Manchu are Chinese though
Chinese are being targeted by US elites
Why are you sucking china's dick and taking their side over your own fucking country? This is something I will never understand about liberals. Taking the side of totally foreign, hostile countries and cultures over their own.
If china is so great move there and stop being a fifth column.
Nice idpol you got there.
It has no benefit to the US. The trade war, for example, is not openly and explicitly intended to leverage US economic pain against Chinese economic pain to achieve a geopolitical goal that I could not care less about. It will not "fix trade". "Moving supply lines out of China" just means moving them to India, or Vietnam or Thailand of Malaysia. The Chinese offered during the first round of trade negotiations to immediately reduce the trade deficit by increasing US imports, which was rejected because the trade negotiations were a sham.
But the fact that I get no benefit at all from the US navy being forward deployed in the south china sea has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, which is the US elite targeting innocent people for racist attacks by nationalists and fascists, who just want to beat up foreigners.
By the way I don't agree that it is hostile. It's just foreign. It's extremely far away, they speak a different language and have marginal cultural penetration, and in general even the most extraordinary events in China have no affect on your life whatsoever. China will not start a war or invade the US. It poses to military threat to the country at all and never will for the forceable future. All wars that involve China involve the US launching an attack or creating some Gulf of Tonkin style incident as a pretext for an attack.
Why on Earth should I think some dipshit like Max Boot or John Bolton or the Washington Post Editorial Board is doing the right thing for Americans. These motherfuckers are the fifth column. The should fuck off for all time.
If you don't believe me just image for a second that the United State did not invade Iraq,
If there is no Iraq War, there is no ISIS
no ISIS, no refugee crisis.
no refuge crisis, no terror attacks, no cultural marxist propaganda, pure bavarain europe etc.
Just stop trying to make everyone in the world miserable and they will just stay in their home countries and never immigrate.
Nah, fuck you and your retarded ass imperialist state owned by capitalists masquerading as American.
go to zoo.
No, all of those things would still be there. The was majority of "refugees" are not form Syria, Iraq or the Levant in general. The "refugee crisis" is a mass migration movement planned and orchestrated by oligrachs and leftist NGOs
Nice opinion you got there. Too bad it doesn't reflect reality.