Greetings to you, dear Zig Forums.
(1) At the beginning I apologize for this misplaced thread, my poor English skills and these inconveniences. It is not my intention to disturb you or waste your time. My main concern is to share information, not just to improve one's life, but to help the whole community.
I am just a young man with various facial deformities, who grew up in a family with alcoholism and has had mental difficulties since childhood. By this I mean mainly depression, anxiety and panic attacks, paranoid schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and, in addition, an attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. For my parents, I was a so-called problem child who is particularly difficult to raise or educate, especially due to disruptive. I was sent to various medical specialists at a young age to investigate my behavior and possibly help me in the form of medication. But none of them had a solution, except to say, "I can prescribe psychotropic drugs to your son." We refused because the side effects and risks deterred us.
Time passed, my father died of alcohol poisoning in his own bed and the psychological problems got worse every day. Add to that my terrible outward appearance (crooked, yellow teeth full of amalgam fillings, overbite, underweight, poor posture, pale, bad breath), as I have largely been fed only on processed, sugary products. In adolescence, sexuality became more and more interesting and I saw that all my friends spent time with their girlfriends. On the other hand, I was all alone and knew naked women only from pornographic films on the computer screen. That moment has shown me that I have to change something about myself / my appearance and behavior, otherwise this will be my end (suicide). Medication was not a solution for me, because these substances fight only the symptoms, but not the cause. I was aware that there are many misinformation on the Internet, but in the "real" life nobody could help. Thus I searched for all helpful tips on this topic (mental illness).
In most cases it was mentioned that one should eat healthy, drink plenty of water and move the body. We've all heard this sentence several times, but what exactly is meant by that? In my opinion, every person (even doctors, nutrition experts and professionals) has a different idea of what is healthy (vegetarian, vegan, raw food, fasting, ketogenic diet, paleo, low carb / high fat and many more). To be honest, I just wanted to look attractive for the opposite sex. My teeth were so horrible that I was looking for ways to improve the dental care.
After a while, I became aware of a dentist named Weston Andrew Valleau Price and his book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration". This man visited different cultures and found that various diseases in our western world were almost non-existent in these people. According to his research, certain foods cause these health problems, dental caries and lack of essential nutrients. Very few know that grains, nuts, seeds and legumes require a certain type of preparation (soaking, fermenting and sprouting) to reduce the anti-nutrients (phytic acid, gluten, tannins, oxalates, lectins, saponins, etc.) This knowledge has helped me to understand that my well-being and unattractive appearance (some would use the modern term "incel") are not necessarily related to "bad" genetics, but rather food intake at a young age.