How do I learn to type using more than four fingers?
How do I learn to type using more than four fingers?
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Get 5 hands.
How do I get 5 hands?
1 finger each on A, S, D, F. Fingers move along their respective staggered columns. Everything left of the A column is handled by your pinky.
Same but mirrored for right hand and the J, K, L, ; keys.
I know that, but I'm shit at it. What are some ways to practice?
Have you tried typing?
I don't get it. Between two hands I probably use 7 fingers and my right thumb regularly, and my right pinky only ever hits shift, enter, or ctrl.
I need a better way to practice.
Yeah but have you tried typing?
Nigga if you don't type enough to get practice in you don't need it and are shitting up the board. Go elsewhere with your shit thread.
Play the piano you fucking slut
Install gtypist on Gentoo or other linux distro. Open in terminal and type.
Why don't you go back to /g/ and ask them.
Home keys are a meme. Type however the fuck you want. Focus on WHAT you type and not HOW you type because that's all that fucking matters.
by playing world of warcraft arenas
Start using DVORAK
It feels much more natural then QWERTY and you'll get the hang of it pretty quick
Switch your QWERTY layout to Dvorak instead.
Just keep typing. Take it from someone who learned to touch-type in his late 20s: you just need to keep going and never look down. You'll be slow like a retard, but once it gets into your muscle memory you'll be set. Just remember to never looks down. Cover your hands with a cloth or pull a t-shirt over your keyboard if you cannot keep yourself from looking down.
Drink the funny soda your mom keeps under the sink
It may be good that you haven't learned to type yet. Now you can learn DVORAK without any bias.