What is your opinion of Terry Davis?

Or schizophrenic people who make statements like this in general?


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Terribly sick man who needed some serious help for his mental health issues.

If a man walks among you and says he speaks to God, bless him.
If a man walks among you and claims God speaks to him, kill him.

Poor, mentally ill guy… but I do wonder if he led some fedoras/zoomers to Christ.

Take care never to impute the vain imaginings of your fancy to Him, the Holy Spirit. I have seen the Spirit of God shamefully dishonored by persons – I hope they were insane – who have said that they have had this and that revealed to them. There has not for some years passed over my head a single week in which I have not been pestered with the revelations of hypocrites or maniacs. Semi-lunatics are very fond of coming with messages from the Lord to me, and it may spare them some trouble if I tell them once for all that I will have none of their stupid messages… Never dream that events are revealed to you by heaven, or you may come to be like those idiots who dare impute their blatant follies to the Holy Ghost. If you feel your tongue itch to talk nonsense, trace it to the devil, not to the Spirit of God. Whatever is to be revealed by the Spirit to any of us is in the Word of God already – He adds nothing to the Bible, and never will. Let persons who have revelations of this, that, and the other, go to bed and wake up in their senses. I only wish they would follow the advice and no longer insult the Holy Ghost by laying their nonsense at His door.

Obviously someone who was unwell. Is there anyone claiming otherwise?

A pretty good exposé on Brother Terry and his Temple OS

Dude was (in his own words) absolutely 'batshit f*cking crazy". He was hilarious to watch At the same time, his gradual deterioration unto death was tragic; made even more so because of his incredible gift with programming. He did seem to truly love the Lord though, even if his warped ways of thinking expressed this in odd ways.

As others have stated, a mentally ill man who is especially tragic due to his genius in programming being wasted over the course of a decade on the creation of an operating system that is, at best, a morbid curiosity, and at worst, outdated, impractical and virtually useless to a modern computer user.

He a reverse Chris-Chan. People started out making fun of him. But most ended up liking him and even spread his message. There a good chance.

What if God actually did tell him to build Temple OS? What if Temple OS will be instrumental in combating the AI anti christ in the future?

God wouldn't do that. God's Word is in the Bible and He does not add to the BIble.

I actually managed to get it installed on a mid-90s Compaq laptop. Very unusual OS.

As far as I know Terry didn't intend for Temple OS to be an addition to scripture. Also I don't see why people think God can't talk to man anymore.

No, see, God wouldn't add to scripture by telling a person to make an OS or - in Terry's words - "to build a successor to the Second Temple". That is not God talking to a man. It's the "God spoke to me" principle laid out nicely in this sermon.

I won’t say otherwise, but I will add that it is very likely that trolls were sending him money and amphetamines to egg him on.


Awful advice, you ought to be reprimanded for saying such foolish thing. The Bible says to TEST all things, not to put to death any prophet, only false prophets. I guess with your foolish method, you'd end up killing the prophet Jeremiah, Ezekiel, John the Baptist, and even Jesus Christ the Messiah. Absolutely idiotic, 10/10 would rage again.

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People were actually stealing his money (paypal donations) and trolling him by photshopping the face of a girl he had a crush on onto the faces of women doing interracial pornography. He was ruthlessly harassed, and it actually really caused his condition to go downhill, especially when they convinced him to start drinking alcohol. It was demonic harassment.

Terry was definitely ill, but he also definitely loved the Lord. Whether or not people believe it was a misplaced effort, he built his operating system to glorify God and reject the degeneracy of the modern world.

He also rightfully saw that the insidious neutering of the technology in our personal computers coincides with a greater agenda to disarm the populace; we are being disarmed technologically as part of the satanic plan to herd us like cattle. If not prophetic, at the very least a genius insight.

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It was the JEWS who killed the prophets, user. (((They))) killed John the Baptist and anyone sent to them. Don't be a retard by going full Herod.

The harassment is like pushing someone in a wheelchair down the stairs. It just reveals something very dark and animalistic inside of these people, likely inside of us all, and they delight in the opportunity to unleash it without consequence (or so they think).

A man who was ill, but still faithful and dedicated his talents to God. Isn't this what we should aspire to?

One does not imply the other. Some people are just sociopaths.

Sounds an awful lot like what went down in the Gospel…

No, he sincerely hated black people and got into screaming matches with his parents over it. Even if you don't believe racism is a sin against Charity, disrespecting your father and mother is a sin against the commandment.

He was also too mentally unwell to hold up as a good example.


This documentary was very unrespectful and didnt even cover the Margie saga, nor the final video.

Given how many people get on board for genocide, I think evil exists in everyone.