Why are communists in particular such vicious, evil, sadistic people? They make Islamofascists seem merciful


Yugoslavia was never part of the USSR dumbass

The US is an advanced capitalist economy with a means to protect itself.
There'd be no need for a Stalin.
In the unlikely event that the US turned communist.
But if it does it won't be because a small group like antifa wanted it but because most of the population wanted it.

It's hardly a fringe position.

Attached: holodomor4534534.png (1080x1002, 295.18K)

Attached: 2016-06-28_151349.jpg (543x760, 151.28K)

One of them is extremely well documented and the other even paid propagandists can't get their story straight.

Attached: nice consistency.png (519x804, 246.53K)

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I have no dog in this fight but it's funny how /pol denies crimes committed by the Nazis and the people here deny crimes committed by the Soviets.

The Holocaust happened and so did the rape of German women and the man made famine in Ukraine. Denying one or the other because you support the side of the perpetrator is partisan and ridiculous.