Microkernel means I'm interested, beats Linux and could even beat Darwin


Microkernel means I'm interested, beats Linux and could even beat Darwin.
Not sure about the platform, I'm in as long as it's open but it probably won't remain so under MIT. Perhaps many of the pitfalls Android falls into in regards to manufactures will be avoided.

I hate Android as a platform and I'm look forward to a fresh start on a new open platform. Android's aged API with 5 years of backwards comparability all for the sake of selling App Play store apps to 3rd worlders still running 4.4 because their devices don't get updates... Not to mention Java and the horrible multiplatform support for C and others. Even NeXT did better in' 95.

Interesting to see the Android dev team compete with the Fuschia team for relevance. Android has introduced Treble, Android Auto, a new official IDE, API "cleanups". Seems they wish to entrench Android into a permanent legacy position in order to sandbag Fuschia to an early grave before it's even out.
Speaking as an expert from Cupertino, I suspect their efforts will keep Google's existing mobile offerings strong just long enough for Fuschia to come out and replace it...

Attached: 300px-Screenshot_of_Google_Fuchsia_(July_2017).png (250x250 33.49 KB, 14.39K)

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Has Tim "the faggot" Cook realized that it's not 2008 any more and that he should stop relying on marketers like Steve did at that time?
The new iMac Pro and the ARM Macs down the pipe is the first time I've seen Apple shine so bright in nearly a decade.

I doubt Fuschia will do well, it seems like a webOS type thing with TypeScript (Microsoft JavaScript) and HTML and languages so hipster that Rust and Go look as legacy as FORTRAN by comparison.
I doubt you'll see C/Obj-C, or C++, or even Python or Java on it, at least not from Jewgle.
Expect Electron apps, expect Atom to be the IDE.

We need a Phone that's LISP, maybe include Ruby and Obj-C for newbies but make it primarily LISP.

Attached: 1523083059536-pol.jpg (600x877, 142.88K)

I want to see GNU/Linux phones instead. And then I want to see a good microkernel being offered as an alternative to Linux and BSD Unix.

GNU is a great POSIX Operating System but Linux is only okay and BSD already serves as a monolithic kernel POSIX.
Linux is redundant.

Attached: 1522922277304-pol.jpg (900x900, 237.58K)

Oh the microkernel is awesome. Its just everything by jewgle is botnet. So avoid like the plauge.

GNU/Linux Phones are finally here. Just in time in case Android does to Fuschia (which depends entirely on license).

If Fuschia remains MIT, expect everyday be to fork it like Tizen, WebOS, etc.
If Google wants to avoid the Treble situation and rule with a clenched fist, then manufactures will keep on using Android and Google will happily keep milking that cow.

Microkernels are hard. I hope it works because that would be cool, but then again, it's Google, so even if it fails, it might get pushed by Intel Agencies.
Linux is here to stay, Android, not so much.

Linux is just a kernel. Literally the only thing it has to do is be posix-compliant and have a lot of drivers. Why do you think that all the gnu/kFreeBSD projects fall through? One Unix kernel is really no different than another, except maybe more or less monolithic.

The fuck you talking about? That's still 100x times better than having to throw away your perfectly working phone every 1-2 years because all your shit dropped compatibility.
You should blame jew carriers and driver makers for not releasing drivers and not allowing you to install updates instead.

iOS does not have this issue. Just because you're using a 5 year old phone with 8 year old software doesn't mean developers should shit their apps up with some weird Frankenstein amalgamation of new and old APIs including some that are "deprecated" but still used and recommended by Jewgle.
Complete mess.

Blame your manufacture for not updating the software, blame Jewgle for marrying he drivers and APIs to the OS. What's not good is being forced to not improve the platform and support 5 year old cludges because Shaniqua's CheapMobile-exclusive LG Envy H9 doesn't get updates anymore.

Enjoy losing all your performance by having to context switch 5 times to do trivial operations.


mach was called mach for a reason.

Its called mach because its faster than the other slow as shit micro kernels. Context switching absolutely is slower


Listen you faggot when google aquired android they could still can changed it into somthing actually good because it was still early in development. But instead android continued to turn into shit it's not gonna be better this time, it's gonna be the same, google developers are just incompotent.

Mach was the first-ever microkernel. It had to have been faster than existing (monolithic) kernels.

Mach was not a micro kernel until version 3 in the mid 90s. It was BSD with message passing.

Microkernels are associated with being slow by laymen because the first ones were slow.

At this point, even if microkernels are slower than monolithic, the security benefits would be more than worth it.

More than security, they are reliable.

And they are still slow. They never solved the fundamental hardware problem of context switches being expensive.

So you want the lisp machine back ?
Scheme is a better options for young ones.

Read the link, dumbfuck

I don't think you read link you posted. Mind quoting the spot you think contradicts what I said?

pick one

enjoy your Meltdown, faggot

Linux is kinda garbo, even BSD beats it.

