I mean you’re acting real fucking butthurt over nothing.
To answer your question, she’s a reference to the Industrial Workers of the World and their “Sabotage Cat” symbol. Her name, Alunya, refers to Revolutionary Catalonia, which was governed in large part by the Anarcho-Syndicalist and Anarcho-Communist CNT/FAI. So, IWW and their One Big Union theory combined with the AnSyn and AnCom of the CNT/FAI. That’s what she represents.
Holy shit, it only took thirty responses and about ten times as much text as necessary to answer my question. Congratulations, you exceeded my expectations.
Zachary Hall
I only even responded because I got bored of your autism. Fuck off.
I'm well aware you can't meme. Apparently, you can't answer questions in a succinct manner either.
Alexander Sullivan
but the right cant meme hitler was retarded u triggered bro LOl i can feel ur trigger from half a light years ago everything i had posted is better than your shitty pepe and trump memes did i mention that trump is supports israel