Brainlet here

hey leftypol i have a question for you i am both a nationalist and a socialist does that make me a Not Socialist?

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What is your definition of socialism?

Not really, no.
Besides having some more nuanced characteristics (than being just nationalist + socialist), the Nazis simply weren't socialist.


As in: You are not a socialist. Socialism is inherently internationalist, even the socialism-in-one-country version Stalin stood for.

inb4 le open borders

If you really are socialist enough then that still wouldn't make you a Nazi - fascism =/= communism, as much as lolberts tell you otherwise

What do you mean by nationalist? What do you mean by socialist? Lots of people were both nationalists and socialists without being Nazis (Ho Chi Minh, Bobby Sands, Thomas Sankara, etc).

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.


You should define both, rightists have a very different definition of nationalism than leftists, ie. "nationalism is when you love your country bro"


Yes as in you are not socialist. As in not socialist, and not a '' socialist''''

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natįonal socialists are both anti-nationalism and anti-socialism

Okay, now define nationalism.

No, they are definitely nationalist.

they claim to be, but imperialism is literally the diametric opposition of nationalism.
they are imperialists before they are nationalists, so fundamentally anti-nationalism.

t. Dinesh D’Souza

i just love my country

Nothing wrong with that.

I’m not a fascist you retard. Nationalist movements can be left wing. Just look at Ireland and 30s Catalonia.

I’m not denying that, what I’m criticizing is the idea that imperialism and nationalism are incompatible.


Internationalism does not deny the existence of nations - it's what Neoliberalism does.

Socialism and nationalism are not opposed and are not in need of some big-brained "synthesis" like nazbol or "national sоcialism". Read Lenin and Stalin. You are allowed to like your country and take pride in its culture under socialism, and many socialist revolutions in history had a nationalistic basis. So depending on what you mean by nationalism, you might just be a socialist.

I'm pretty sure it's actually the former being a tool to carve out the latter. Or will you willingly ignore how Italian, German and Japanese nationalism started?

they are, outside of doublethink.

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do you think liberals means “everyone to the left of me” too, like reactionaries say?

Read a book, or get beaten by one.

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you’re not even worth arguing with. you clearly have never attempted to read anything in your life since we can’t agree on the proper definition of a word that predates Nazi Germany
I’m not defending fascism you fuckwit.

Nazi Germany? You think I am referring to World War 2, you cretin?

I'm talking about German, Italian and Japanese Unifications.

when else in history are those 3 countries all relevant?
I don’t know how you can call Fascist Nationalism a “unification” but whatever dude keep believing contradictory things.


You're Nazbol

just because bad guys like to abort words of all meaning it doesn’t transform the word into implicating those atrocities. I guess because of Pol Pot we should reject communism now…

But it is you who transforming the word to mean something else, you historically illiterate dipshit.


the tanky drools due to the sheer Americanness of his education.

How the fuck do you even breathe?

no. you are what we call a mofo. commonly referred to as an irish stoop.

Could you explain this further?

Nice wikipedia search

That's not nationalism

It's only acceptable if you're not an imperial power.

Theory and reality are two different things.

On paper, Nazism is both nationalist and socialist in equal measure, but in practice, it is primarily nationalist with only a vestigial amount of socialism left.

That makes you cleaver and a good socialist

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This is hot

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