, at least the last time I checked.

this would match up with the past with the prophet jeremiah when Israel gave itself to whoredom by worshipping baal

Yeah if you consider Israel and America as inseparable it all fits quite well. But I would say 'liberalism' is one of the main sorceries deceiving all nations and all the business/luxury references can only fit the American empire. It also wouldn't surprise me if an evangelical US voted to make Jerusalem its new capitol.

Sounds a awfully lot as the US or Israel, the first for being somewhat driving and controlling world economy, the latter could also be for tempting world leaders.
I'm even worried for Brasil as being the center of degeneracy as well. Or maybe even China.

Yes, the Roman Empire, not the Roman Church, which is adjacent to, but not built on the ancient 7 hills. You guys are so funny, Revelations is about the 1st Century, and is even really clear about that, but you Protestants have made up all these wacky cults based on a book of prophecy, written in specific prophetic language with clear allusions to the OT that anyone in the 1st Century would have recognized and understood.

This. Same goes for possible numeric meaning of the beast (Nero). But at the same time, every period can relate to it and have it's struggles (amillenialism, which an overwhelming amount of church fathers taught). Babylon, in effect, is ultimately the way of the world itself. "But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Do you have a link to a decent talk on this with scriptural references? I recently heard a talk on the “Institute of Catholic Culture” that has a great 3 part talk on this, but I don’t know how to share it and I think it would help our brothers who are in error about this topic.

Even the Catholic Church believes Rome is Spiritual Babylon (Rev. 18:4; 2 Thess. 2:3-4) based on their interpretation of 1 Peter 5:13. The Papist Antichrist Institution (founded on Constantine's fear of losing his emperorship and further based on his love of Arius, as in when he preferred and supported him during the Council of Nicaea) created the "original Islam" (DuckDuckGo "Muawiya Gedera inscription or visit here and focus on the text surrounding the last two pics on the page: which lasted until the Ummayyads rebelled due to power-lust and changed their direction of prayer from the Catholic Petra to wasteland 5th
c. AD town of Mecca (of Hejaz) around 725 AD, and their Dominicans and Jesuits are behind most of the world's ills from the beginning of their respective inceptions. ( Ecumenism is of Satan (hence "Enlightenment" derived from "Lucifer"), and no believer should support people that they know preach a false gospel (Eph. 2:8-9, Isaiah 64:6), but rather should love them enough to correct them with the truth (Matthew 10:34-39). Be saved, now:

I don't really know discussions online. Sorry. There are a couple of good commentaries on the Apocalypse from an Orthodox perspective, and I know of one Protestant site with a Preterist position (which is often amillenial) that linked a lot of the Fathers in one space:

The destruction of the temple especially was a momentous event to the early church's sense of "eschaton"… which makes the modern evangelical fascination with rebuilding it particularly disgusting (in effect, trying to undo the work of Christ.. and taking no joy in this victory, as the early church did).

When you ignore geography, anything fits anything.
Sexual degeneracy was pushed in Europe long before the US. Just look at what was shown in foreign films before American films. Just look how long public nudity has been accepted in Europe.
Well, me neither, but more American Christians are swinging trad because they're sick of this shit.

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Los Angeles seems like the best bet if you are looking for a powerful and highly degenerate city. I can't think of a better candidate especially when i consider how influential LA is. Hollywood is the USA to many people in the world.

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Europe doesn't push sexual degeneracy because Europe isn't a global superpower. America and it's blood brothers in Israel are. That's where all pro-sodomy ideas come from, and maybe you forget, America occupied Europe post ww2 and controls all its media.

And since we're talking about something that resembles Mystery Babylon, the idea that current Europe could be a contender is laughable.

no thanks…even if I got a Christian Turkish friend.


It was ancient Jerusalem, no doubt.

I believe it's unironically Canada.

Unironically Rome, but not the Catholic Church:

Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge[a] will judge his people. The End.

Most mediocre Babylon ever.


the Roman/Western civilization (inc. America)




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Here's the rest of the world for better measure.
In my opinion it is neither expedient nor fair to have it at adult age in secular states considering all of what to do such would imply . While it may be of practical expediency for the desires to uphold religious ideals, it is not in an ethical sense just. From a religious perspective, consent by marriage would be the most correct in which historically anyone would be qualified to marry by the time they become young adults.

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The Congo