A literal tub of shit. Itβs definitely a step up from Windows 10.
Bill Gates unveils newest Microsoft offering
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This isn't the first time Microsoft has tried making a toilet and I'm surprised the article didn't mention it.
In his video in the linked tweet, he's showing Africa. But you know what? It's a problem in China too. I studied abroad in China. It's almost 100% squat toilets, except in touristy areas which have an occasional western toilet or bidet. But most of the time, it's a porcelain hole in the floor. Very messy and smelly. And the worst part of all is that public bathrooms in China don't provide toilet paper or soap, so you either have to be nasty af or bring your own stuff with you whenever you go out in public.
I didn't go to really poor areas in China either. I went to the richest coastal cities, and they have skyscrapers and bikesharing apps and all sorts of high tech stuff. And they still have squat toilets and poor sanitation.
Tourists can get the wrong impression that they have high tech toilets because hotels for westerners have the toilets with the fancy buttons for bidet stuff. But most of them are just straight up holes.
Humans aren't designed to sit while they shit, western toilets are inferior to squatting and will never catch on in Asia. Those toilets in China would be disgusting no matter what style of toilet they use, only in Japan is the situation tolerable.
And even in wealthy western countries you should always have some paper on you, it takes up little bulk in a back pocket.
This was my thought as well. Squatting is much better and keeps your ass cleaner. The countries with these problems are overpopulated and under-educated.
The problem is squatting toilets are, almost always, horribly designed. Maybe he can get his team of experts (the ones left who have seen and used a toilet) to come up with one that Just Works.
Those countries also shit up normal toilets as well. The ones in expensive tourist hotels are not an example.
we need a new squatting sit toilet that also works as a bidet, using toilet paper is nasty when you think about it, like a kind of japanese toilet that you sit in in a squatting manner
also bill gates is a eugenicist, like his father. hes not a philantrophist
Eugenics is philanthropy when done right.
I really don't know what you're looking for in a squatting toilet. It's a literal hole in the ground with a bend in the pipes so that sewage gas doesn't pass through.
As opposed to a narrow fucking rectangle in the pic I quoted. Literal shit design that will get shit on the floor around the narrow parts. And they're mostly like this everywhere.
If Gates were an eugenicist he wouldn't be trying to increase the number of niggers. He's a dysgenicist.
he's trying to decrease them, and decrease you too. don't forget to take your vaccines :^)
He's not doing a very good job then. A lower population is good. Better than this "bloat and die" nonsense.
Indian here. What is he trying to imply? This better have no connection with us working in MS.
How much could Bill sell one of his own turds (in a jar) for on Ebay? Come to think of it he'd probably love the idea. He could try it as a thought experiment and donate the proceeds to some india pooinloo charity. How can we get in touch with him?
I don't like western toilets at all. They're heavy to move, take up a lot space in small bathrooms, and tough to clean because they have so many bends and nooks. It's ridiculous that they're shaped like chairs, that's completely unnecessary. Urination can be done in a sink or shower, and for poo all you need is something to go between the cheeks to collect the poo. My idea for a toilet of the future is to not have a toilet at all. Food would be sold in airtight opaque plastic jars with a large opening and after finishing the food the jars would be used for defecation and urine. Jars would be closed and collected in a special recycling program where the waste would be turned into fertilizer. This would even get rid of the need for sewage treatment plants.
Someone really likes his piss jars.
you could just make a built-in stool for your feet, like a squattypotty, that you could optionally use and you'd be in the same position
Not him, but I always shit squatting, just do it on top
ah i see. bill wants to teach microsofts pajeet engineer how to use toilet.
japanese toilets are best by far. i dont know why that kind of stuff didnt caught on in the west.
Seconding jap toilets, they're a godsend, especially in an airport before a 9 hour flight.
The only thing that is similar to them and is somewhat heard of in the West is the xiaomi seat, but
> The water temperature and intensity of the smart bidet can be adjusted manually with the control panel located on the right side or using a compatible smartphone.
They have managed to add botnet into a fucking toilet seat.
use archive when (((cloudflare))), moron
clear version:
An electronic bidet is one of the adorable inventions of the modern and contemporary societies.
So basically this anime became real youtube.com/watch?v=d8A1M3hD1jk
Internet connection necessary so Microsoft Turd can keep your poo data in the cloud and share it with your insurance company. SaaS. Shitting as a Service.
From vaccines to toilets in Africa (and elsewhere) what motivates Bill Gates to solve the problems of Negroes and other degenerate races who cannot solve their own problems?
Is it simply because he has been blackmailed into doing this? Or is he genuinely interested in flooding the western world with non-Whites?
I know he has always been a dick, but I can't see how someone would do that to his own race even if there exists degeneracy in your own race as well (of course.)
Depends on which population you wish to lower of course.
Exactly. Though Earth can probably sustain more billions of people it is certainly better to have fewer people (more nature, space, less waste, etc)
By the way, climate is changing and has been changing every few hundred years or so, this has zero to do with human effort but due to Solar variance (we're currently in a grand Solar minimum called the Eddy solar minimum). And it will get much cooler, not warmer.
Both his parents were into eugenics back in the 1950's and 60's;
>GATES: When I was growing up, my parents were almost involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so it's fascinating. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing. And almost treating us like adults, talking about that.