Fuck off with that shit. Not my problem you use proprietary shit.

Atleast I will enjoy A SYSTEM. Not like all that microkernel vaporware bullshit. Best things out there are proprietary QNX and shitty Minix with some BSD userspace.

Attached: Brainlet9.png (625x773, 110.35K)

Where is my microkernel desktop OS?

System 7
System 8
System 9
Early OSX

First off thats shit is all 20 years old. Not modern functional systems. Second it being a derivative of mach does not mean that their code uses a microkernel architecture (which it doesn't).

Thanks for the giggles mate.

Hardly vaporware if we've had it for 20 fucking years, is it retard?

Nice Goalpost move

What are you talking about retard? Their code? The only thing that's micro is the kernel. What the fuck do you mean derivative? Pulling things out of your ass?

Dumbfuck, those have 100% Microkernels.



Maybe you should read the context of

You have your systems, they've been out for decades. Hardly vaporware.

What the fuck are you talking about? If only you were white and not autistic then you'd actually know what you were talking about.
All of those kernels are 100% grade A certified Microkernels.

Attached: peabrain.jpg (505x567, 32.45K)

Yeah, no. It can only be worse than Android.

What are you talking about? Android 6 is currently the oldest officially supported version. Support is always only available to the last 2 big versions prior to the current one. So they're literally supporting only versions up to 3 years old.
Only less than 15% of users are still on KitKat or older, and those are usually smartwatches or cheap tablets. Or as you've said, very poor people.
Some developers support older versions simply because it's either profitable or the app doesn't implement features which require newer versions.

And they are all irrelevant bullshit from the 90s.

The vast majority of apps out right now target Android 4.X though.

the vast majority of apps are trivial shit that will never be updated again

The vast majority of apps haven't been updated since 2016

Why is it that I can still use Android 2 widgets in Android 9 though? Why is it that half of Google's current code samples use 'methods' so deprecated that they are crossed out in the IDE?

It's a complete mess and it bloats system images, it bloats the source, it prevents the developers from "doing the needed" as they say over at Android HQ because they have to prioritize comparability over making their API good.

Attached: Android Pajeet Dev Crew.jpg (591x636, 63.62K)

If you actually knew what you're talking about, you'd know that you're wrong and overdramatic.

Don't kid yourself

Post some.

Reminder that all phones have a proprietary baseband processor running proprietary code and it manages all GSM radio operations, and that it's actually illegal to run your own software on that processor.

The idea of a microkernel is good (if your hardware sucks, i.e. RISC) because it adds to reliability and turns kernel drivers and "components" into normal programs that can be written in any language, but these microkernels all suck because they're written in C and designed for UNIX. Like JavaScript is better than C, these C/C++ microkernels are better than UNIX, but they still suck. If there was a microkernel that's not written in C or C++ and not designed for UNIX/POSIX, it probably wouldn't suck.

Subject: I Have Seen The Future Of The Future And It Sucks Too.So I figured I was better than your average unix-hatersreader since, hey, I hack Mach kernels; I'm not justbitching about how bad things are, I'm actually doingsomething about it, damn it!Well, it all started with when my research version of Machwent down in flames and took bits and pieces of the filesystem with it. In hindsight, I suppose I should have justlived with things like not being able to print to certainprinters. Well anyway, I had the Facilities people "add 10megs or so to the root partition, oh and while you're at it,why don't you rebuild the disk since the filesystem's beenkind of flaky since that, uh, big kernel crash last week..."So anyway, I came in today and found a brand spankin newfilesystem. All I had to do was replace the v2.5 productionkernel with a v3.0 research kernel. Yep, just replace acouple files on the root partition and reboot, no problem.Well, it's a little more complicated than that. For someunknown reason, mach machines have a "root" directory ("/")and a "superroot" directory ("/../.."). Once someone triedto explain why but I didn't quite get it.Anyway, you have to have hard links to your kernel file inboth root directories. Then since mach is not a kernel buta microkernel (the micro kernel binary with symbol tables,debugger, etc is a svelte 950k on a MIPS box, unix emulationis only another 1500k; I actually *needed* the extra 10 megson the root partition) you have to create a mach_serversdirectory and populate it with various programs that machuses to emulate unix.Now the tricky part is that since you have two rootdirectories you can put the mach_servers directory in theroot directory and then put a symlink in the superroot oryou can put the mach_servers directory in the superroot andput a symlink in the root directory. The documentation says you can do it either way.Unfortunately, the documentation doesn't say that it onlyworks when you put mach_servers in the superroot with asymlink in root. This also happened to be the second casegiven in the documentation and I had the misfortune to usethe first case given in the documentation. Silly me.So I proceeded to boot my machine 10 or 12 times only tocrash into the kernel debugger every time. I stared atstack traces and read code and read code and stared at stacktraces. The error messages were no help, they said "initdied". Thanks a lot.So I finally figured that one out and redid the mach_serversdirectory and rebooted once more. It crashed again at aboutthe same place complaining about "error 6000". Now theannoying thing about mach is that since your operatingsystem is spread out over 69 different address spaces, younever really know for sure who is generating an error code.You just have to memorize a mapping from error code rangesto subsystems. Eg errors in the 2500's are from thedevice-independent device routines (go figure), -300's arearg checking errors in an IPC stub routine, you get theidea. Well anyway, I never ran across 6000 before. So Ihit the source code again... Oh. Error 6000 means somefile is not executable. One of those damn programs in mach_servers was trying toexec another of those damn programs in mach_servers whichunfortunately didn't have it's execute bit set so naturallythe exec function, in it's penultimate moment of existence,exclaimed "6000!" before it crashed the whole show.I guess the moral is that Mach looks like unix on theoutside but does totally different stuff internally.However, when you strip away the tasks, threads, ports,messages, and memory objects, when you get down to the veryessence of the system, the thing is still unix. There is nohope.

