
Is a psuedo scientific "belief". Prove me wrong.

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yeah maybe but its still a sin to fap

we have a megathread dedicated to this so you don’t shit up the catalog with threads like these

(sage negated)
No it's not. Fap is just a meme and in the Bible there is nothing listed where stroking your cock to erotic women is bad.


I know from personnal experience, and you can't deny it, that fapping often become a strong habit, an addiction. And so, your brain focus on it : The seeking of bodily pleasure, the hedonistic non-poetic way of life and superior habits are over-ride. So, fapping is against the superior human that christianity is trying to create, the suprerhuman that don't need pleasures.
but you are still a child

God is the foundation of all hierarchy and all Order in the universe, get used to it.

Complete idiocy. The sins of the Flesh are obvious, and all sexual immortality must be avoided.

God just say

Also, it's a Church teaching, so…
Now this is just ridiculous. Pretties complain when we accuse you of being moral relativists but you see it right here. What is 'the vanilla stuff'? Masturbating is a degenerate act, period.
Tough luck kid. If you want to do what you want, try liberalism.


go back to Zig Forums


Come on now


He intended that moment to be private, intimate and exclusively monogamouos.

You are a sick man, you need to go to a mental hospital.



The proof is that people focus their life on sex instead of focusing it on God. And ultimately the proof is religious, all religions says the flesh desires must be overcome.

Porn is actually considered an addiction by scholars. It obviously is, if you fap everyday, even several time a day, what most of the young do.

All sins of the flesh are obvious. The impure shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Go read the Bible.

Excuse yourself, and get out of here.

It is supposed to be private and there is NOTHING natural about watching other people have sex while you pleasure yourself. It's cuckoldry. Maybe you will ask your wife to have sex with another man while you masturbate you sick, depraved man.

Matthew 5:27-28
Get your mind out of the gutter.

And ultimately the proof is religious, all religions says the flesh desires must be overcome.
But It never says to castrate yourself from all sexual desires either.

Prove yourself right first ponyposter.


Just pretend the image doesn't exist if it triggers you so damn much.

And monks are the example of christian life, Paul only authorize marriage, not fapping. Abstinence and virginity from the world is the way for a christian life. All the Tradition will say that to you. Now you choose to follow it (as you can) or not. At least accept the legacy of tradition.

No, it must have an interest to be addictive, and porn is particularly appealing.

You must humble yourself to accept the Tradition.

Yes that's the phrase!
Lust in that scripture is actually supposed to be covetous. Apparently there was a mistranslation.


They don't follow the Tradition and often are modernist trying to normalize homosexuality…

You seem confuse, angry,… Get your idea clear or your fate will make them clear for you. God teach through love or punishments.
I can't help you if you don't want help.


Then you should be chaste and then become celibate.
End of story. If you want to rebel, the commies are always hiring.

Already celibate but I gett off with no hands.

that's where you are wrong ponyboy.
And the absence of God is a punishment in itself. You will see how much it is shit to be a degenerate. God just let you see bellow your dignity of man if that is what you want.


Seems you need to experience sin to see how much it's shit.

user you're paranoid

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I don't think you know what celibacy means…

I thought it just means not having sex. And not about sexual acts.