Does anyone else feel extreme anger when they hear this fucking guy...

I agree, how about fascists and communists team up and hang him together?

His voice is smug and he talks like a snob, it fucks me off.

His fans are the fucking worst

Was it ~60 million that died in the World war.
Of the things off the top of my head that were put in concentration camps with the ans goal of extermination is gays, Jews, Gypsies, mentally reatarded, "mentally retarded", disabled, and the previous ones you mentioned. The allies, traitors, and ally sympathisers tend to be more humanely treated. I'm sure there was ethnic cleansing of slavs and those in the Baltic states. Alot of SS were recruited from the Baltic states and they tend to concentrate people from rival ethnicity into their camps. They probably just classified them as Jews just for the sake of it, which might be the reason why the number of Jews are somewhat exaggerated.

Anytime he loses an argument he uses tactical individualism or just denies things outright

i liked his show about mysterious cases where you had to guess which one was "real", it was just so hilariously bad

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The theme of Schindler's list is super-easy to play, yet he manages to fuck it up. Granted he's a 12 year old, but it's just funny how his fanbois use this perfomance to imply he is some sort of wonder child.

Go to any random province to China and you can find 10 year olds doing Schuberts "Unfinished" with one eye closed

How long until people admit that Schindler was a shitty person whose saving grace was being slightly nicer to his loyal work force than other bourgeoisie?

he joined ukip after it died lol

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Gets even funnier when you understand the context of the clip:
Motherfucker had the gall to say that Elliot Rodger was a victim of the matriarchy. How fucking delusional do you have to be to think that somebody as rich as Elliot was oppressed in any way?