Transgender people and materialism

First off gender dysphoria is a mental illness not a philosophy. If it were a philosophy it could be described both in terms of idealism and in terms of materialism. One could say they have certain parts and they want other parts so they may seek to change it best they can and hope it's enough to satisfy their desires. So many Reactionaries on this board. Reactionaryism is anti-Socialist.

Mental illness is a spook

TERFs are bigots. I also used to be one, but now I'm a modern American-style feminist. When I see a boy enjoying strawberry ice cream, I tell him he really wants to be a woman because pink is the female color. When I hear about a little girl having interest in programming, I tell her she is in the wrong body and that in the future she'll need to cut her tits off. Feminism is all about cutting tits off. And the more tits you cut off, the feminister it is.

Finally, a feminism i can get behind >:^)


Hi I'm with Cosmopolitan and I'm wondering if you'd be interested in writing a regular column full of empowering advice for young women.

Tbh a lot of female TERFs dislike trannies just cause those evil boys would enter there safe sp.ace dressed like them

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Here's the only truth. If you deny it you're a brainlet idealist.

They are materialists because they demonstrate the idealist signifiers "male" and "female" to be terms you can transition in between. Idiot right-wingers who are stuck in religious ways of thinking get triggered by this and come up with childish forms of resistance like purposefully using the wrong pronouns. These people get so spooked by gender categories that they refuse to call something female when it looks like a female, behaves like a female, and asks you to be called a female. Rather than going with their sense experience, they base their opinion on genitals, or worse, chromosomes, they will never see or interact with. To them, this is a more important truth of gender than the things we interact with in everyday life. It is idealism in its purest form.

Transgender people may still be idealist, because they feel a need to correspond to one gender rather than another. They could be attaching deeper signification to the categories than is materially there. However, they could equally well be transitioning because they prefer the material mode of life of the other gender over their own, in which case this accusation is unfounded.

And that's a valid reason for them to hate TERFs.

I mean, hate trannies, fuck.

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