Avengers Endgame Spoiler: Final Scene Released

you said the movie earned almost $1,000,000 but it ended up making $1,00,400 a full $400,000 more than what you claimed.

A hefty profit, considering they spent $122,000 producing the film.

Unrealistic special effects, too much Mexican accent, too fast, too many unreal scenarios. Boring. Seriously.

I'll tell you what makes good movies: NOT having to rely on special effects, making the story and actions as real as possible (convincing), good acting and unique characters [something like Blue Velvet or Far From Home would be great examples of good acting / good movies], a very well-written story line with unpredictability and emotion, something that you say "wow, didn't expect anything like that! Crazy." Those are GOOD movies!

Killcen is going to list some good movies for you plebs to watch, it will make you re-think watching all that new SHIT-tier garbage they throw millions at $$$ in Hollywood!

I already mentioned Far From Home (1989) and Blue Velvet (1986), heres more to check out: River's Edge (1986 / perverted and psychotic as hell but based on a TRUE story!), Absence of Malice (1981), Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974), The Bad Seed (1951), Needful Things (1991), Deliverance (1972), Taxi Driver (1976), Carnival Of Souls (1962), The Boys Next Door (1985), Stone (1974 / not the re-make!!), Fatal Attraction (1987)……. THERE YOU GO! Good classic movies!

You just named all of the movies they packaged into one combination bundle, and sold for $11.99 on vhs on informercials before the internet started.

This board is gay and you are all faggots

Each of those movies is approximately 2 hours long, and since you named 13 awful films, and I would charge you $25 an hour to sit through them, you would have to pay me $650 to watch that boring crap.

Those are REAL movies, your unrealistic animated garbage spoon fed to you by Hollywood pedo kikes is childish SHIT I wouldn't go see even if it were free! You would have to PAY ME to see something like "The Avengers!" The movies I mentioned are realistic, have very good actors/actresses, they are often unpredictable and the story lines are brilliantly written by people who know how to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats WITHOUT spending a dime on computerized animated effects!!!

I ain't paying you shit, in fact your already eating literal shit by consuming this UNREALISTIC GARBAGE of a 'movie.' Gone are the days when people knew how to act, because they depended on good stories and good acting….. rather than unrealistic computerized garbage in every scene!!

Didn't realize this thread is parody, and the 'movie clip' is a bad Eastern Indian film.

Also believed that Mexicans kidnapped the 4 year old girl because he's a racist who thought the girl was white

So… I guess we've proven that you're not particularly good at differentiating between REAL NEWS and COMPLETE BULLSHIT?

even when it's more than obvious it's not true

Tell you what… Because I like you, I'll only charge $500 to watch those movies