Posted this on /b/ but the theme os releated and I can have more answers here

Posted this on /b/ but the theme os releated and I can have more answers here.

Damn guys, I just want to say that I'm so in love with Sant Dominic Savio, I'm devoted to him and my heart beats very hard for him, I fell in love and became his devotee the first time I saw an statue of him, I do not want to have sex with him, just hold hands, kiss him a little and hug him.

I know that this is something considered wrong by the Roman Catholic Church which I am a part but I am a dedicated believer and I recognize that outside the Church there is no salvation, I fight very much against this passion, but I consulted the Episcopal Church and saw that it recognizes St. Dominic Savio as a saint and allows same-sex marriage, even if I have no sexual interest on him or any other man.

My situation is complicated, I dont know if I should convert to the anglicanism of the Episcopal Church or continue in the Catholic Church hiding my desiere. I ask the help of St. Dominic to fight against my desire for him, every day I usually kneel in front of his statue on a corncob and slap my back.

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Is this a shitpost?

Im not shitposting or baiting, I really want help, I want thoughts on this…

Dont even think. Dont compromise the truth for your passions.
I advise you to keep fighting the good fight. Praying the rosary every day helps.
Also i dont get it, youve said that you arent interested in same sex contact but you were also considering becoming episcopal because they allow same sex contact? i dont get it.

Not because they allow same-sex sexual relationship, but same sex love, Im not interested on a sexual relashionship, my desiere on St. Dominic is related to a romantic relashionship, wich is allowed on thr Episcopal Church and not on the Romand Church.

Okay, I'll bite. Still saging, though.
You mean eros or philia?

i do not understand. Are you saying that the catholic church says men cant love eachother? as brothers and close friends? if so, that's very wrong. However if this relation involves lust and attraction ( i assume that's not your case ), then i dont see the problem.

As I said I dont want sex with him, its an Eros love but not associated to sex, I appreciate his beauty and personality but I dont want to have sex.

Have you talked to a priest about this unnatural obsession? Do you have sodomite tendencies you aren't telling us?
My personal advice:
Delete all photos of this saint and donate any statutes you have to your church. You can get them back when you are cured of this.
It is good to have a patron, but this is more diabolic obsession than devotion.

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Eros is reserved for men and women. Tge love between a husband and wife. Now I know for sure you are being diabolically oppressed.

Just be yourself?

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Thats why Im asking for help, I know Eros between two man is unacceptable by the true Roman Catholic Church but the Episcopal Church allows it.

You can't be in love Eros love with apostles, Virgin Mary and Jesus, but saints are just humans and a lot of saints were married, as long as you don't look at him with excessive sexual desire its ok to be in love with a saint on a gay way and Im shure he would understand that.

God condemn lust, not love! Become episcopalian! Also the Church of Denmark, the Church of Sweeden and the Church of Finland allows gay love.

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Absolutely not. Reported for scandal.


As I said a lot of saints were married and loved, love isn't imoral, this saints are virtuous persons who pray for us, but they are humans just like us too, they like to be loved in any type of way.

No such thing as eros between two men. OP suffers either from lust or some kind of demonic obsession.

OP is pedophile. He came from /b/ after all.

So you know what you are doing is unacceptable but you want to do it anyway and are willing to apostatize over it? Seriously?
Get some help and talk to a preist. As I stated before, remove all pictures and statues from your house (preferably give it to your priest) and talk to your priest about this. Enslaving yourself to these lustful spirits will only damn you to hell, and it goes double for apostasy.

I'll pray for you, OP, but seriously consider seeking help for your unnatural obsession.

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Probably, as St. Dominic Savio died at 14 years old. I'm shocked that the Anglican poster defends this madness. I'm not Anglican but I hope it's a false-flagging troll.

Love means love

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Ok, I agree, didn't knew he died at 14