also the van is obviously standing still when I take photos
Chase Wilson
according to this char im a pre-70's to 1989 lad
the British Empire was the greatest and fairest force this world has ever seen and ever will see tbh
Blake Johnson
Honestly wish some of those countries that hate us so much for being "cruel" had been conquered by Japan instead tbh
Christian Torres
we all are, tbh. not just sandwiches
Connor Campbell
post videos that make you unironically sad, lads
Bentley Edwards
it is like they actually want us to murder them
Jordan Bell
no. this is a good mood thread
Bentley Morris
nips would have erased them
I have a confession to make lads I'm actually an old corned beef sandwich that fell behind the Birmingham bull ring in 1962, I've been congealing for nigh on 50 years and now stretch through the entirety of the West Midlands sewage system
Angel Martin
Other than the cucumber one which could do with some cheese, all the pre-70s ones are top-notch. It's only when we hit the 2000's that the sandwiches start to become gay.
Isaiah Howard
Daniel Cooper
1990's begins with a distinctive american/jew influence then even more ethnics in the 2000's by then Blairs millions of ethnic imports have been established and are changing the dietary landscape
Mason Jones
what's the conversion of those prices to todays money?
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;
but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "
Ate at the local café. Shopped locally, swore at the neighbours dog.
Prawn sandwiches are good if the mayonnaise is a thick consistency, and the prawns aren't fresh from just being defrosted.
Hudson Powell
Have you lads noticed how historians call the era after the Roman slavers left the "Sub-Roman era" because of the decline in technology, but they don't call Africa's history after Britain left the "Sub-British era"?
Henry Stewart
any of the good kinds but made vegan. in fact anything vegan fullstop.
Are you referring to Steiner or 22st? I genuinely cannot tell anymore.
Landon Sullivan
Dylan Miller
both of them are foreign really makes me think
Jayden Price
All that middle class Waitrose wank can be consigned to the dustbin tbh.
Noah Brown
half this board is foreign. tons of the lads that use county flags are actually part slavshit or part Lithuanian or whatever, how the fuck does that even happen?
Hunter Peterson
Chase Nelson
foreigner t. 100% british
Oliver Torres
Gloucester is tolerated and the other is just a Welshman.
Daniel Moore
Agreed tbh, a good prawn sandwich is a breddit gud sandwich although a good one is few and far between.
Vegan ones go without saying tbh, I'd include vegetarian ones with that too but an egg+cress sandwich can be quite nice.
Why would anyone even make that.
I don't know why anyone thought it was a good combo. Avocados can be alright but they are rather bland, putting them on toast or in a sandwich is just bland with bland.
Bit of a stretch, lad.
Dylan Barnes
anyone ever tried a poo sandwich
Michael Gomez
Is there anything at all happening in local or national politics at all? What's the latest state of the Brexit negotiations or are they in constant purgatory?
Tyler Lopez
Juan Hill
Sir Reginald brownpill?
Josiah White
Steiner isn't here to gaslight, away with you.
Daniel Morgan
poo sandwiches lad
Ryder Rogers
I think it goes deeper than that. I'm convinced that we're all in a kind of purgatory. we all collectively must have died years ago, possibly after the brexit vote, now just waiting eternally for closure that will never come.
Colton King
Salmond stepping down, Corbyn constantly attacked, May buggering up Brexit, that Khan blimp, the fishing war with France, plenty of stuff.
This. As C.S. Lewis said about Fellowship of the Ring:
"Anguish is, for me, almost the prevailing note. But not, as in the literature most typical of our age, the anguish of abnormal or contorted souls; rather that anguish of those who were happy before a certain darkness came up and will be happy if they live to see it gone. . . .
But with the anguish comes also a strange exaltation. . . when we have finished, we return to our own life not relaxed but fortified….
Even now I have left out almost everything — the silvan leafiness, the passions, the high virtues, the remote horizons. Even if I had space I could hardly convey them. And after all the most obvious appeal of the book is perhaps also its deepest:
“there was sorrow then too, and gathering dark, but great valour, and great deeds that were not wholly vain.” Not wholly vain — it is the cool middle point between illusion and disillusionment.” "