Shocker! 9th Circuit Court Just Ruled Illegal Invaders CAN Be Sent Back To Mexico

Who cares then? I don't. I'm well armed, and my fortification is pretty solid. If someone tries busting my doors, I'll have time to get ready for what comes next. Don't fucking care, this world is getting worse and worse as time goes on.

Threatening to kill law enforcement officers now?

You have absolutely no self-control

He has the right attitude. If you've done nothing wrong and law enforcement comes to your house its entirely reasonable to kill them.

If you have done nothing wrong, you should not have to be afraid. I don't think many in LE actually support grabbing guns, nor would many want to take those risks. Overall there are a lot of good cops out there that just want to do their job to protect communities.

However, if under extreme cases where they were turned against innocent American citizens? Thats a big problem then, and citizens do have the right to self-defense, whether it be from average criminals or an out-of-control tyranny. I would not suggest violence unless you are faced with no other choice but to defend yourself/family from criminals/unconstitutional tyranny. Those that wish to be extremely bad are the ones creating extremely bad situations for all involved.

Gun seizure is out of control tyranny.

Yes it is, if you did nothing wrong. Those that are pushing for this are actually pushing towards MORE violence, not less.

Left wing anti-gun nuts are okay with tyranny and violence as long as it isn't against their precious immigrants or muslims. They don't care about real American lives because they're hate-filled intolerant bigots.

I've seen more immigrants embrace the american way of life than most americans. The values of working hard to achieve your dreams in a country that allows it thanks the to the freedoms you enjoy is why they come here and they live out that ideal, like the original immigrants that came to this country and made it into what it was, better than most lazy ass white boys who sit around doing fuck all and think themselves more american on account of simply winning the birth lottery and being born here.
Fuck off with your "real americans" bs because you think just being born here makes you one. Trump was born here and he's easily the most un-American president (and probably citizen) we've ever seen.

The problem is not the workers, as much as it is with all the other trouble mass migration brings with it, such as diseases, drugs, gangbangers/violent criminals, welfare leaches…. the bad massively outweighs the good. Therefore border security and strong vetting laws are needed if you want to remain a stable country. Otherwise, the nation becomes destabilized. There also needs to be limits, we can't have hundreds of thousands of workers competing for our jobs because then more people will be out of work and poverty skyrockets. No matter how you look at it, its out of control.

Actually, it does. Thats the law of EVERY nation pretty much. You were born here, that makes you a citizen. I can tell you are someone who would love Agenda 21 and world government. And quite frankly, China would be more American than that nonsense feudalistic globalist NWO bullshit.

I wonder what would happen back in the day if you were to tell someone like Elvis Presley that he didn't belong here and he wasn't an American, Johnny. Elvis would have kicked your ass.