This is the mainstream climate science consensus that is generally agreed upon by the people on TV who wear comedic Halloween-costume lab coats and probably drove there in a gas-gussling sports cars
Why couldn't China and India just stop fucking breeding?
Why the fuck did they waste so much top notch action animation on this?
Please graduate highschool before posting here
If you think the climate would suddenly stop changing if people didn't exist then please seek mental help because you lack common sense
You know we're in an transitional ice age, right? Normally the earth doesn't have any glaciers. The debate is whether or not CO2 is causing this to accelerate.
Gates foundation has done a great deal to minimize malarial death in Africa. Definitely not a eugenecist, unfortunately. See
What happens if you miss your shit and it smears on the side?
Do they have a brush?
I saw this a week ago and assumed the link would 404 because it was a meme...
where did you get the idea that bill gates is a eugenicist?
Pic related.
This is actually Bill Gates doing shitposting, he just has a larger forum.
9x series was the best windows, prove me wrong.
95 was good originally. IE OS 98 was shit.
Isn't windows currently being led by a poojits right now?
This wouldn't surprise me.
They held to the shit - good - shit - good formula for a long time.
Win95 was shit but Win95 OSR2 was much better.
Is Apple next?
It was kind of comfy, and a big improvement over 3.x. But it was not a "modern" operating system like NT.
Apple was founded by a poo. Steve Jobs' biological last name was Jandali
That's not a curry, that's a kebab.
Vaccine collectors, what a concept.
FUCK OFF Bill Gates!
Quit being fucking thick, the climate has always changed AND humans are currently causing it to change, it's not a fucking difficult concept to grasp. If humans disappeared tomorrow the effect we are currently having on the climate would start to reverse. Stop being a disingenuous fuck and trying to mix up "climate change" with "climate change caused by humans" you weasel kike.
We aren't having much of an effect, if any. Most climate change is driven by solar activity.
Please shit the needful
That was debunked, actually.
Have you noticed that immigrants from poor or Asian countries tend to prefer taking off their shoes when they enter the house, whereas Americans or Europeans don't care as much?
It's because your shoes get nasty as fuck if you have to use squat toilets, especially public ones.
I'm speaking from experience.
Same thing in Japan.
That's been said but it's not true.
read a book, nigger
here's something probably too long for your attention span: xkcd.com
first day off reddit?
Profit. Gates likes to hook third-world countries on expensive solutions that need to be constantly replenished.
What's the point? That sounds like squeezing blood from a stone.
uoy kcuf
What's the story behind this picture?
a few days ago I found a person selling gift cards and I just used the one I bought and it worked! cww3ggjgpw56wter.onion
Reductio ad redditum.
Lol Microshit is real now
Basically, all the rich poos are escaping India because their country has a 50% affirmative action for imbeciles.
Also, bear in mind that those crap pajeet coders coming to the west are the very best India has to offer.
Then a lot of things become as clear as day.
With poos you lose
India will never be a developed country if they keep the caste system.
Caste systems by religion, class or race don't breed excellence, all it does is pepetuate power structures.
They will never give it up because its a result of their religious beliefs which to Indians is more important than what the government says. Basically their view is because people reincarnate if you are born into poverty then its because you were an asshole in your previous life and this life is punishment, which is why some castes are treated lower than cattle.
If mixing ensures, if the caste system is over, than the most bright and gifted of India would be outnumbered, diluted and mixed to extinction.
India would cease to be a land of disparity with some paradise islands and would become just a shithole everywhere.
Don't forget that, if the India states were separated (they have the size and population of many countries out there), the result would be the poorest countries on earth, poorer than anything Africa has to offer.
The Brahmin, with their average ~20% Aryan ancestry and High IQ are the salvation of India and without them, with these recent "communistic" class warfare and anti-brahmin movements the country would plunge into nothingness, an abyss so deep that this current bad condition would appear like a paradise lost.
Actual plebs itt not embracing the true rapture of cybernetics and eternal computational defecation elimination systems (tm) (c)
Also i have a hypothesis.
PooLoo's law.
Any discussion about toiletry will soon turn into discussion about how pajeets are filthy.
well May be westerners r too clean?? you ever think Of that? hmmm.
Westrenrs are dirty fags who dont wipe thier butts
Bill Gates hates White people, he's never given any monetary prize from any of his foundations to a single White man.
Bill, what about a recirculating bio-suit that automatically recycles and recirculates your shit in the form of a smoothie from your ass to your mouth? We've got lots of room for innovation here. We could have the entire population of India's asses connected to Azure by 2022. Just think of the food production possibilities.
I remember some old novel where they would put birth control chemicals on food sent as aid to africa
Not a bad idea, all things considered
If you put your feet on either side, then your asshole should be between your feet, and therefore centered onto the toilet, so I don't see how you could miss? Unless you do it on purpose.
MS Devs on poo-in-loo watch
Azure has great potential with future ass to mouth tehnology. Nice contribution.
squatting is the superior shitting method. It's more natural and puts less strain on your insides. Also public floor toilets are much cleaner because you don't have to actually make contact with them and they are easier to clean.
this has actually been done with vaccines. they make women infertile.
At a Japanese hostel I was super fucking impressed with how they made double-use of the water used to fill the tank. Once you shit, you turned around and a faucet located above the tank automatically turned on, and you used that water to wash your hands. Not only does that save water, it adds soap to the tank, which will clean the fucking toilet the next time it flushes.
How the fuck that has not caught on is beyond me, but holy fuck I want one.