Are you one of those freaks who thinks the near 100% eradication of down syndrome in Iceland through abortion is a bad thing?
Euthanasia Thread
I’m not sure who you’re trying to imitate there
Divine, from the movie Pink Flamingos
Downies arent necessarily suffering, and theyre not often full on retards. Its hard to say whether its particularly good or bad that women are aborting them, aside of course from the mechanistic view that they contribute comparitively little (although some do hold jobs, they aren't brain dead retards) to society, and Ithought we didnt do that whole "judge the individual by the demographic" thing over here.
No it isn't. It's good. Hope we get designer babies soon too.
Anyone who says the retarded don't suffer should be thrown in a vat of acid. I've seen enough of what happens, they sure as hell suffer and hate their lot in life unless they're so far gone they're basically vegetables.
A lot of people with Down's aren't absolutely terrible monsters even, quite a few are able to read and write and hold down jobs.
To be honest though there is no such thing as a right to life, but I'd kill the eugeno-fascists first because they're a clear and present danger and they're evil and deserve to die.
Something tells me you're gonna be in need of that Empathy if Communism ever wins lmao
Don't you think that if we start killing mega-retards and vegetables the Bureau of Involuntary Euthanasia for the Severely Mentally Ill™ would fuck up sometimes and accidentally kill someone who didn't need to be killed? I just don't like the idea of the gubbment having the authority to kill people that they deem mentally unfit to continue living.
My cousin is a downie and hes done some working and won medals for competing in sports.
My aunt doesnt mind him.
The owner of this site is also a deformed crippled midget.
How can someone hate someone whos harmless i dont even understand.