Posted from my ARM smartphone :^)

you already know it's ya boi when you see the wall of text

What Tim Cook doesn't know could fill a book. Google is playing with a handicap too, but they have the educational market wrapped up. As it turns out, nobody wanted to use iPads for schoolwork, just like nobody wanted a Trashcan Pro or iMac with 18 cores for a workstation. Not that any work is being done on Macs because the pro AV software has been flushed down the toilet. The remaining x86 Macs will sit in a warehouse until investors cook Cook, because fire sales are so gauche. Google will take Apple's Macintosh customers because Tim simply doesn't want them anymore.

Your posts suck because they're written in English and designed for HTML.
Although not limited to a prison setting, theimplications of this study are perhaps most directlyrelevant in the type of social setting in whichit was conducted. In such female "people process-ing" organizations, women interact with otherwomen and a small proportion of these womenare incumbents of social roles to which formaldecision-making authority is attached. Both theinteraction and decision-making processes haveimplications for the effectiveness of the organiza-tion in terms of the degree to which it approxi-mates the realization of its intra-prison (socialorder) and societal/community (rehabilitation, se-curity) goals. How can knowledge of the findings'2 For an excellent discussion of the distinction be-tween operant and respondent classes of behavior,and of the processes by which respondents may becomeoperants, see S. Bijou & D. BAER, Cam DEVELOP-3IENT (1961). Among well-known theorists with pri-mary interests in aggressive behavior, Berkowitz, TheConcept of Aggressive Drive: Some Additional Considera-Lions, 2 AnvANcEs imEXPERIMENTAL SOCIALPsyvcoL-oGY 301-29 (L. Berkowitz ed. 1965), focuses exclusivelyon '"non-instrumental" aggressive behavior, as doalmost all frustration-aggression theorists, while A.Buss, Psycaorory or AOGRESSION (1961) is muchmore concerned with instrumental aggression.19711MENSTRUAL BEHA VIORof this help improve social interactional and de-cisional outcomes within prisons?First, to the extent that the outcome of inter-action between a prison officer and an inmate hasbeen adverse to both, and to the extent that"intentional meanness" is used by both as an ex-planation of the behavior of the other, the resultsof this study might be relevant in that it may helpeach interactant understand that some biologicalprocesses over which neither has control may bepartly responsible for their behavior. Such explana-tions may help dissipate the angry feelings ofrevenge or spite which may otherwise accumulateand assume an even greater explosive potentialover time. Where adverse direction of the inter-action is one way, as in punishments meted outby disciplinary committees, an essential pre-deci-sion item of information should be the menstrualcondition of the prison officer who reported thegirl, the menstrual condition of the girl herself,and that of the female members of the committee.Great care, however, should be taken to avoid thecreation of a situation in which either inmates orofficers come to believe that during certain phasesof the cycle they can "get away with anything."In this discussion, we have assumed that the effectof adverse interaction on the prison effectiveness ismediated by the explanation provided by bothinteractants for the behavior of each.Intra-prison effectiveness is also a function ofthe numbers of aggressive interactions. The resultsof this study suggest that one way of reducing thefrequency of aggressive inmate/inmate or in-mate/officer interactions is to put in temporaryseclusion those girls whose past behavior justifiestheir requests to be alone just prior to or duringmenstruation. Alternatively, decisions may bemade in such a way that girls who become mark-edly more aggressive during these phases of thecycle are placed in prison jobs and accommoda-tions requiring little interpersonal contact withothers. In the context of jobs and accommoda-tions, similar considerations should apply in thecase of prison officers. This would require thecompletion of a daily menstrual log by inmates andprison officers, and should be made a part ofadministrative routine.

This thread started out OK, but has quickly turned to shit.


due to, in no small part, your post.

"Above link"

I bet the creator of this must take LSD for this kind of shit

they are completely shameless at this point

What the fuck is this OP anyway, reads like a Pajeet wrote it.
