Would it be similar to pic related?
I actually like the Ottomans, they weren't such a bad empire. I wish they could have persisted. It truly is unfortunate that the t*rks are the ones trying to represent the greatness of sultan abdulmejid and other great sultans.

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I agree. The Ottoman Empire has a pretty incredible history, and I think that Bektashi Sufism might be the most interesting branch of Islam I've encountered. I also have heritage from the Caucuses, West Asia, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe, so on a selfish personal level, I feel I can identify with it somewhat. However, I'm pretty disgusted by Erdogan, and (and I know people are split on this) I am rather sympathetic to the one big US military base in Syria. I visited Turkey not too long ago, and there's a lot of the culture that's beautiful, but my experiences with the people were very polarized - some people were really nice, but I had an unusual number of bad encounters, and I've been to and lived in much rougher parts of the world.

also note that "one big US military bas in Syria" is a filter result for that Kurdish communalist experiment that's fighting ISIS and facing attacks from Turkey right now.

is this code for another armenian genocide?

oh wow they changed the word filter

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No! That was honestly just something I said to piss Zig Forums off. I actually think the world should pay a lot more attention to the Armenian genocide, because it's obvious that the Holocaust was modeled after it. They were literally loading Armenians in cargo trains and sending them to their deaths in the Saudi desert, shooting the men. Hitler even has a quote trying to justify the Holocaust, by mentioning that "nobody talks about what happened to the Armenians," or something to that effect. I think the denial of that genocide is one of the most disgusting things about Turkish policy, and it's probably me not understanding their politics well enough, but I don't fully understand why they don't just admit to it. I also actually don't understand why Jews don't make a bigger point about it, in part because of its connection to the Holocaust, and in part because as a religious minority, I imagine that jihad probably targeted them too, albeit on a vastly smaller scale - my only guess is that Jews aren't educated about it enough. Note that the German military helped the Turks conduct that genocide, and learned from it.

So why wouldn't NATO just kill everyone?

That's certainly something to think about, but it's also an obstacle every socialist society needs to consider at this point.

Tupac Ameru Revolutionary Movement bitchass

They tried,and failed.As almost all the foquistas movements. And now Polay is in the Naval Base of Callao with Guzman and Montesinos.

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