How to avoid women and normalfags infesting your comfy code repos 101: Do not host your project on facebookhub, use a detached self-hosted repository accessible only from git client, ban all gmail/other big corp addresses from mailing lists, never invite people who don't contribute in writing code.
woah, such a hard way to live rly mkaes u thnik
Well hello there, fellow 4dditor :)
Christian Foster
I don't think that snippet of text is legally binding, either. But if you author an email, you own the copyright to it, and I suppose you could theoretically issue a DMCA takedown to someone hosting it publicly. Since plain text is so easy to copy and disseminate, however, I'm not sure how fruitful that approach would be if people really want to share your emails. Whack-a-mole.
I just thought their little admonishment was amusing, especially given the embarrassing conduct of some of the cucks like Poul-Henning Kamp or however you spell his shitty name.
Robert Thompson
Imagine being so cucked that you donated $1 million to FreeBSD, and you get to see the core team act like this.
William Hall
I think it's similar to the white left problem, but add to the naivety that people in STEM think logically, talk and work with people who think logically, and, consequently, foolishly believe other people also think logically. So a CoCsucker comes up and they believe the argument must have some merit, even if they don't see it as they don't have experience as a trans otherkin with a female penis the CoCsucker must know what he's talking about or he wouldn't be bothering shoving that CoC on the project.
Depends on the country of course, but from what I read here and there it's usually bullshit. You give a letter to me, no strings attached, I can do whatever I damn well please with it. Don't like it we have to sign a contract (NDA) beforehand. This post is copyright user 2018, it may not be reproduced partly or in full, without calling OP a faggot, or you're legally required to improve TempleOS while decreasing the line count by 1k.