Everybody can see how completely hypocritical and brain-dead you masochistic communist-pussies are, if you like it...

The Nazis didn't killed Jews for no reason too, they are the real imperialists who control the whole monetary system Federal Reserve. Why do you think every country that is independent of the Federal Reserve gets attacked from the USA?

He should've.

Nigger, you will be killed!

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I don't know, why do they? Could you explain yourself?

The Nazis killed and enslaved millions of white Europeans.
They also scammed German workers out of their savings through the Volkswagen scam (never delivered for most part), sold off state assets to rich industrialists, and even coined the term privatization through their policies.

National-Socialism = White-Genocide

Also look up the ruins of Warsaw or what the Nazis intended to do with places like Paris or St Petersburg

Why?! Because countries like Syria are independent from their monetary system, just like Germany back in the days…

You'd be hard pressed to get Jews to agree on anything, let alone imperialism and capitalism.

What's with this NutSac spurging and larping?

Because America is but one of the many enforcers of the interests of the western trans-national capitalist class, most of who aren't jewish. I.e. capitalism 101
Now if you actually read you would know Lenin explained this (finance capitalism, imperialists wars, etc.) over a century ago.
Fun fact: One of Lenin's first actions was to crack down upon religion - including Judaism, close down the synagogues and seize their assets.
Oh and Uncle Joe was responsible for executing scores of zionists Soviet Union also supported the Arab states in various wars with Israel

The Nazis were against religions too, not just against judaism…