Why is everything a class?

this is fucking retarded

Attached: fuck_you.png (1200x2195, 115.83K)

Why are you using objectively shit languages? I think it's you who's retarded.

I need to nigger rig an android app written in java and navigating the existing code is a tremendous pain in the ass

who the fuck thought that breaking control flow up into a million fragments scattered through class constructors in a billion files is a good idea? is this the infamous pajeet code?

So why did you come here? What advice do you seek?

I was hoping somebody much smarter than me would be inflamed by this gross exaggeration and provide me with an emphatic rant about the reasoning behind this seemingly retarded design decision so I would find the strength of will to continue. Surprised to find agreement.

If you want to bait people with truth, go back to reddit.
As if anyone who isn't some school teacher or an indian "programmer" could like Java.

yes. Java is Pajeet's #1 favorite language.

Java's obsession with classes made a lot of sense when the language was introduced, as back then the standard was shitty C and C-like code that worked mysteriously and with no safety guarantees.
Classes were an attempt to encourage good practices, such as code reuse, standardization, and separation of code with different purposes.
Of course, bad coders manage to write bad code no matter the language, so we end up with constructors of factories of constructors of stuff.

Pajeet's exclusively write code in huge heavy IDEs that auto-fill entire files and give them popups every time they hover over any word in the file. The result is something that is not meant for humans to read, because by and large the majority of it wasn't created by a human. It was either created as an auto generated, generic snippet, or copypasted off stackoverflow by a Pajeet.

Even with the ridiculously specialized and integrated AndroidStudio IDE navigating Java code is a pain. Even the fucking official APIs. To find which bit of code does what you have to run into endless rabbit holes of declarations that just call some other increasingly obscure class through many seperate files (sometimes compiled ones). The documentation reads like circular definitions most of the time so I'm stuck digging through the library code looking for the relevant bits myself.

I'm not an actual software engineer so I have an additional layer of difficulty but I can't imagine this is enjoyable to anybody.

yes, yes it is retarded
even android is fleeing from java at all speed.
for fun, do a relative search on YouTube for
there are so many many more of the latter.

Because that's OOP and it's POO.

prediction: reddit-tier circle jerk thread
result: sage is a downvote

I'm no advocate for Java, but a class is hardly different from elf files as an interface.

Back and forth, the struggle consumes us all
Trying to keep a level head
In the most unsettling times
Today, I become the pajeet

I'm doing the same thing right now. Want to know what it is I'm trying to create? A single fucking "POST" request. That's it. Why is it that I need to write 40+ LOC to send
to a server?


OP is in a class of dumb cucks.

int isn't a class

yes and no

That is completely different. Integer is a boxed version of int. Integer objects can be null, but ints must have a number. You may be confused because Java autoboxes / unboxes this for you. This can lead to some head scratching bugs where you get a NPE when returning from a function due to it trying to unbox a null Integer.

Why is everything null terminated?
This is fucking retarded.

Attached: images.png (218x232, 4.19K)

By and large, things aren''t though, only when you're working with things you don't know the length of, and can reasonably use a sentinel.


They're only null terminated by convention, when you really think about it. Sure, string literals get parsed with an extra zero on the end, but no one's stopping you from writing your own functions and structs with fixed length. Strings are an abstract concept for computers, so it would be dumb to set it in stone. C lets you make the rules.

It doesn't have to be null terminated, you can also use the pascal strings

Maybe for your computer. LISP machines had a string data type.

i was told that doing so makes error-handling easier
(in the compiler) everything has methods, so there is a default method that gets called if you try to call a method that doesn't exist

android doesn't suck because of java, android just sucks because of the vendor software lock-ins and shitty vendor hardware drivers

Functions and procedures are an abstract concept for a computer so it would be dumb to set the rules for thing like parameter passing and returning values in stone.
Sure it might be messy and open up completely new ways to fuck things up, but you are free to implement it in a sane way. C lets you make the rules.

You forgot something: Java
C-Apps have to use the NDK which is garbage or run inside Java which makes the only source of non-laggy stuff a hard relationship. Java needs lots of memory, CPU-power and energy, all of which are pretty limited on a phone or portable device.

well it's been 10 years

and they consider this an issue and try to patch it up in 40 different parts of the language/JRE